Tuesday, August 18, 2009
What Went Wrong? Piling up debt, gaffes, and hypocrisy, Obama & Co. are sinking.
Victor Davis Hanson "There is foreboding that while apologies abroad are nice in the short term, they will soon earn a reckoning. And while the productive classes pay more of their income, and while government grows and entitlement expands, there is a sense that what follows will not be thanks for either taxes paid or benefits received, but even more anger that neither is enough and that much more is owed."
GM Plans a Compact for $4,000
Business Management "GM's move, meanwhile, will place their proposed vehicle into the rankings as the second cheapest low-cost car available in Asia, a commendable move given that two-thirds of GM sales were already outside North America in the first half of the year."
George W. Bush-by-proxy syndrome
Does this sound familiar? "Rule 12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it and polarize it. Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions ..." Hat tip to Neal Boortz Boortz.com
Climate bill would bloat federal agencies
Washington Times "The House-passed climate change bill, if enacted, would expand the federal government so much that it would take billions of dollars and thousands of new employees to implement."
Change-up: White House sent unsolicited e-mails
Breitbart "Weeks ago, White House officials asked the public to share critics' e-mails so they could fight back and correct misconceptions about Obama's health care overhaul. Because those e-mails are official correspondence with the White House, they must be preserved—unaltered—for decades and eventually released to the public through the National Archives. "
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