Monday, October 19, 2009

Defending the invincible

Hot Air "The events of the past week were about more than simply thwarting Limbaugh’s desire to buy into a football team. There was the naked greed of parasites like Al Sharpton, desperate to maintain his relevance in a world that has wisely stripped him of the power to destroy a man’s life with a phony rape allegation, or launch murderous riots. There was the blind personal hatred of Limbaugh..."

Political Cartoons by Glenn Foden

Future Prospects for Economic Liberty

By Dr. Walter Williams; Imprimus "To see the extent to which liberty is yielding and government is gaining ground, one need simply look at what has happened to taxes and spending. A tax, of course, represents a government claim on private property. Every tax confiscates private property that could otherwise be freely spent or freely invested. At the same time, every additional dollar of government spending demands another tax dollar, whether now or in the future."

Obama’s Theorems/ The people don’t believe any more.

by Victor Davis Hanson "...And if General Petraeus was right about the surge in Iraq, and candidate Obama, who wanted to clear the country of American combat forces by March 2008, was quite wrong (“the surge is not working”), then why would we assume that Petraeus is now wrong on Afghanistan and Obama right? After all, the former has been proven wise and consistent, and the latter wrong in the past and erratic in the present."

The Power of the Plaintiffs’ Bar

By Edwin Meese III & Hans A. von Spakovsky= h/t to NRO "Why Democrats are avoiding medical-malpractice reform at all costs." Also here: Heritage "The Trial Lawyers' Earmark: Using Medicare to Finance the Lifestyles of the Rich and Infamous"

Racism – If Wishing Made It So

By Roger L Simon "...In fact, being a racist has become genuinely creepy, like having a form of extreme social halitosis that makes you a pariah. Most people recoil from racists. Don’t believe me? Ask yourself this question: When was the last time you heard someone sound like a genuine racist in private conversation? And what was your reaction...?"...."The root of this “wish” for people like Al Sharpton – who has a “business interest” in the preservation of racism or, more exactly, the preservation of the illusion of racism – is obvious."

Mike Adams: "Environmental Swine"

Townhall "But the solution begins with a call for the White House to take the lead on reversing federally mandated use of corn to produce ethanol fuel. Imagine how many jobs we could save if we turned away from ethanol mandates and towards drilling in ANWR. "

The War in Afghanistan: Why Britain, America, and NATO Must Fight to Win

Heritage "It is an unavoidable fact that we are in Afghanistan out of necessity, not choice. Were we to lose and be forced out of Afghanistan against our will, it would be a shot in the arm for every jihadist globally; would send out the signal that we did not have the moral fortitude to see through what we believe to be a national security emergency; and would suggest that NATO, in its first great challenge since the end of the Cold War, did not have what it takes to see a difficult challenge through."

US condemns suicide bombing attack on Iran's Revolutionary Guards

Thomas Lifson AT "No, this is not satire from The Onion. If only it were, we could laugh instead of cry."

The Obama Way: Eliminate Competition of Ideas

Aaron Gee , AT "The administration, in conjunction with Democrats in Congress, have worked to keep Republican sponsored ideas and legislation off from the floor of both the House and the Senate and out of the headlines. Obama and the Democrats have steadfastly refused to seriously address ideas like tort reform even though such measures lowered costs in Texas and increased the number of doctors practicing in that state. "

Destruction Of Healthcare Delivery System Underway

The Bulletin "If you want to understand why Aetna, Independence Blue Cross (Keystone), and other insurance companies are dropping some, though not all, of their Medicare Advantage policies, you have to understand the way these plans have been tainted by President Obama and the Democratic proposals for Obamacare in its various forms." Also: Harry Reid's disingenuousness on health care reform: "The Senate Majority Leader is pulling out all the stops to get health care reform passed. And the way he is trying to do it is just plain dishonesty."

All-male college cracks down on cross-dressing  "Bynum said the policy comes from the vision of the college's president, who wants the institution to create leaders like notable graduates Martin Luther King Jr., actor Samuel Jackson and film director Spike Lee. Senior Cameron Titus applauds the change.  "The policy is just saying that you have to show more respect in how you dress and there are things that are just not acceptable at Morehouse," Titus said. "We have a legacy that we are trying to uphold.""

Is Obama a fool? Yes, if one gives him the benefit of the doubt

Powerline "I reported, based on sources in Russia, that the Russians were amused by Obama's high living while in Moscow and delighted by his willingness, and even eagerness, to make concessions. When I wrote "Part One," I already had Part Two in mind. There, I would discuss how the Russians apparently now have stiffed Obama by refusing to support sanctions against Iran."

Nationwide Rallies: Marching Against the Media

Atlas Shrugs "There is a little known movement afoot that gives me great hope. Folks across the country have taken to the streets to protest the corrupt and biased activist media. It's about time. Media malfeasance has been criminal. They have destroyed this country in their messiah worshiping coverage of the enemy in the White House. ..." Also this: "White House boasts: We 'control' news media"

Now We Know Why He Passed on the Dalai Lama

By Victor Davis Hanson, NRO= "So where do all these people, so intimate with our president (Dunn is the wife of his personal lawyer), come from? A right-wing attack machine could not make up such statements as those tossed off by a Dunn or a Van Jones. There seems to be neither a moral compass nor even a casual knowledge of history in this administration."

Rove: Obama building an enemies list

Hot Air "In this clip, Rove — who knows a thing or two about being in a beleaguered White House — answers Terry McAuliffe’s defense of Barack Obama that a little demonization is perfectly acceptable in order to get health reform passed:"