Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Toons for today

Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson

Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez

Myth Buster – A.F. Branco Cartoon

Burnt Bagel Blamed For Shutting Down An Entire Airport…

Weasel Zippers

"Via Yahoo:
A burnt bagel is being blamed for the evacuation of a terminal at Lambert Airport in St. Louis.
Airport officials say a bagel burned in a restaurant in Terminal 2 around 6 p.m. Tuesday, setting off smoke detectors and prompting a full evacuation. An estimated 300 to 400 people were required to go outside, where the temperature was 11 degrees.
The airport says the evacuation lasted only about five minutes, but passengers had to go back through security checks once they re-entered the building. No flight delays were reported.
Boing Boing
See the source image

Mike Huckabee: "We Have A Churchill In Trump". This writer would disagree.

But I do see more of Obama in these Churchill remarks than of Donald Trump. TD
"You were given the choice between war and dishonor. You chose dishonor and you will have war." -- Churchill's remark after Chamberlain returned from signing the Munich Pact with Hitler
It must be said that I could not find any record of Mr. Churchill uttering these words in his six-volume set on World War Two. The Tunnel Dweller

Hot Air  . . . "First point: If you’re going to draw this analogy, draw it for something substantive. To Huck and 95 percent of the public, “Chamberlain” is just shorthand for “timid diplomacy towards evil” and “Churchill” is shorthand for “resolute confrontation with evil.” You can force a Chamberlain/Churchill template onto Obama and Trump if you like by focusing on their respective approaches to Iran — although even there, while formally decertifying the nuclear 

deal, Trump has kept it in place. He’s been sanguine about letting Iran’s and Russia’s puppet, Bashar Assad, remain in power in Syria for the foreseeable future too. But at least if you tried an Iran analogy, you’d be showing some effort. Huck’s points of comparison are facile to the point of glibness, stuff that could be said with some truth about any wartime leader. Both men had political enemies who criticized them harshly, and both were bold communicators! The same was true of Lincoln. The same will be true of any hawkish statesman who oversaw an era-defining conflict and left behind memorable oratory. All that’s missing in Trump’s case is the conflict and the oratory. Churchill had “blood, toil, tears, and sweat” and World War II, Trump has “FAKE NEWS!” and a counteroffensive in the war on Christmas. There’s always next year.

"Which leads to the second point: It does Trump no favors to compare him to one of western civilization’s great statesmen, certainly the greatest of the 20th century, and to do it when he hasn’t notched 12 months in office yet. No leader has ever had a single year in power to rival a record like Churchill’s. As such, Huckabee’s hyperbole operates as an alley-oop to Trump critics to dunk on him, over and over:" . . .

Leftists Declare War on Thomas The Train

What will it take for Americans to form a "resistance" to the oppression of the left?

Gamaliel Isaac  "A conservative cynic from birth, I foolishly thought I had seen it all when it came to leftist madness. But then I saw, posted on CNN’s website, “Why kids love 'fascist' cartoons like 'Paw Patrol' and 'Thomas'.” The article referenced several other articles that described Thomas as “a premodern corporate-totalitarian dystopia,” “imperialist racist and sinister,” and “classist, sexist, and anti-environmentalist.”

"This caught my attention because my six-year-old boy -- like children all over the world -- loves stories of Thomas the Train. I recently took my children to Thomasland in Massachusetts and now my boy wants to visit the Thomasland in Japan. The Thomas cartoon is so popular that 1 billion dollars of merchandise related to the show is sold every year." . . .

. . . "Now left-wing critics label the Thomas the Train show “racist” because the diesel villain is black. They call it totalitarian because trains are supposed to do what the manager of the rails, Sir Topham Hat, tells them to do. They call it sexist because there are more male trains than female trains. (In 2013 the British Labour shadow Transportation Secretary actually called out Thomas for its lack of females.) When Thomas is awarded two female passenger cars to pull because of good behavior, the feminists call this sexist too." . . .

Beloved sci-fi character Doctor Who gets sex reassignment surgery, rolls with black lesbian

Ed Straker  "The actor playing Doctor Who, the British sci-fi character who has been played by various men for 54 years, has just been replaced by a woman, whom I am calling Nurse Who, which, I assure you, is meant with all due respect.  For those of you who are fans of science fiction, this trend of performing gender reassignment surgery on male characters is not unfamiliar.

