- "If you have always thought that at bottom, to be feminist is to be obnoxious, this book supports your view. A feminist child apparently is one that would normally be described as ill-behaved."

"If you have always thought that at bottom, to be feminist is to be obnoxious, this book supports your view. A feminist child apparently is one that would normally be described as ill-behaved.
"This one, I don’t even understand. How is it feminist to say “no” to pants–apparently meaning, in this context, diapers?"
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"Amazon tells us that customers who bought Feminist Baby also bought She Persisted and A Is For Activist, which includes such lessons as “C is for Co-op. Cooperating Cultures. Creative Counter to Corporate vultures.” And “T is for Trans.”
"Board books are normally intended to be read to very young children, but it is impossible to imagine any sane parent reading books like these to children. I suppose they can be thought of as coffee table board books, bought for the self-gratification of liberal parents and for display to liberal friends. In which case, they typify many aspects of contemporary liberalism."