Thomas Sowell
"We are now in a kind of political no-man's-land between an administration on its way out and a new
administration taking shape. Predictions are always risky and nowhere more so than in times like
"What we can do, however, is assess where we are, and what some of the opportunities and dangers
"The opportunities are many, which is to say that many things are in desperate need of changing,
beginning with rebuilding our dangerously neglected and undermined military forces. The
monstrosity of ObamaCare needs to be gotten rid of, not just cosmetically adjusted.
"Our fundamental freedoms under the Constitution are at stake in the choice of the next nominee to
become a Justice of the closely divided Supreme Court. We need someone with both the depth and
the strength to resist the pressures and the temptations that have seduced too many supposedly
"conservative" justices, over the years, into betraying Constitutional principles. " . . .