She, like Joe Biden, is a simple, pliable tool for the silly left with not a clue who is using her; only that they make over her and celebrate whatever she is supposed to be to them.
Monday, November 13, 2023
'Ludicrous': Greta Thunberg's latest rally a 'congregation of the mentally unwell'
Bereaved Israeli Father to Biden, at Son’s Military Funeral: Don’t Pressure Israel to Stop the War
Breitbart "JERUSALEM, Israel — Dr. Yechiel Leiter offered a heartfelt plea to U.S. President Joe Biden at his son Moshe’s funeral in the Mount Herzl military cemetery on Sunday: don’t pressure Israel to stop the war against Hamas.
"Maj. (res.) Moshe Yedidyah Leiter was one of four members of the Israel Defense Force (IDF) 551st Brigade’s 697th Battalion who were killed in Gaza by a booby-trapped tunnel on Friday. Thousands of mourners came to his funeral, which lasted several hours.
"His father, a former chief of staff to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, is well known throughout the Jewish world, especially in the U.S., where he was born.
"Much of his eulogy was in Hebrew, but he addressed Biden in English:"
What Republicans don't understand about how Biden really wins elections
Freedom of Information Act lawsuits are in the courts, but the executive privilege claim by Biden is slowing the release of the action plan. Why so secretive if it is so good and important?
"In the aftermath of another disappointing election night for Republicans, questions need to be asked about supposedly non-partisan get-out-the-vote (GOTV) operations Democrats are using to ensure their low-propensity voters – and only their low-propensity voters – get to the polls.
"On March 7, 2021, Executive Order on Promoting Access to Voting, President Biden instructed every federal agency to submit a plan to leverage their agency’s personnel and assets to help turn out the vote. For example, agencies might use internal data to identify aid recipients who are not registered to vote, then use agency personnel to get them registered and ensure their ballot is cast and counted.
"Anyone who criticizes GOTV efforts gets accused of wanting to suppress voting. But it’s not voting to which we should object – it’s the exclusive collection of ballots from Democratic voting blocks.
"Citing the need for "equity," Biden’s order explicitly directed agencies to target Black and Native American communities, Hispanic and Latino voters, "civil rights and disability rights advocates," convicted felons, and voters who work for the federal government." . . .
Another reason why Democrats are hard to beat:
The Damage of the ‘White Privilege’ Smear
Victor Davis Hanson › American Greatness
Why does “white rage” not result in whites being overrepresented as perpetrators of “hate crimes,” as are Latinos and blacks? Or in relatively rare interracial crimes, why are blacks far more likely to assault or kill whites than vice versa?. . .
Why must it go on for these people? |
"One of the many satanic paradoxes of the Third Reich’s architecture of the Final Solution was the requirement—mandated after the 1939 outbreak of the war—that Jews anywhere under German rule or occupation had to wear a yellow badge or armband with the Star or David.
Yet was not all this elaborate bureaucratic need for identification embarrassing to the Nazi apparat?
After all, if Nazi doctrine about supposedly manifest Aryan “racial” superiority—Nordic looks and build, superior intelligence, stable disposition—were so persuasive, then why the need for Jews to identify themselves?
"In contrast, the Star-of David IDs were prima facie proof that the entire bankrupt Nazi project was based on the unspoken fear that millions of Jews were indistinguishable in all respects from other Europeans.
"Accordingly, Jews and Israel now supposedly enjoy toxic white privilege. They are libeled as veritable white supremacists illegitimately in the Middle East to colonize “Palestine,” and as European imperialists picking up the mantle of the earlier 19th century British and French—as if a prior 400 years of Ottoman imperialism in the Middle East never occurred.
"As now-privileged white victimizers, contemporary Jews are not seen as victims of the Holocaust, explaining the comfortable alliance between Islamist Holocaust deniers and the DEI crowd." . . .
Big Mouth Barack
"Obama is likely aware of almost every counterargument listed above. We don’t imagine he could be that ignorant. So why would he make such an asinine, easy-to-refute statement? Because he knows that’s what the freedom-loathing political left wants to hear."
Issues & Insights "Tens of millions of Americans, though not enough to keep his malign presence out of the Oval Office, were years ago sick of Barack Obama opening his mouth and spouting off about whatever subject he chose to educate us on. After enduring eight years of pretentious lectures, we thought we were finally rid of him in 2017. But no, he’s still enlightening his inferiors, which in his mind is everyone who isn’t him, most recently to link market-based systems to slavery. Such mean-spirited nonsense deserves a Fisking.
"Speaking a week ago at the Obama Foundation’s Democracy Forum, the former (and current de facto) president said “just because an economic system generated wealth and innovation doesn’t mean it guarantees a good society. Because from the outset, market-based systems have been compatible with slavery, caste systems, colonialization, war, exploration, corruption, fraud, autocracy, the poisoning of our natural environment.”
"Gosh, is there no evil that the free market hasn’t facilitated?
"Sarcasm aside, let’s take these comments in no particular order.
"Just because an economic system generated wealth and innovation doesn’t mean it guarantees a good society. And what is the alternative to a free-market economy? There are several, and they all have one commonality: Government is in control, either through central planning, a system of collectivism that allocates resources, a regime that manages the means of production, or an outright tyranny. Like so many of his fellow Democrats, Obama prefers a “progressive” system, using the blunt instrument of government, which is made up of flawed humans, to perfect humanity to guarantee that good society. If this sounds insane, it’s because it is.
"Market-based systems have been compatible with slavery, caste systems, colonialization. Does The Great One mean “colonization,” because we can’t find a dictionary that has “colonialization” as a word in the English language? In any case, he overlooks all the evidence to the contrary. Such as:
- “Abolitionism was a free market cause.”
