Friday, June 2, 2017

Ethics Verdict: Hillary Clinton Is The Worst Loser In US Presidential History (PART II)

Ethics Alarms    You read PART I here.

. . . "Nonetheless, she is throwing around alternative facts like confetti. The news media was biased against her. “Voter suppression” cost her Wisconsin. My personal favorite was when she gave the cheering, indoctrinated Wellesley fems the alternative history that Richard Nixon was impeached. No, Hillary, your husband was impeached. Nixon had the requisite respect for the office to resign.
. . . 
"Being a bad loser isn’t just bad sportsmanship. It is disrespectful, unfair, irresponsible and constitutes a Golden Rule breach; it is ungracious, petty and mean. For a defeated Presidential candidate, however, it is far worse, Clinton’s brand of blame-casting and accusations undermines public trust, weakens our institutions and divides the public, society and the country, Clinton’s supporters look to her for guidance regarding how to act, and she is guiding them unethically, to behave unethically.
"It is true that President trump is also, by far, the worst winner our Presidential history has ever seen. He has gloated and preened and crowed, in part because he is wounded that the news media has not given him what he believes should be proper credit for his amazing upset. A poor winner, however only hurts himself. Clinton is harming the country to spare herself the pain of accepting accountability for her own defeat."

Boo Hoo, Kathy “ISIS” Griffin Plays Victim During Presser While Promising to Attack Trump

Saving the Republic  "Well at last Kathy Griffin held a presser today with, Gloria Allred’s offspring, Lisa Bloom over how she is the victim after her ISIS beheading style Trump photo shoot. Yes America that’s right the wrongdoer, the person who crossed the line in all of this is apparently the victim. She is so distraught from this PREMEDITATED PR stunt (more on that in a second) she said“I don’t think I will have a career after this. I’m going to be honest, he [Trump] broke me.”
"Griffin is even promising to attack Trump more, which means more hell coming her way. Also take note all the shots she takes at white people, what’s that all about?
"Boo hoo Kathy, ya know what? We’re GLAD you won’t have a career after this and have been broken. That said, please spare the crocodile tears seeing that you planned all of this out you lying fraud!" . . .

On the Paris Climate Accord

Trump Steps on the Paris Agreement, Stands for Sovereignty  . . . The economic facts would have been enough to justify our withdrawal from the Agreement.  Nevertheless, the defining moment was when Trump said (my italics):
There are serious legal and constitutional issues as well.  Foreign leaders in Europe, Asia, and across the world, should not have more to say with respect to the U.S. economy than our own citizens and their elected representatives, thus, our withdrawal from the agreement represents a reassertion of America's sovereignty. Our constitution is unique among all nations of the world. And it is my highest obligation and greatest honor to protect it. And I will[.] ... It would once have been unthinkable that an international agreement could prevent the United States from conducting its own domestic economic affairs, but this is the new reality we face if we do not leave the agreement or if we do not negotiate a far better deal."
An avalanche of pullouts from the Paris Climate Agreement?   "The screeching brouhaha over President Trump's decision to pull out of the Paris Climate Agreement could, at first glance, be called a global episode of Trump Derangement Syndrome. But with the intensity of the rage, it seems to be more than that. Former United Nations has-been and ex-President of Ireland Mary Robinson called the U.S. a 'rogue state.' France's President Emmanuel Macron offered 'refuge' to America's climate scientists, as if these people were actually in danger of losing tenure or maybe a grant, not to mention an imaginary knock on the door at midnight. Former Obama 'mind meld' Ben Rhodes calls it 'moral wreckage' adding: 'The rest of the world will watch in horror.' Billionaire greenie Tom Steyer calls Trump's act 'a traitorous act of war.'

"We know they've gone off the deep end." . . .

Paris: Trump Blocks First of Obama's 'Three Authoritarianisms' . . . "All three of these "authoritarianisms" were entirely ex-Constitutional.  The first two were in essence treaties on which Congress (and by extension the American people) never got to vote or, for that matter, discuss in any serious way.  The Paris accord probably would have failed. As for the Iran deal, we still don't know the full contents and therefore debating it is somewhat moot. We have, however, seen its consequences -- corpses littered all across Syria, not to mention untold millions of refugees.

"Admittedly, too, the third of "Three Authoritarianisms" is still, shall we say, occluded.  We don't know the extent of this surveillance and may never. But this too is typical authoritarian behavior."

A severed head is a sign of spreading Trump Derangement Syndrome

Hillary Clinton let it rip onstage at a tech conference in California Tuesday where she refused to take any blame for her election loss to Trump in November. She’s clearly still on the warpath. Hillary Clinton just posted a photo online of her holding up the severed head of her campaign pollster. Comedian Argus Hamilton
Washington Times  . . . "After nearly 24 hours of public outcry, CNN finally cut ties with Ms. Griffin, who co-hosts their painfully awkward annual New Year’s Eve telecast.

"Outrageous language has been escalating for weeks. What began with a sexually explicit and vulgar on-air “joke” by CBS late night host Stephen Colbert led to Ms. Griffin’s provocative outburst. Each unbelievable lashing out aims to outdo its predecessor.
"I would hope all sane Americans can agree that Kathy Griffin’s despicable act was indefensible.
"Mr. Trump revealed on social media that the image upset his young son Barron, as it must have also bothered the young children of the president’s older children. Ms. Griffin thought she was being funny, which her career has shown is never the case. But more than that, she intended to galvanize the angry Left, which has consistently targeted, delegitimized and attacked this president in ways this country has never seen.
"Conservatives were deeply troubled by President Obama’s march toward European-style socialism, with big-government policies, unconstitutional actions and stifling regulations. But I don’t recall images of his severed head being shared by celebrities." . . .

