Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Liberal activists want no part of a Chelsea Clinton candidacy

Legal Insurrection

"While the media obsesses over the Trump White House day after day, they are largely neglecting to report that a battle is still raging for the soul of the Democratic Party.
"Chelsea Clinton is gearing up for her turn at bat, but the progressive wing of the party isn’t interested.

"The Washington Times reports:
‘Never Chelsea’ movement grows among liberal activists 

They weren’t ready for Hillary, and now they’re definitely not ready for her daughter, Chelsea Clinton.   . . .  

. . . If the candidates running for chair of the DNC are any indication, the Bernie Sanders/Elizabeth Warren wing is about to assume control of the party. The establishment wing however, isn’t going away quietly.

Report: Former Obama officials leaked to take down Flynn because he wanted to expose the Iran deal

Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel

Hot Air  "I get the first part of this story, not so much the second. The bit about Obama alumni targeting Flynn? Highly plausible if not likely. Flynn was a harsh Obama critic ever since O fired him from his position as DIA, and Flynn more than anyone else in the administration seemed prepared to guide Trump towards detente with the same Putin regime that had tried to sink Democrats’ chances during the campaign with the DNC and Podesta hackings. Flynn is also famously an Iran hawk, something which the Obama administration was, er, not. Did Team O have the means and motives to take down a man they despised? You betcha."
. . .
"I’m not even sure it qualifies as a “secret” that Obama appointees were trying to take down Flynn. Last night’s WaPo bombshell about the DOJ warning Trump in January about what Flynn said to the Russian ambassador is littered with Obama administration names in the key details. It was Sally Yates, the acting Attorney General who ended up being fired when she wouldn’t enforce Trump’s travel ban, who took the information about the call to the White House. It was James Clapper and John Brennan who reportedly decided that Flynn’s sanctions talk with the ambassador — which was by all accounts ambiguous — was so grave that Trump needed to know, for fear of potential Russian blackmail. It also stands to reason that Obama guys down the chain would be the bureaucrats most invested in protecting the foreign policy status quo of the last eight years from the one guy in the new intelligence hierarchy who most threatened that status quo."Image result for obama giving finger pictures

Surprise: At the End, Obama Administration Gave NSA Broad New Powers
This spiteful, vindictive man was happy to wall off aged veterans from visiting open-air war memorials and block viewpoints on open highways with the order to make the government shutdown "hurt". Naturally he will try to make his successor in the While House fail.
"The new rules significantly relax longstanding limits on what the N.S.A. may do with the information gathered by its most powerful surveillance operations, which are largely unregulated by American wiretapping laws. These include collecting satellite transmissions, phone calls and emails that cross network switches abroad, and messages between people abroad that cross domestic network switches." . . .

America's spies anonymously took down Michael Flynn. That is deeply worrying.

. . . Members of the unelected, unaccountable intelligence community are not the right someone, especially when they target a senior aide to the president by leaking anonymously to newspapers the content of classified phone intercepts, where the unverified, unsubstantiated information can inflict politically fatal damage almost instantaneously." . . .

Trump Needs To Either Shutdown the Pro-Obama Leakers Or He Needs To Resign

Political Cartoons by Steve Breen

RedState  "Color me a more than a little dubious about the motivation for bringing Flynn down. There are enough people hostile to the Iran deal in the NSC that if they wanted to leak the scope of the US surrender to the Mullahs they would have done so by now. Having said that, I have no doubt that Kredo is right in linking Ben Rhodes’s merry platoon of Obama fellatistos to the operation. The leaks on Trump’s calls to foreign leaders can only have come from within the so-called (haha) professional staff of the National Security Council. The “former” intelligence officials quoted by the Washington post were almost certainly Obama hired staffers who lost their jobs on January 20.". . .

Israel's Ambassador Danon interrupted by protesters at Columbia University

Israel's Ambassador Danon interrupted by protesters at Columbia University . . . "Israel's ambassador to the U.N., Danny Danon, spoke to a crowd of 300 at Columbia University Monday night, hosted by the Columbia University chapter of Students Supporting Israel.  A large anti-Israel crowd outside Lerner Hall protested the event.

