Thursday, June 15, 2017

NY Times Tipped Off Shooter to GOP Practice Field Around Time He Moved to Area

Gateway Pundit   . . . "The New York Times tipped off the GOP shooter on the GOP baseball practice field in an April article.

When members of Congress practice in the early mornings in an Alexandrea, Va., public park for their Congressional Baseball Game, plainclothes United States Capital Police are sitting there in a blac S.U.V.”

"Hodgkinson moved to the area and scoped out the the baseball field since April.
"Hodgkinson asked lawmakers, “Are those Republicans or Democrats?” before gunning down Rep. Scalise and his security detail.
"In addition to Scalise, those shot were Matt Mika, the director of government relations for the Washington office of Tyson Foods and a former congressional staff member who was shot twice in the chest; Zachary Barth, a staffer for Rep. Roger Williams (R-TX), who was hit in the leg by a bullet and was treated and released; two Capitol Police officers who were part of Scalise’s security detail were wounded in the attack: Officer Crystal Griner was shot in the ankle, Officer David Bailey sustained minor injuries and was also treated and released."

Fox News Is Dropping Its ‘Fair & Balanced’ Slogan

New York


"As Fox News moves further into the post–Roger Ailes era, the network is shedding one of its most iconic elements. According to network executives, Fox News has abandoned the marketing slogan “Fair & Balanced.” The decision was made last August after Ailes’s ouster by Fox News co-president Jack Abernethy, because the phrase had “been mocked,” one insider said. Another executive explained that the tagline was “too closely associated with Roger.” Fox executives have been instructed by management to market the network by its other tagline: “Most Watched. Most Trusted.”
"It is hard to overstate the significance of what shedding “Fair & Balanced” means for Fox News. (It would be like the New York Times giving up “All the News That’s Fit to Print.”) Ailes invented the slogan when he launched the network in 1996, and over the years it became a quasi-religious doctrine among Fox’s anchors and viewers. The effectiveness of Fox News as a vehicle for conservative ideology depended on it. “If you come out and you try to do right-wing news, you’re gonna die. You can’t get away with it,” Ailes once told a reporter.
"Inside Fox, Ailes held “Fair & Balanced” seminars with staff members. “He would call a group of senior producers and make you watch the channel and he’d point out stuff, like a banner that’s slightly liberal,” a senior producer told me. “He would say, ‘The news is like a ship. If you take hands off the wheel, it pulls hard to the left.’” Ailes also used “Fair & Balanced” when making hiring decisions, such as saying a job candidate “wasn’t ‘fair & balanced,’” because the person went to a college he didn’t like.
"In the annals of modern advertising, “Fair & Balanced” will be considered a classic. The slogan was Ailes’s cynical genius at its most successful. While liberals mocked the tagline, it allowed Ailes to give viewers the appearance of both sides being heard, when in fact he made sure producers staged segments so that the conservative viewpoint always won."  [unlike the other sources where the anti-conservative view was emphasized. TD]
"A Fox News spokesperson confirmed that the network is dropping the slogan but said the branding change won’t affect programming or editorial decisions."
Do not believe that; the Fox heirs are solidly for Hillary and the rest of the left, as reflected by this cartoon in my opinion. TD
Image result for media bias cartoons

Some of the commentary on the GOP shooting

American Thinker:

detail assigned to protect Scalise as a member of the House Republican leadership, the killer would have been free to roam the fenced-in field picking targets at random. The field would have been just another gun-free zone, as in
places like Paris, Orlando, and Aurora, Colorado where armed predators are free, thanks to gun control zealots, to ply their deadly trade.
"Let us not overlook the fact the Alexandria shooting comes amidst a torrent of vitriol directed at Republicans in general and President Trump in particular. It should not be lost on anyone that GOP congressmen and their staffs were deliberately targeted on President Trump’s 71st birthday. "
When I heard the names of the two officers -- a man and a woman, David Bailey and Crystal Griner – there was nothing about those names that indicated any particular ethnicity. But when, late Wednesday, I saw their photos, it seemed pretty clear that both are black.

