Sunday, September 30, 2012

Alan Caruba; Obama's Tyrannical Executive Orders

Warning Signs  "A Homeland Security Department study, “Hot Spots of Terrorism and Other Crimes in the United States 1970-2008”, listed Americans who are “fiercely nationalistic”, “suspicious of centralized federal authority” and “reverent of individual liberty” as potential terrorists

".... “On March 15, the White House released an executive order, ‘National Defense Resources Preparedness.’ The document is stunning in its audacity and a flagrant violation of the Constitution.” "

"However, added to active EOs from previous administrations, the Center is correct in its fears that he is "creating a martial law ‘Disney Land’ of control covering everything imaginable.” "
"These executive orders are a blueprint for the takeover by the government by White House fiat, by-passing Congress."By declaring that “international tensions and economic or financial crisis” or a “national emergency” exists, it puts all powers of governance in the hands of one man, Barack Hussein Obama."   (Emphasis added)

Look closer at this subject; The White House’s looming power grab to regulate the Internet.
"President Obama and Congress have checked out of Washington until after Election Day. But caveat, citizen. Their absence isn’t preventing harmful policy from spawning along the Potomac." From Lux Libertas

On the media and Libya: "If you haven't seen this -- or emailed it to others -- then watch it, and then email it to others."

Ace of Spades HQ  "Especially noteworthy is Ayaman Al-Zawahiri, the current "Spiritual Leader" of Al Qaeda, calling for vengeance in Libya for the death of one of its operatives there, just days before the vengeance occurred.

"And the administration didn't evacuate the embassy, or send Marines, or even give it security more effective than door locks."
"Previously, the press has been both biased in a partisan way and an in an ideological way, but usually the partisanship was driven by ideology."

"This isn't ideological bias, then. This is pure advocacy for a political party. Obama's embarrassment is not an ideological issue -- or should not be. I hope we can all agree that a president should attend security briefings -- especially as 9/11 approaches -- and provide adequate warning and security for US government personnel. I hope we can all agree that the government does not suddenly gain a Right To Shamelessly Lie about its failures, simply because it finds it politically advantageous to do so.
"But, as Nina Totenberg's chuckle indicates, the press now in fact believes exactly these things -- so long as the president we're talking about is Democrat, and Obama in particular."

Pat Caddell: The Media Has Become The Enemy Of the Public. ...
"This is absolutely true. Obama is empowered to lie -- and worse -- because he knows the media will spin for him.
"This is dangerous. This is how democracies die."

Kirsten Powers: What Did Obama Know and When Did He Know It?
"Kirsten Powers wants to know "What did they know, and when did they know it?" about Obama's massive foreign policy failures in the Middle East as our embassies went up in flames last week. She went on to say that Obama and his State Department underlings are simply lying to us... and the Old Media is letting him slide on this outrage."

Infidel Babe Of The Week Realizes Obama Might Not Have Israel's Back

By Pastorius at Infidel Bloggers Alliance  "This video got my attention from minute one."

Obama and Iran combined are a real threat to the existence of Israel.

Mitt's getting advice up the wazoo, but here's more:

Thomas Lifson; Pssst, Mitt! Read this before Wednesday's debate  "Mitt can explain that Obama has made it harder for ordinary Americans to invest in their fellow Americans. The real clincher that makes the case is that Americans #1, 2, and 3 could easily be the same person, an unemployed union member with pension benefits, for example. The system by which Am ericans invest in each other has been hobbled by Obama's policies."

Forbes; October Surprise: How "The Economy" Slipped Away From Romney  "First problem for Romney is that there is now a broader discussion of the economy, in part the result of “the 47 percent” fiasco.  After “the economy,” the phrases most often used by top influencers last week were “the 47 percent” (69 mentions), “the Middle East” (54 mentions), and “early voting” (39 mentions).  The fact that “the 47 percent” is still driving so much conversation is of course meaningful.  It’s not just the volume of the conversation.  It’s also the way “the 47 percent” is helping to reframe the discussion around the economy. "

Al Hunt; Obama’s Penchant for Arrogance Is Bigger Debate Foe  "Obama and his top political advisers basically are contemptuous of their opponent, according to people who’ve spent time with the president in private. Four years ago, the Obama camp viewed John McCain as wrong for the times, but had personal respect for him. 
"It’s different today. The president’s campaign sees Romney as an out-of-touch stiff without core beliefs, willing to say or do anything for political advantage.  
"Fair or not, that’s a derisive characterization."

Libya Attack Still an Inexplicable Failure

Max Boot in Commentary Magazine;  "This lapse is all the more shocking given the fact that the State Department Bureau of Diplomatic Security is known for taking an ultra-cautious approach to protecting America’s representatives abroad. Heads should roll over this failure. (They should also roll over the Anglo-American military failure to protect Harrier jump jets at Camp Bastion in Afghanistan.) And senior officials in the Obama administration, starting with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, must explain how this inexplicable failure took place."

"Just days ago, our Cairo embassy was invaded and sacked by a mob while Egyptian security ttood by and watched. None of the perpetrators have been arrested and Egypt's Islamist President Mohammed Morsi took almost a week before issuing a pro forma grudging apology.

"None of that matters.  President Obama wants to give his Muslim Brotherhood pals a special jirzyah of nearly half a billion dollars:"

When does the press begin calling it "Libyagate"?

"Al-Qaeda is on the path to defeat." -- President Barack Obama: Sept 6th, 2012, at the Democratic Convention.
"What you'll see below was inspired by the vitally important video-report Brett Baier closed "Special Report" with last night, but this will hopefully go into even greater detail. We'll also look into three specific areas: 1) Security failures. 2) The lies. 3) The attempted cover up of numbers one and two."....
"The Weekly Standard's Stephen Hayes asks:
Some of the misleading information provided to the public could not possibly have been a result of incomplete or evolving intelligence. The information about security for the ambassador and the compound, for instance, would have been readily available to administration officials from the beginning. And yet when Susan Rice appeared on five political talk shows on September 16, she erroneously claimed that the two ex-Navy SEALs killed in the attack were, along with several colleagues, providing security. They were not. Why did she say this?
"Good question. But I have a better one: Why did our president say the same:"

 Lies Upon Lies to Cover-Up Blood on His Hands  "Interesting that, just days after the liberal convention where these statements were front and center and after a year of spiking the football…We get attacked…BY al QAEDA…on 9-11.
"Obama, in his arrogance and desperate to win an election, reverted to statements such as these to make him appear tough on terrorism.  It backfired. BIG TIME.
"Unaccounted for are documents from the consulate. Some  are reported to contain names of Libyans who have been working with Americans.
"Remember the good Doctor in Pakistan who helped us to identify bin Laden? WE THREW HIM UNDER THE BUS!!!
"Now…We potentially have Libyans who were helping us and who’s names are in the hands of al Qaeda!!
"How fortunate for al Qaeda that our FBI has NOT been to Benghazi!!!!!"