1) Star Wars replaced Luke Skywalker with the ultimate "Mary Sue" named Rey – a character who, without any training, beats Luke Skywalker in a duel, knows how to fly spaceships, and beats the villain in her very first lightsaber fight, while he had trained for years.
2) Star Trek replaced Captain Kirk with Michael Burnham, a black woman who, with the help of supporting gay and Muslim crewmembers, is always successful in beating the Klingons.  (In the future, Muslim crewmembers do not throw gay crew members off the tops of starships.)
3) Battlestar Galactica replaced the male character Starbuck with a female character also named Starbuck and replaced Commander Cain with a lesbian who had a physical relationship with a luscious female Cylon robot.  (No, this is not a joke.)  . . . 

The United Nations Blocks Reality on Jerusalem

Shame on Rich Terrell
The United Nations Blocks Reality on Jerusalem  "The most moving and eloquent words spoken in the UN General Assembly, the assembly of hypocrisy, incitement, and lies, were articulated by Daniel Patrick Moynihan, the U.S. Ambassador to the UN, after the UNGA on November 10, 1975 passed the infamous Resolution 3379 that declared that "Zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination."

"Moynihan rose to declare that “this is a lie which the UN has now declared to be a truth. A great evil has been loosed on the world. The U.S. did not acknowledge, it will not abide by, it will never acquiesce in this infamous act... the abomination of anti-Semitism... has been given the appearance of international sanction."

"Forty-two years later another candid U.S. Ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, has echoed the derogatory tone of his censure and rebuked the UN for another infamous Resolution, asserting, "I am here to emphasize that the U.S. is determined to stand up to the UN's anti-Israel bias.' ” . . .

Ben Shapiro opines: Time to Defund the United Nations  . . . "Herein lies the great irony of the United Nations: While it's the Mos Eisley of international politics -- a hive of scum and villainy -- and it votes repeatedly to condemn the United States and Israel, the tyrannies that constitute the body continue to oppress their own peoples. Among those who voted last week to condemn the U.S. for recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capital and moving its embassy to Jerusalem were North Korea, Iran, Yemen and Venezuela. Why exactly should the United States ever take advice from those nations seriously?" . . .

California Parents Barred from Opting Kids Out of Mandatory LGBT-Inclusive Textbooks

. . . "And still, the Democratic Party claims to be the party of “choice.' ”

Truth Revolt

. . . "California approved the textbooks written by Jarrett, a Ph.D, to be used in the 8th grade. Students will read that legendary stagecoach driver Charlie Parkhurst “was a woman who identified as a man,” according to Fox News. They will read that George Washington’s chief of staff Baron Von Steuben “may have been gay,” and that poet Walt Whitman “was drawn to young men… but denied his same sex preferences in public.”
Critics say much of these accounts are speculation, but California rejected any publisher that didn’t mention the homosexual preferences or claims against historical figures in their textbooks. In one textbook, the state forced the publisher to add “lesbian” to describe NASA astronaut Sally Ride.
"And here we thought the Democratic Party was the party of "choice." Clearly the state knows better than the parents what children need to learn."

Vanity Fair Brutally Trashes Hillary Clinton in New Year’s Resolutions Video . . .

. . . " Urges [that she find] Find New Hobbies Like Knitting to Keep From Running in 2020"

The Gateway Pundit  Video at the link.
The video was posted to Twitter on Saturday, December 23 and received little attention over the long Christmas holiday weekend. The video found its audience the day after Christmas and boy, are Hillary supporters ticked off.
"The video features six male/female/? staffers speaking alone while holding a glass of champagne as they smugly suggest to Hillary New Year’s resolutions for her to make.
1: “It’s time to start working on your sequel to your book What HappenedWhat the Hell Happened?.”
2: “Get someone on your tech staff to disable autofill on your iPhone so that typing in “F” doesn’t become “Form Exploratory Committee for 2020″.”
3: “You know on Anderson Cooper you were telling him about alternate nostril breathing? You seem really adept. You should try teaching a class.”
4: “Take more photos in the woods. How else are you going to meet unsuspecting hikers?”
5: “Take up a new hobby in the new year. Volunteer work, knitting, improv comedy, literally anything that’ll keep you from running again.”
6: “To finally put away your James Comey voodoo doll. Now we all know you think that James Comey cost you the election–and he might have–but so did a handful of other things. It’s a year later and time to move on.”
The video closes with three of the staffers speaking solo to Hillary, “So cheers to you Hillary Clinton.” “Cheers to you, Hillary.” “Cheers to you, Hillary.”