Monday, October 14, 2013

Doolittle Raiders' last toast

Doolittle Raiders Set 'Final Toast' for November  "By tradition, the Raiders reunite each year and toast "those who have gone" from the original 80. They use special silver goblets with engraved names. For years, the plan was for the last two survivors to make the final toast. However, after Maj. Thomas Griffin of Cincinnati died in February at age 96, it was decided to have a final ceremony this year because of the survivors' advancing ages." View short trailer.


Historical overview of the raid  "The April 1942 air attack on Japan, launched from the aircraft carrier Hornet and led by Lieutenant Colonel James H. Doolittle, was the most daring operation yet undertaken by the United States in the young Pacific War. Though conceived as a diversion that would also boost American and allied morale, the raid generated strategic benefits that far outweighed its limited goals."

Website: The Doolittle Raid remembered "This website is intended to provide accurate information for persons interested in learning more about the men who took part in the Doolittle Raid as well as the equipment used and other related subjects. Various pages can be accessed from the navigation bar above."

POWs of the Doolittle raid  Crewmen of the raid are listed here as well.
One of the men imprisoned by the Japanese became a Christian during his prison stay and returned to Japan as a missionary. Still others returned to civilian life here in the United States. More.

North American B-25H Mitchell   "The North American B-25H Mitchell is one of the most well-known bombers from World War II. Made famous in the Doolittle Raid on Japan; the first retaliatory strike after the U.S. entered WWII, the B-25 became a symbol of American airpower during the war."

Our vindictive president and his actions in this shutdown

Obama’s Confession of Indifference   "When terrible things happened on George W. Bush’s watch — Katrina, Abu Ghraib, etc. — the immediate liberal response was to insist that Bush had in fact ordered or wanted the terrible things to happen.
"Now we have a president openly admitting it — and no one seems to care."  Jonah Goldberg

Andrew C. McCarthy asks, We can fund al-Qaeda but we can’t fund the families of our war dead?   "Don’t you find it strange... that in a shutdown Obama has instigated in order to enforce the Obamacare law Americans don’t want...his administration says we can fund al-Qaeda but we can’t fund the families of our war dead?"

The List: Unnecessarily Shut Down by Obama to Inflict Public Pain
   "There are many other examples of this president's cold-hearted fanaticism and willingness to punish people for reasons that seem to have much more to with spite than what is and is not "essential." In fact, there are a number of examples where Obama seems to be spending more money and using more resources to close and block and inconvenience than to just leave it alone.
   "The media may or may not report on these individual occurrences, but what they will never do is provide the American people with the full context and scope of Obama's shrill pettiness.
   "Below is a list of illogical, unnecessary, and shockingly spiteful moves our government is making in the name of essential and non-essential."....

The vets marched off with some of the Barrycades and dumped them at the White House fence:

"The Flight 93 Memorial honors the 40 crew members and non-terrorist passengers who died on that flight, and recalls the sense of national unity Americans felt in the aftermath of the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks."

Redskins change their name because of the embarrassment it causes

Photo: This is the real reason the Native Americans are upset.
Hat tip to Lester Hussey at America's Conservative Voice

ObaPawns in the game

Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez

Rand Paul’s shaky world view

I found this while trying to size up Sen. Paul and his qualifications as a national leader. I fear his father's "be nice to the Iranians and they will be nice to us" foreign policy, and suspect the acorn yada, yada, yada.
Anyway, let's add this to our body of knowledge on the man before considering Rand Paul as a President.
Jennifer Rubin "Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) is supposedly the titular head of the isolationist wing of the Republican Party. He has, among other things, suggested that containing a nuclear-armed Iran would be feasible, that we need fewer bases and overseas troops, that we should cut foreign aid and that we should not have intervened or remained in Iraq."
"But here’s the rub: His philosophical bent is not consistent with discrete policies he says he wants to pursue, which just happen to be near and dear to the hearts of Christian conservatives who turn out heavily in the GOP presidential primary and caucus contests."

The Wheelchair Rebellion: Pulling the Trigger on Revolution, Calling Down the Swarm

Grumpy Opinions  ...."But the revolution is real. It has started, or rather, shall I say, it has moved past words. It is now on the ground. And a wheelchair shall lead them."
...."Instead, but again, almost in character, for craven meanness, spite and malice, and faux-badassness, Obama has exceeded even my expectations, enough so, that I have to believe the president (or his advisers) are trying to incite violence, real street violence. Is violence, not pain, their end game? Instead of hearing “Ouch”, do they want to hear gunfire?
"What are they thinking? Your guess is as good as mine, but the president is not trying a bluff here. If it’s a bluff, it’s already been called. The vets-in-wheelchairs took care of that at the WWII Memorial.
"Obama doesn’t seem to be daring the American people to rise up. He’s seems to be inviting them to."

ObamaCare is a Gigantic Shell Game

Galen Institute   "Obamacare is a gigantic shell game. Americans were promised that the Affordable Care Act would lower health costs by $2,500 a year for the average family, provide coverage for tens of millions more Americans, and do all of this while reducing the federal budget deficit. It would be accomplished through 2,800 pages of legislation, tens of thousands of pages of regulatory directives and an interlocking network of new federal mandates. Many Americans were skeptical that this unprecedented effort at government re-engineering could succeed. Their skepticism is justified."

UPDATED: Holy war in Harlem: Pastors want Al Sharpton out

UPDATE: Brother of Crown Heights Riot Victim Slams Sharpton Advertisers  "Rosenbaum lashed out at the media and politicians who have legitimized Sharpton. “That is an absolute disgrace, regardless of who it is: business, media, or politician,” said Rosenbaum. “Now he’s the expert on race relations? He’s the expert on nothing, he’s set race relations back decades. What’s he ever done for anybody? Really, by substance, what has he ever done? For MSNBC to be employing him is a sad reflection on them.' ”
Emphasis added, TD

Sign the petition to tell race-baiter Sharpton's advertisers to stop supporting his MSNBC program. For whatever good this will do.
Then start by calling Mondelez International, the owner of Ritz Crackers, at (855)535-5648. Tweet them @RitzCrackers with hashtag #SharptonsCrackers. Tell them they shouldn’t be signing checks to those who divide America to line their own pockets.

Four prominent clergymen invited over 100 churches to unify in an attempt dethrone Reverend Al Sharpton. (Via Drudge)
NYC PAPERS OUT. Social media use restricted to low res file max 184 x 128 pixels and 72 dpi
"Speak Out Say It Loud, headquartered at Mount Neboh Baptist Church  on Adam Clayton Powell Blvd., is a new coalition of black ministers determined to create a unified African-American power base with citywide clout.
Mount Neboh pastor Johnnie Green, 51, said Sharpton has neglected black New York while pursuing national fame and acclaim.
“While (Sharpton) is jet-setting around the country, people are going to our churches saying they don’t have money to eat,” the Dallas native said. “People need somebody to fight for them.' ”  More here.

Let's hope that time will not turn these men into Al Sharpton clones.