Friday, October 5, 2012

Krauthammer on the debate: Romney by two touchdowns

Charles Krauthammer    "With a remarkable display of confidence, knowledge and nerve, Mitt Romney won the first 2012 debate going away.

""Romney didn’t just demonstrate authoritative command of a myriad of domestic issues. He was nervy about it, taking the president on frontally, not just relentlessly attacking, but answering every charge leveled against him — with a three-point rebuttal."....
.Political Cartoons by Chip Bok

"On the other hand, Obama just isn’t that good. Not without a teleprompter. He’s not even that good at news conferences — a venue in which he’s still in charge, choosing among questioners and controlling the timing of his own answers. 
"By the end of the debate, Obama looked small, uncertain. It was Romney who had the presidential look."

Cartoonists respond to the debate

Where’s that Teleprompter When You Need It?   "The “yowza boss” attitude of the White House press corps is not conducive to making one fast on his feet.  Nor is becoming an alternate cast member of ‘The View.’ Maybe his schedule for the day read “9PM: slo–jamming the debate with your PBS homies,” because he was woefully unprepared."