".... “On March 15, the White House released an executive order, ‘National Defense Resources Preparedness.’ The document is stunning in its audacity and a flagrant violation of the Constitution.” "
"However, added to active EOs from previous administrations, the Center is correct in its fears that he is "creating a martial law ‘Disney Land’ of control covering everything imaginable.” "
"These executive orders are a blueprint for the takeover by the government by White House fiat, by-passing Congress."By declaring that “international tensions and economic or financial crisis” or a “national emergency” exists, it puts all powers of governance in the hands of one man, Barack Hussein Obama." (Emphasis added)
Look closer at this subject; The White House’s looming power grab to regulate the Internet.
"President Obama and Congress have checked out of Washington until after Election Day. But caveat, citizen. Their absence isn’t preventing harmful policy from spawning along the Potomac." From Lux Libertas
"These executive orders are a blueprint for the takeover by the government by White House fiat, by-passing Congress."By declaring that “international tensions and economic or financial crisis” or a “national emergency” exists, it puts all powers of governance in the hands of one man, Barack Hussein Obama." (Emphasis added)
Look closer at this subject; The White House’s looming power grab to regulate the Internet.
"President Obama and Congress have checked out of Washington until after Election Day. But caveat, citizen. Their absence isn’t preventing harmful policy from spawning along the Potomac." From Lux Libertas