Friday, October 13, 2017

Hillary: Trump's sins are NOW; Bill's are long gone, in the past, over with.

When reading her words, keep in mind that "The late New York Times columnist William Safire once called Hillary Rodham Clinton “a congenital liar.' ".   Congenital, meaning from birth; it is what she is. TD

Daily Caller

. . . "Clinton’s comment about Trump prompted Marr to ask the former secretary of state about her own dismissive response to women who have accused her husband of sexual misconduct. Marr pointed to the Oct. 10, 2016, presidential debate to which Trump invited three of Bill Clinton’s accusers, Kathleen Willey, Juanita Broaddrick, and Paula Jones.
“ 'The three women brought onto stage by Trump attacking your husband, and you kind of dismissed them. Was that the right thing to do? Are you sure about that?” Marr asked Clinton.
“ 'Well, yes because that had all been litigated,” the former secretary of state responded.
“ 'That was subject of a huge investigation, as you might recall, in the late 90s and there were conclusions drawn. That was clearly in the past,” she added.
"Broaddrick has accused Clinton of raping her in a Little Rock hotel room in 1978, when he was Arkansas’ attorney general. Willey, a former White House volunteer aide, has claimed that Clinton sexually assaulted her in 1993, during his first term in office. Jones claimed in a lawsuit that Clinton exposed himself to her in a Little Rock hotel room in 1991, when he was governor." . . .
Hillary Clinton Gives Clinton Answer, Claims Weinstein Didn’t Give Her A Lot Of Money  "Hillary Clinton says she “did not hear” the rumours about Harvey Weinstein, who donated thousands of dollars to her campaign."
That’s why everyone in Hollywood feels it is their obligation to lecture their countrymen on every issue of the day.  . . . "If anything, it shows middle Americans are right to despise the elites who keep haranguing them for voting for Trump." . . .
Political Cartoons by Henry Payne

It’s 1968 All Over Again

The United States and the world appear to be reliving the language, politics, and global instability of 1968.
 Image result for Donald Trump Effigy

Victor Davis Hanson  "Almost a half-century ago, in 1968, the United States seemed to be falling apart. 

"The Vietnam War, a bitter and close presidential election, antiwar protests, racial riots, political assassinations, terrorism, and a recession looming on the horizon left the country divided between a loud radical minority and a silent conservative majority. 

"The United States avoided a civil war. But America suffered a collective psychological depression, civil unrest, defeat in Vietnam, and assorted disasters for the next decade — until the election of a once-polarizing Ronald Reagan ushered in five consecutive presidential terms of relative bipartisan calm and prosperity from 1981 to 2001. 

"It appears as if 2017 might be another 1968. Recent traumatic hurricanes seem to reflect the country’s human turmoil. 

" After the polarizing Obama presidency and the contested election of Donald Trump, the country is once again split in two. But this time the divide is far deeper, both ideologically and geographically — and more 50/50, with the two liberal coasts pitted against red-state America in between. 

"Century-old mute stone statues are torn down in the dead of night, apparently on the theory that by attacking the Confederate dead, the lives of the living might improve.  " . . . Read more

Ex-New York Times editor dismisses claim the paper spiked Harvey Weinstein allegations

"Former Times reporter Sharon Waxman suggested the Hollywood mogul pressured the paper in 2004. "
TerrellAfterMath cartoon added
Politico  "Jonathan Landman, a former high-ranking New York Times editor, pushed back Monday against The Wrap founder and CEO Sharon Waxman’s claim that the Times spiked her reporting 13 years ago on allegations of sexual misconduct involving Harvey Weinstein following pressure from the Hollywood mogul. 

“ 'Sharon has now had more than a decade to pursue this story unencumbered by me or any New York Times editor,” Landman told POLITICO. “Why, if she had the goods on Weinstein in 2004, has she been unable or unwilling to publish something in the Wrap, where she was in charge? Could it be because she didn’t actually have the goods then, now or in between?” 

"Waxman, who left The Times in 2007 and founded The Wrap two years later, wrote Sunday that her former paper “gutted” an article she wrote in 2004 about Weinstein after he applied pressure on the paper. She recalled traveling to Rome and London while reporting a story on Fabrizio Lombardo, the head of Weinstein’s Miramax Italy, whom she heard had no film experience and whose primary role was “to take care of Weinstein’s women needs.”   . . .

Is Hillary REALLY giving away Harvey's tainted donations? Confusion mounts over Clinton's pledge . . .

Indecent Exposure - A.F. Branco Cartoon
Tony Branco cartoon
". . .  while her usual charity is her OWN foundation and she could get a handy tax break too"
UK Daily Mail

Confusion: 'I give 10 percent of my income to charity every year. This will be part of that,' Clinton said in an interview with CNN on Wednesday. Now she faces questions on how

. . . "Before this was announced it was known that Weinstein gave $33,590 to the Hillary Victory Fund and $5,400 to Hillary for America during the 2016 election.
Clinton indicated she will donate the Weinstein's money out of her own income rather than from the campaign organization.

" 'I give 10 percent of my income to charity every year. This will be part of that,' Clinton said in an interview with CNN on Wednesday.

"Tax experts said under this scenario she would be able to deduct this money from her income taxes.

"Julian Block, a former special agent at the IRS and a tax attorney in New York, said her pledge raised significant questions. 

"'Is this a situation where her campaign organization is turning over money to her, that goes into her checking account, and then she's writing a check on that account to make the donation?' said Block. 'That would raise some questions as to who's actually making the donation.'