- A laissez-faire system is “at war with all kinds of slavery.”
- “Markets are breaking down India’s caste system, turning untouchables into millionaires.”
- Singapore’s “postcolonial rulers seized the advantages left them by the British empire” – a market-based system – “and used them, for the most part, for the benefit of wider society.” . . .
Bill Maher Provides a Devastating Reality Check on Obama's Bad Take About Israel and Hamas
Stephen Colbert will continue to worship you, Barack
RedState " It's been intriguing to watch the evolution of Bill Maher because he's a good example of more of a classical liberal who has been mugged into reality by how far left and woke the Democrats have gone. It's not just Maher, but a lot of other Democrats are questioning the "crazy train."
"Maher called the unhinged woke left the "crazy train" when he had Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) on his show on Friday. They did a tag team hit on the left. He acknowledged that the visit brought him to a different place with Cruz, whom he had previously mocked. Maher called it the beginning of a "friendship." Cruz was on because he has a new book out about cultural Marxism.
"On the show, Maher also had a few things to say about that horrible comment from Barack Obama on the Israel-Hamas situation. Hamas attacked Israel on October 7 deliberately slaughtering women and children, while they continue to threaten to wipe them off the map. They're still holding hostages including babies and refusing to give them up. Yet, some, like Obama seem to want to make a moral equivalency between Israel and Hamas.
. . . "No, Obama may bear some responsibility because he gave billions to Iran. But it is not true that we all are "complicit." Hamas attacked Israel. That's on them. They had a ceasefire, they could have kept that. But they were too intent on killing Jews. Israel is just intent on surviving. It's not the same. And suggesting it is is just shameful. Not dealing with that truth is shameful.
"No, Hamas is responsible for everything that happened after October 7 and they finally need to be held to account."
Our best and our brightest gather in these places.
"Jonathan Cahn, in his book,Return Of The Gods , along with Letter to the American Church by Eric Metaxas, are but two additional “voices crying in the wilderness” (or “watchmen on the wall,” if you will) who are trying desperately to shake Christians from their slumber." Andrea Widberg
Even jaded people won’t believe why MIT didn’t suspend or expel threatening pro-Hamas students - Andrea Widberg . . ."Just to set the stage, MIT is one of America’s most reputable institutions. Indeed, even as leftism swept one campus after another, especially in the Ivy Leagues, people thought, “Well, MIT is a STEM school. Surely those brilliant geeks won’t fall prey to woke madness.” But a little bit here and a little bit there…stories started leaking out. (E.g., climate madness, gender madness, and cancel culture.) Antisemitism was in the mix, and I say this because I knew a family that was deeply damaged by an antisemitic attack. But still, it wasn’t as bad as Harvard, Yale, or other schools.
"Still, MIT is an American university, so it’s going to be leftist, and leftists support nasty ideas. That’s why I didn’t report on this story, which seemed too sadly common:. . .
Just to set the stage, MIT is one of America’s most reputable institutions. Indeed, even as leftism swept one campus after another, especially in the Ivy Leagues, people thought, “Well, MIT is a STEM school. Surely those brilliant geeks won’t fall prey to woke madness.” But a little bit here and a little bit there…stories started leaking out. (E.g., climate madness, gender madness, and cancel culture.) Antisemitism was in the mix, and I say this because I knew a family that was deeply damaged by an antisemitic attack. But still, it wasn’t as bad as Harvard, Yale, or other schools. Still, MIT is an American university, so it’s going to be leftist, and leftists support nasty ideas. That’s why I didn’t report on this story, which seemed too sadly common:. . .
Campus Reform | IN THE NEWS: Report reveals identities, contact info of pro-Hamas Harvard leaders "A Tuesday report from Townhall details the leaders behind the widely-condemned Harvard University student group joint statement asserting that Israel is “entirely responsible for all unfolding violence” following Hamas’ weekend attack.
All of a piece with the loathsome statement from White House Dissembler Karine Jean-Pierre, diverting from the Hamas slaughter to persecution of Muslims.
Campus Reform | Board member resigns from Columbia over university's 'moral cowardice': report "Henry Swieca has resigned from the Board of Columbia Business School. He accuses the Ivy League institution of being “significantly compromised by a moral cowardice that appears beyond repair.” . . .
“The recent Hamas pogrom, including the torture, rape, and destruction inflicted upon thousands of innocent Israeli civilians, was deeply revolting to me, as it should to all decent people. Statements from the University are meaningless when pro-Hamas students march on campus yelling slogans calling for the complete destruction of Israel – that’s exactly what is meant by ‘from the (Jordan) river to the (Mediterranean) sea.’ This is abhorrent,” Swieca continued. “Any other minority group on campus would never have to face anything close to this level of intimidation and hatred as Jewish and pro-Israel students experience.”
Soldiers Find Arabic Copy Of Hitler’s ‘Mein Kampf’ Inside Children’s Room In Gaza |
Today, there are multiple schools in the Palestinian territories — both in Gaza and in the Judea and Samaria Area — that have been named after Nazi collaborators, according to a report from Palestinian Media Watch
"Act like Nazis, wind up like Nazis."
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*Don Surber |
President Isaac Herzog first revealed the discovered book during an interview with the BBC and showed that terrorists had written various notes in Arabic and highlighted passages in the book.
“IDF forces discovered a copy of Hitler’s infamous book ‘Mein Kampf’ — translated into Arabic — in a child’s bedroom used as a Hamas terrorist base in Gaza,” the IDF said on X. “The book was discovered among the personal belongings of one of the terrorists, featuring annotations and highlights.”
“Hamas embraces the ideology of Hitler, the one responsible for the annihilation of the Jewish people,” the IDF added." . .