Leftists Change Shooter Patrick Crusius’s MyLife Page after Saturday Shooting from Democrat to Republican — Page Created After Shooting! Good work, Gateway Pundit
MyLife is an American information brokerage founded in 2002 as Reunion.com. MyLife gathers personal information through public records and other sources to automatically generate a “MyLife Public Page” for each person, described by MyLife as a “complete Wikipedia-like biography on every American.” At 2:46 PM today MyLife had this profile for the deranged killer Patrick Crusius.His original profile at 2:46 said he was a registered Democrat"At 2:50 PM leftists changed his political affiliation from Democrat to Republican."
"At 2:52 his profile was changed again. "His description now says he is a Republican and QAnon member."
Ohio Board of Elections Website Shows Mass Shooter Connor Betts a Registered Democrat Make note of this for future reference.
Left tries dishonesty in bid to turn El Paso shooter into a RepublicanOhio Board of Elections Website Shows Mass Shooter Connor Betts a Registered Democrat Make note of this for future reference.
. . . "Neither of these things were true. Both were dishonest manipulations to smear Republicans and their leader. What this shows is the extent to which the left will go to pin anything they can on Trump. The people who did this were extraordinarily dishonest, trying to alter facts in the name of scoring political points. Obviously, they were Alinskyites who never let a crisis go to waste, and like Bill Ayers, they are convinced that the end justifies the means. Facts are malleable. They'll do anything to cast blame to people who had nothing to do with this madman, his ravings, or his evil act." . . .
Another hoax. This picture of guns arranged to say “Trump” is trending, attributed to the El Paso shooter with claims that these were his firearms. A quick reverse image search shows that the shooter did not take this photo. It’s been on Reddit for ages.

ABC Decides Trump Needs to ‘Answer for’ Mass Shootings He Caused . . . "Karl was teed up by GMA co-host Dan Harris who played a soundbite of former El Paso Congressman Beto O’Rourke, who called “racist” Trump the cause of the shootings. “Several of the Democrats who are running for president right now are tieing President Trump to these mass shootings,” Harris said. “Is it fair, Jon, to tie the President to this violence?”
“ 'Dan, whether or not it's fair, he's going to have to answer those questions. " . . .
CNN speculates injured El Paso victims afraid to go to hospitals because of immigration status . . . "But it appears there haven’t been “troubling reports” — there’s just been the ONE report from CNN."It’s unclear why, if CNN’s claims are valid, they haven’t been confirmed by any other outlets. Some critics believe CNN and those sharing its claims are “playing politics”:
. . "But it appears there haven’t been “troubling reports” — there’s just been the ONE report from CNN.
"It’s unclear why, if CNN’s claims are valid, they haven’t been confirmed by any other outlets. Some critics believe CNN and those sharing its claims are “playing politics”:
This is false information, I am a health professional in El Paso and El Paso offers healthcare to immigrants that come to El Paso and immigration status is not an issue when seeking healthcare is involved. This is what is wrong with CNN they have no idea what is going on !!— Lisa FNPRunningMaMa👩🏼⚕️ (@FnpLisa) August 4, 2019
You’re a truly disgusting human being. No evidence just spewing racist bullshit when you should be mourning. Trying to capitalize off people’s sorrow and loss to protect citizens of other countries breaking our laws. You, sir, are the enemy of the people.— Derrick Simon (@SimmyDerrick) August 3, 2019Is this laundered or real?
Is this laundered or real?Last time I tracked the facts on CNN, it was laundered. Speculation gets laundered into truth all the time…this is the penultimate step in the process. Tomorrow it will be a FACT that illegals avoided getting treatment because of their status. — ILikeToThink (@IThinkBasic) August 4, 2019