"Chicago tax attorney Robert McKenzie said it could raise problems if Clinton classified the political donations as personal income.

"'I don't see how she could justify that as being part of her income. I don't see how she can take that out of her personal return,' said McKenzie." . . .

Senator Hillary's words to General Petraeus, the man who gave us victory in Iraq (Until Obama threw it all away, that is).
Hillary supporters would do well to take her advice.

Video update with Corey Feldman on The View! The Predatory Politics of the Democrats (Updated)

UPDATED: The link and video of Corey Feldman on The View at the bottom is a must-view. TD

Patricia McCarthy   "The manipulation and sexual abuse of women in both the politics and entertainment industries is hardly news.  The connection between DC and the film industry is symbiotic.  It is an essential fact of both of those worlds; since JFK and, much earlier, Fatty Arbuckle.  It is pretty normal in the NFL as well.  Far too many men in each of these insulated bubbles of American life seem to think that their power and fame entitles them to grope, assault, rape and/or beat women on a whim of lust or anger.  

"When JFK was in the White House, the media that revered him never reported his liaisons.  By the time JFK's brother Ted was in the Senate, however, things had changed.  Ted's shenanigans became public knowledge. When it was clear that he had been responsible for the death of a young aide in order to save himself, it was hardly a surprise.  It was well-known by then that he was a very sleazy character.  But that knowledge did nothing to dampen the support of the American left, not for a minute.  They still adored the man, so much so that he still thought he could become President!  His ideology was more important, more valuable to the left, than his wholesale lack of moral character.
"When the predatory character of Bill Clinton came to national attention with the Monica Lewinsky scandal and numerous other women came forward with their personal tales of his molestations, the left zealously defended him." . . . 

Oliver Stone Defends Harvey Weinstein, Is Immediately Accused of Sexual Assault   " . . .Actor Ben Affleck recently admonished Weinstein after the liberal Hollywood icon and Democrat donor was outed as a pervert who spent decades sexually harassing and assaulting women. Affleck himself was outed shortly thereafter for having groped actress Hilarie Burton.

"Award-winning director Oliver Stone took a different path to the same result. He actually defended Weinstein and was immediately outed by a former Playboy model for assault as well.
"Despite dozens of alleged female victims having been subjected to Weinstein’s assaults, the “Platoon” director decided to empathize with the aggressor instead.
“ 'I believe a man shouldn’t be condemned by a vigilante system,” Stone opined. “It’s not easy what he’s going through, either.”
That’s All Folks - A.F. Branco Cartoon
Tony Branco cartoon. Hat tip to Moretti Underground

UPDATE: FLASHBACK: Actor Corey Feldman Tried to Warn About Hollywood's Pedophile Problem and Was Mocked  . . . "In a video unearthed by the Daily Wire, back in 2013 Feldman appeared on an episode of "The View," where he once again claimed to have been the victim of sexual abuse for years. For saying this, then-host Barbara Walters accused Feldman of "damaging an entire industry" with his claims. Walters appeared to dismiss Feldman outright.

"Watch the absurd exchange below:  . . .

Are the California wildfires Jerry Brown’s Katrina?

Thomas Lifson

. . . 'Guess what Jerry Brown is focusing attention on? That’s right:
California Gov. Jerry Brown warns that catastrophic wildfires will keep ripping through the state as the climate warms. (snip)
He said a warming climate has contributed to catastrophic wildfires. “That’s the way it is with a warming climate, dry weather and reducing moisture.” said Brown. “These kind of catastrophes have happened and they’ll continue to happen, and we have to be prepared to do everything we can to mitigate.”
The governor has positioned himself as a leader in the fight against climate change.
"And guess what Brown doesn’t want anyone to focus on? The Mercury-Newsheadlines: “Gov. Brown vetoed 2016 bill aimed at power line, wildfire safety' ”
. . . 
"He wants to save America, and the world, I bet. After all, he is already the longest-serving governor in California history, and thanks to term limits he was grandfathered out of, he always will be.
"This gigantic wildfire may be his legacy, instead."

Flashback: NBC Minimized Rape Accusation Against Bill Clinton

Big Journalism
“You have the right to be heard. You have the right to be believed. We’re with you,” Clinton exclaimed in the video, which she addressed to “every survivor of sexual assault.”

"Amid questions about why NBC did not utilize a months-long investigation by its own freelance correspondent Ronan Farrow into accusations of sexual assault and harassment by Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein, it may be instructive to recall the network’s controversial treatment of the story told by Bill Clinton’s rape accuser, Juanita Broaddrick." . . .
. . . 
"In January, Broaddrick recalled to me that during the pre-taped interview, she began to tell Myers about the personal meeting with Hillary described above in which, Broaddrick believes, the future First Lady strongly implied the alleged rape victim had to stay silent about her traumatic experience.
"Broaddrick says that an NBC staffer present for the 1999 filming rushed in front of the camera, interrupted the prerecorded session, and declared that the allegations against Hillary could not be included in the interview." . . .
Bill's underwear is part and parcel of his legacy:
In 1994 Chicago's beloved Mike Royko wrote of Bill's oft-celebrated knickers: Imitate the president: Deduct your underwear
I first discovered this about eight months ago, when it was disclosed that while governor of Arkansas, Bill Clinton would donate his used shorts to Salvation Army or Goodwill resale shops and take a $4 tax deduction for each pair.
 Image result for bill clinton's underwear cartoons

Even Jib Jab honored the Clinton skivvies in this Bush-Gore election send-up: