Thursday, February 23, 2012

Palin: When does Karzai apologize for one of his troops killing two of our soldiers over the Koran-burning?

Hot Air  "Good question. I wonder which tack the inevitable sneering reply from her critics will take. Will it be that Afghans are perfectly entitled to value a copy of the Koran over the lives of two allied soldiers because that’s their culture, QED? Or will it be that, as occupiers, we deserve every bad thing that’s coming to us without apology, even by the guy whom we’ve been propping up for 10 years?"
...."Another good question: At what point do the endless groveling apologies become counterproductive?"

The Wednesday's Republican debate

Legal Insurrection: Romney’s “hollow and dispiriting” win last night  "I posted last night and again this morning that Rick Santorum had a terrible debate.

"But it’s fair also to point out that many of the shots Romney scored on Santorum were cheap shots, as pointed out by George  Neumayr at The American Spectator"...

Rick Moran: More of the same at AZ GOP debate   "Even GOP voters are tired of the nastiness, the exaggeration, the low blow, and the unwarranted attacks. At some point, the people simply tune out what they don't like about politics and either sit out the election or vote for the other guy. Whoever wins is going to have a hard time pivoting in a believable way to a more positive message and an all out assault on Obama."
Romney hits Santorum on 'take one for team'

CNN Caught Influencing Debate on Obama’s Behalf  "Faced with a weak economy and an unpopular health care program he’ll be fored to defend, Barack Obama and David Axelrod would like nothing better than to change the subject in 2012 to social issues. Sadly, CNN proved themselves more than willing to step up and do some early framing for them in that regard."

We will have more on this as the day unfolds.

There you go again; Obama places blame on others once more

Rick Moran: Obama blames Republicans for pipeline decision  "The price of a gallon of gas could be well over $4 by late April. And depending on events in the Middle East, they could go much higher than that. That's when the real questions by voters will begin. And the GOP better have some good answers to take advantage of it.
"With his moratorium on drilling in the Arctic, the Gulf, off the East Coast, and just about anywhere else, the president is reaping what his policies have sown since 2009. Domestic oil production has increased in spite of his policies, largely due to new technologies - including fracking - that his base is agitating for him to eliminate.
"He doesn't have a political leg to stand on. But he will seek to shift blame to the GOP anyway."

Watch for Senate Democrats to call oil company people in to rake them over the coals again.
Neal Boortz: Gas hypocrisy "Jay Carney went on to brag that domestic oil production is at a record high right now.  That’s complete horsesqueeze, and here’s why.  The fact is that oil production is at a record despite Obama, not because of Obama.  Let me remind you of a few things."
  • Under the Obama administration, 2010 had the lowest number of onshore leases issued since 1984., 8/2011: As Failures Grow, Obama Blames Others  "It seems all this president knows how to do is talk eloquently about problems or demagogue opponents. When he's not giving speeches, he's demagoguing. When he's not demagoguing, he's giving speeches. He doesn't know how to get much of anything done for the good of the country."

Gateway Pundit: Good Grief. Now Obama Blames the Founding Fathers For His Failures  "Barack Obama tried a new tactic this morning. Instead of blaming George W. Bush he blamed the Founding Fathers for his failures.  It’s their fault."

How's Obama's lowering of the oceans going?

Rick Moran:  Competitor of LightSquared run out of business by Obama administration  "Unfortunately for GlobalStar, circumstances beyond their control forced them to miss the deadline and that's when the FCC, the Department of Agriculture, and the White House all began to maneuver GlobalStar into bankruptcy.
"It is a complicated story so read the entire article at the [Daily Caller]. Crony capitalism at its most blatant."
World Magazine: Gone With the Wind   "The 3,200-watts of solar photovoltaic panels provide one-third of the electricity that Bryce's family consumes, slightly reducing his monthly power bill. But the panels aren't without problems: The start-up costs were high, the inverter has already broken once, and the panels require regular cleaning.
"Bryce quickly wondered if the panels were worth the investment, and he soon realized that the limits of solar power for his Texas home extended to the rest of the country: Solar power won't run America anytime soon. Neither will wind power."
Michelle Malkin: The high priests of eco-destruction   "People of faith aren’t what’s bedeviling America. Blame the high voodoo priests of eco-destruction in Washington who have imposed a green theocracy on us all. Science be damned."  She comments:
 Water wars and the Delta smelt. The infamous, endangered three-inch fish and its environmental protectors continue to jeopardize the water supply of more than 25 million Californians. Federal restrictions have cut off some 81 billion gallons of water to farmers and consumers in Central and Southern California.....
While Salazar manufactures a new biological opinion on the matter to get the courts off his back, unemployment and drought plague the Central Valley. And the White House stands by its “scientists.”
Meanwhile a drive up Interstate 5 in California shows a chain of signs in barren fields proclaiming "Government-Created Dust Bowl" 

Water wars and the Delta smelt. The infamous, endangered three-inch fish and its environmental protectors continue to jeopardize the water supply of more than 25 million Californians. Federal restrictions have cut off some 81 billion gallons of water to farmers and consumers in Central and Southern California. 
..."While Salazar manufactures a new biological opinion on the matter to get the courts off his back, unemployment and drought plague the Central Valley. And the White House stands by its “scientists.”
Mother Jones blames it on global, er, climate change  and CBS blames the drought.

Judge Wanger Issues Injunction Against Federal Delta Smelt Plan in 2009. We can see how that battle came out.

BBC: A storm brews over food, water and power  "Environmentalists say the smelt is essential to the food chain, and that a decline in smelt populations has led to falling numbers of bigger predator fish like salmon and bass.
"Late last year, the US government's Fish and Wildlife Service argued that pumping water out of the delta harmed the smelt.
"A federal judge ruled water supplies to Central Valley farms should be reduced, in order to protect the fish."

As the Tunnel Dweller has previously noted, this is not your father's Democrat Party.