More on the heroine of Hollywood

"One other big question is whether Griffin will mention what others have gotten away with, such as the picturing of George W. Bush’s head on a pike in Game of Thrones:  I certainly hope she does, and the nation has a conversation about the media's treatment of the POTUS and his family."   Thomas Lifson
Political Cartoons by Henry Payne

Kathy Griffin Gets Her Comeuppance  "How could Kathy Griffin think she didn't cross a line with her Islamic State group­beheads­thepresident imitation? In a sense, her ignorance is understandable. Since Donald Trump was elected, there have been no lines to cross. Anything ... everything ... has been acceptable. The challenge has been not to temper the outrage but to push its limits. It was "art," she claimed at first. 
    "Despite taping a video apology, she was dumped by CNN, which had promoted this "comedian" for 10 years as New Year's Eve entertainment in Times Square alongside Anderson Cooper. It tells you everything you need to know about CNN that, up to this point, it had found her antics acceptable. 
    "CNN started putting her on air in 2007 after her award­ acceptance rant at the Creative Arts Emmys during which she told Jesus Christ to "suck it." She cracked: "A lot of people come up here and thank Jesus for this award. I want you to know that no one had less to do with this award than Jesus." 
    "Griffin has long used smears on conservatives and Republicans to boost her career. In 2010, she caused CNN stars John King and Dana Bash to laugh nervously as she described Sen. Scott Brown's teenage daughters as "prostitutes.' "  . . . 
Followed by outrage which she savored.

Franken To Griffin: On Second Thought, It's Best If You Just Skip My Book Event
Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) was supposed to have Griffin attend one of his book tour events in July. At first, he said the gig was still on, but later decided that it would be best of the comedian just didn’t show up (via Politico)
Kathy Griffin claims she is victim of ‘bullying’   . . . "One other big question is whether Griffin will mention what others have gotten away with, such as the picturing of George W. Bush’s head on a pike in Game of Thrones:

 Targeting Trump – Kathy Griffin in 2016: “my edge is that I’ll go direct for Barron.”…  "Against the backdrop of Kathy Griffin producing a video where she decapitated President Donald Trump; and yesterday hiring attorney Lisa Bloom to conduct a press conference scheduled for today, it is worth noting an interview Ms. Griffin gave to Vulture Media at the Equality Now Gala in December of 2016:

[…] “So I’m happy to deliver beat down to Donald Trump — and also to Barron. You know a lot of comics are going to go hard for Donald, my edge is that I’ll go direct for Barron. I’m going to get in ahead of the game.”  (link)

Washington Post Reporter Called A White Nationalist

Related image

Mike Adams  "Washington Post reporter Cleve Wootson was recently given the responsibility of reporting on a lawsuit in which I am involved. The story he was assigned to write is actually quite simple. A California university unconstitutionally denied a student group’s request for funding to host a conservative speaker (me) on their campus. The decision to deny funding was a blatant case of viewpoint discrimination that is supported by a mountain of evidence. Thus, Wootson had an easy story to write if he simply stuck to the facts. Instead, his article wound up being a masterpiece of bad journalism. 

"Wootson begins his article with an image of campus violence that is totally unrelated to the group that invited me to speak. He then provides a list of “white nationalists” who have recently spoken on other campuses. He continues his journalistic hit piece by characterizing Charles Murray as a person who "has been called a white nationalist" – because, of course, anonymous accusations define the man. Only after sufficiently poisoning the well does Wootson get around to mentioning the point of the article. 

"It’s hard to miss what Wootson is doing here. He wants to link the plaintiffs in the California case to violence. Then, he seeks to link them to white nationalism in a case that has nothing to do with race. But the worst part of the article is probably his suggestion that Charles Murray is a racist, which is based solely on an anonymous accusation of adherence to “white nationalism.” Here is a newsflash for Cleve Wootson: Cleve Wootson has also been called a white nationalist! " . . .

The Complete (And Ever Expanding) List Of Hillary's Excuses For Election Loss

Former United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton speaks onstage during the SeriousFun Children's Network Gala at Pier 60 on May 23, 2017 in New York City.

"Two-time failed presidential hopefully Hillary Clinton has blamed everything and everyone other than the old lady looking back at her in the mirror for her 2016 presidential election loss. The politically irrelevant former politician began whining and complaining about her stunning loss to Donald Trump soon after Election Day, and shows no signs of letting up.
"Here's a full list of all the people, organizations, government entities, and abstract concepts Hillary Clinton has blamed for her loss thus far: 
1. Former FBI Director James Comey​2. Sexism
3. The electoral system
4. WikiLeaks5. "Minions"6. Right-wing media
7. Mainstream media8. Democratic National Committee 9. Democrat Party 10. 1,000 Russian agents
11. Vladimir Putin
12. Donald Trump
13. Republican-enabled voter suppression 14. Citizens United  15. Facebook16. "Millions" of Twitter bots17. Steve Bannon18. Netflix19. "Alt-right" media like Infowars
20. Bernie Sanders21. Suburban women22. Rural women23. "Anti-American forces"24. Bad polling25. Low-information voters26. "Content farms in Macedonia"27. Fake news28. Colluding Trump campaign officials 29. Stupid Americans who can't tell the difference between real and "fake news" 30. The "broad assumption I was going to win"
31. Goosefer
32. DCLeaks33. Data from the Republican National Committee 
34. Technology
35. The FBI