"The groups Students for Justice in Palestine, Jewish Voice for Peace, Columbia University Apartheid Divest, Barnard Columbia Socialists, and Columbia Against Trump coordinated the protest on the Facebook page "Racists Not Welcome: Protest the Israeli Ambassador at Columbia."  Reasons given to protest Danon included his desire to "annex the West Bank" and his "abandoning even the pretence [sic] of the 'two-state solution.'"  They also accused Danon of being "a cheerleader for Trump and the Republican fight" and alleged that "from racist walls to repressive border policing, Trump copies Israel."  And that "Danon is the official representative of a state born, like America, through savage ethnic cleansing" and that "his is a state that has besieged and bombed the Palestinian people since its inception.' " 

Wait just a minute! 
Just who is the apartheid group here?
"Experts: Over 200 US-approved textbooks teach Palestinians to kill Jews

"The violent curriculum can be found in 240 books – ranging from civics to mathematics – in over 400 UNRWA schools in the West Bank, Gaza and east Jerusalem, experts say."
. . .

"Indeed, among the myriad of examples presented from the books, one is a math word problem asking students to use variables, including the number of Jews killed during the first and second intifadas.

"Another was the following excerpt from a poem:
Hearing [weapons] clash is pleasant to my ear
And the flow of blood gladdens my soul
As well as a body thrown upon the ground
Skirmished over by the desert predator
By your life! This is the death of men
And whoever asks for a noble death – this is it!”

“ .We have copies of the books and went through them, and what’s happening is very clear."

When the Jews of Israel are at last murdered or driven into the sea, will these leftist students then demonstrate for them? TD

Two Arab Terrorists Confess to Fogel Massacre - without Regret  . . . "The teenage terrorists, who are members of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), were assisted by at least six others, four of them from Awad’s family.

"The massacre of the Fogels took place at night on Friday night (Sabbath), March 11. The terrorists climbed over the fence surrounding Itamar, a Samaria community, and entered the Fogel family's home. They stabbed to death Rabbi Ehud (Udi) Fogel, his wife Ruth, 11-year-old Yoav, four-year-old Elad and three-month-old Hadas.

"The terrorists not only expressed no regret for the brutal stabbings of their parents, the baby, and two other young children, but they also said they would have killed two other children, Roi, 8, and Shai, 2  if they had known they were in another room. The sixth child, Tamar, was out of the house at the time of the murders and discovered the shocking scene when she returned home." . . .

Washington Is Out to Get Steve Bannon  . . . "Reporters and pundits are also stepping up the effort to portray Bannon as the puppet master in the White House. Last week, MSNBC’s Morning Joe co-host Mika Brzezinski said, “Legitimate media are getting word that Steve Bannon is the last guy in the room, in the evening especially, and he’s pulling the strings.” Her co-host, Joe Scarborough, agreed that Bannon’s role should be “investigated.”
     "I’m all for figuring out who the powers behind the curtain are in the White House, but we saw precious little interest in that during the Obama administration." . . .

Flynn's Son Condemns 'Disinformation' Campaign Against His Father   . . . "Following Flynn's exit, Democrats are demanding an investigation into his relationship with the Russians."

David Gregory tries to do to Trump what he did often to George W.

Surprise: Obama joins the attack on Trump's presidency . . . "He is actively engaged to oppose the policies of President Trump.  The civility during the inauguration was all for show. 

"There is a political civil war in progress.  The Opposition Party of the Democrats/MSM does not accept Trump as the legitimate president.  It opposes  his Cabinet appointees on party lines and criticizes every move he makes.  Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer has announced that the Democrats will oppose Supreme Court nominee Gorsuch by demanding sixty (60) votes to confirm.

"The Hollywood/Entertainment wing of the Opposition Party viciously attacks Trump as Nazi, as Hitler, at every opportunity. " . . .