New York Times publishes despicable lies to soften its own culpability for left-wing violence   . . . "For a newspaper styled as "the newspaper of record" to outright lie in this way shows us that there is panic at the Gray Lady.  As on the left as a whole.  They have been caught out with the consequences of their fusillade of incitement to violence." . . .

Another congressman shot, and civility continues to crumble  . . . "It is wishful thinking that this toxic rhetoric will stop and people will learn their lesson.  It would be nice if an event like this recent shooting would make people rethink the way they speak.  As Congressman Chris Collins (R-N.Y.) told a radio show, "maybe this is a wake-up call.  Let's hope we could disagree on a more polite, conversational basis."
"The question remains: have Americans learned anything since the Gabby Giffords shooting?  The answer appears to be no."
The left's war on patriots and traditional America  . . . "The leftists believe that our borders should be open and that illegal aliens should not be sent home.  They believe that multiculturalism is always good and that America has a lot to apologize for.  The left and its antifa, Black Lives Matter, and stooges in the mainstream media would like to drown out the opinions of the rest of America."

Antifa terrorism  . . . "When we turn to the American left, what do we find?  A group of opinion leaders (Colbert, Griffin, Whedon, Kaine, Lynch), all fanatical adherents of a pseudo-religion, propagandizing and encouraging resistance to a subhuman enemy, the "deplorables," and their political representatives.  The means at their disposal consist not only of the internet, but the American media and entertainment spheres as a whole.  The network consists of millions of disconnected misfits seething with hatred and frustration.  The propaganda includes targets, methods, and repeated suggestions of violence up to and including murder.  All that's lacking is The Call of Global Antifa, but that may well be coming.
"And lo and behold, now we have terror attacks.  How could that possibly have happened?" . . .
More on this today...

Fake news media have blood on their hands

. . . Fake news media pretending to be outraged over the shooting is as absurd as a farmer planting corn and acting shocked when stalks appear. Fake news media's and Democrats' summer of violence has begun.

Lloyd Marcus   "I heard Rush Limbaugh say things are looking good regarding Republicans passing health care reform.  Paraphrasing, Rush says that if that happens, leftists' bad behavior will sink to new levels.

"When the GOP passes health care legislation, fake news media will gleefully incite leftists to new levels of violence.  Fake news media created the anti-Trump crazies for the distinct purpose of inflicting punishment on Trump supporters.  They hope chaos in our streets will ultimately lead to removing Trump from office.  In worship and furtherance of their leftist agenda, fake news media gladly throw American lives on the altar to be burned.

"Folks, I wish I could magically open the eyes of low-info voters to see that fake news media's sole motivation is advancing their anti-Christian agenda and usurping power to control every aspect of our lives.  They are not tolerant of any other point of view.  They are arrogant, believing themselves to be superior.

"While touting their superior compassion and preaching "give peace a chance," leftists beat the crap out of anyone they catch wearing a "Make America Great Again" cap or t-shirt.  Pictures of bloody Trump supporters attacked by peacenik leftists are all over the internet.

"The crews at CNN, MSNBC, and the DNC are despicable human beings with blood on their hands.  Their relentless 24/7 spewing of lies about Trump for the purpose of generating violence is harming people.  In essence, they have launched a clarion call to their enraged base and George Soros-funded hit-men to punish Trump supporters.  Victimized women, seniors, and children are deemed acceptable collateral damage.  This is evil from the pits of hell, folks.  Insidiously, fake news media shroud their disdain for everyday Americans and Trump in intellectual-sounding words." . . .

Wash Times: First Shots Of Second American Civil War Have Been Fired…

Weasel Zippers

"Starting all over again with an election.
The first skirmishes of a second American civil war have begun. No, this is not a metaphorical analogy to that bloody conflict that killed approximately 620,000 Americans. It is an objective statement of the reality in America.
Since the election of 2016, the left has gone crazy. Their version of the Tea Party is called “Resistance” and the spearhead of that is a loosely formed terrorist group called “Antifa.” Antifa is short for Anti-Fascist. The irony of their name is not lost on those who actually know history, as their tactics are straight from the fascist playbook.
In the last few months, these groups have repeatedly disrupted peaceful pro-Trump rallies. They have called for and used violence against people who support the president, disagree with them and even against members of the media who will report things Antifa doesn’t want reported.