Monday, August 22, 2011

The cartoonists on Martha's Vineyard

The Obama jobs plan cometh soon

Neal Boortz: Laying the path for Obama's job "plan"  "Nothing that people shouldn’t be able to agree on? Just guessing – but let’s see:
•Strengthen unions.
•Government infrastructure work for only union contractors.
•Tax increases. Oops --- I mean “revenues”
•Reform patent laws. This is a biggie!
•No roll-back of the massive number of new government regulations under Obama. More than 379 new government regulations were added to the mix in July ALONE.
•Continue the fight against Boeing for daring to locate a manufacturing facility in a non-forced union state to warn other businesses that they had better not try a similar stunt.
•Continue to sit on the new trade agreements with Columbia, Panama and South Korea so that congress cannot act on them. Unions don’t like these agreements.
•Extend unemployment benefits because they create so many jobs.
"Oh yeah. There’s absolutely nothing there that reasonable people could disagree with, right? What we need to remember is that the people who put this dangerous hack into office were NOT reasonable people."
I'm sure Mr. Boortz means that in a nice way.  He adds this.

Is Obama's "specific" plan now just an outline?  "The president is going to outline a short-term plan to accelerate the economy," Axelrod said on ABC's This Week, "in the face of the hits we've taken, because of the Arab Spring and oil prices, because of the Japanese earthquake, because of Europe that have slowed down economic growth.
"On Meet the Press, Gibbs used similar language, "The president is going to outline some ideas, the president has outlined ideas every day he's been in the White House." " Philip Klein

Meanwhile, heres My Plan: the job will again fall on the Republican-led Congress and Obama will demagogue their proposals. The press will amplify that and public opinion will harden against the right and Obama will show more positive than Congress.
 But, hey; that's just my opinion.

Keep this in mind when Obama proposes "green" jobs, as you know he will:  Surprise! Green Jobs Not Actually Helping Employment Figures  " "Of course, we want to be a part of the new innovation and the green jobs," Rep. Maxine Waters said on MSNBC Thursday. "But you know, the green jobs have been about a lot of talk and not a lot has been happening on that." A few hours later, also on MSNBC, Waters said flatly: "All of this talk about the green jobs never materialized." "

Wall Street looks to the White House to inspire confidence after wild week  "“The president needs to come out and put a stake in the ground and say ‘This is where I stand,’” he said. “That would be the biggest thing he could do, and quite frankly, I don’t know why he hasn’t done it already.”
"It looks as if the president will take a step in this direction in September, when he rolls out a brand new plan to reduce the deficit, which will also offer several stimulus measures and tax breaks intended to get the economy moving again."

Why Hasn’t the Economic Recovery that Obama Promised Happened?  "Now, class, why did the 2008 economic collapse happen? You there, waving your teleprompter: Mr. Obama: what say you? George Bush? Wrong answer.
"I’ve been over this before. Review an earlier reading assignment: “Who caused the global economic crisis (Hint: it Wasn’t George W. Bush“). Here’s the formula:"....Read on.
Roger Kimball

Perfectly Timed Friday Afternoon Obamacare Waiver Dump

Verum Serum  "Ever since the waivers became a news item the administration has been working hard to downplay them. First they changed the website where the new waivers were announced, with no announcement or link to the new site. Now they’ve started waiting until Friday afternoons to release the latest figures:" 
The Obama administration granted another 106 waivers last month from part of the healthcare reform law — the first round of three-year waivers the Health and Human Services Department has approved.
The new approvals bring the total number of waivers to 1,472, according to HHS.
What is a Friday document dump?  "At the Clinton White House, Mr. Fabiani's preference was to release potentially damaging information right before the weekend. "My friends in the media used to call them Fabiani Fridays. … You had hard-copies of stuff. You'd put them all in a room," he said. "We would say to people, ‘Here are six stacks. You go on through them.' "

Just as he promised, Obama has fundamentally transformed America..

Wall Street Journal  "One of the Obama administration's central (and most damaging) beliefs is that tax rates must be raised for what President Obama calls "millionaires and billionaires," which he defines to include individuals and small businesses making as little as $200,000. Interestingly, Christina Romer, who was chairman of Mr. Obama's Council of Economic Advisors, has done some research on the impact of tax increases, and concluded that increasing taxes by 1% of GDP for deficit-reduction purposes leads to a 3% reduction in GDP."  Emphasis added.

DeMint: No American President More Anti-Business Than Obama (video) 
"Jim DeMint says Obama is the worst offender when it comes to promoting American business."
Via Boortz
The Obama Promise