Sunday, December 6, 2015

Links on Obama's speech this Sunday

POSTGAME: Obama says we will defeat ISIL; once again defends Islam   "If that were a speech to inspire the American people, I would call that a dismal failure.
"We can only hope that Barack Obama’s successor in the Oval Office has more guts and more brains than he has and will stop the infiltration of our country–even our government–by Muslims.
"It is the avowed goal of Muslims to impose their Sharia Law on the world. Even a casual reading of that law shows us that it is unjust and biased against any non-Muslim and that it is the Muslims’ duty, according to their holy book, to execute nonbelievers." . . .
Muslims are our friends, neighbors and sports heroes: Obama interrupts Sunday night TV to preach tolerance and gun control and pledges no ground war against the 'thugs' of ISIS and their 'cult of death'  
"But there is “no evidence” he said they were directed to commit the murders by a specific terrorist group nor is the United States under threat of an imminent attack."

Obama: 'We will destroy ISIL'  Sure. And follow them to the Gates of Hell.

President Obama Leaves Christ Out of Christmas

PJ Media
Linus tells Charlie Brown the True Meaning of Christmas
"This year, the ABC network television special “A Charlie Brown Christmas” (which first aired on CBS) turns 50, and ABC had a party to celebrate. When it was Obama’s turn to speak, he explained Christmas by saying -- and I quote -- “tiny trees just need a little love, and that on this holiday, we celebrate peace on earth and goodwill to all.”
"Good Grief! Even Christmas is about the environment? Is nothing sacred from politicking? Granted, conservatives sometimes go overboard when it comes to the “War on Christmas” -- with the non-scandal of Starbucks’ Christmas cups as an egregious example. What Donald Trump was thinking by giving it legitimacy, no one knows. But this statement by Obama -- this really is a travesty.
Obama’s Statement
"Here is Obama’s full statement, in case a patriotic American hoped that our president did not just remove Jesus Christ from the “true meaning of Christmas”:

. . . Oh really, Miss First Lady, Linus would beg to differ. Here he is, on the first Christmas Special, telling Charlie Brown what Christmas is all about:
“Sure, Charlie Brown, I can tell you what Christmas is all about. Lights please!”

Preview of Obama’s Oval Office Speech About That Problem We’re Not Allowed to Mention

Obama tries to calm fears about Islamic State attacks, calls for more gun control
"“As commander-in-chief, I have no greater responsibility than the security of the American people,” Mr. Obama said in a rare prime-time address from the Oval Office. “The threat from terrorism is real, but we will overcome it.' ”

Legal Insurrection     "My advice to you: Drink Heavily."

"On Friday, many Americans were taken aback when Obama elected not to address the nation in the wake of the San Bernardino terror attack.  However, on Friday, he was busy meeting with Gabby Giffords about gun control, so while he addressed the issue in his weekly address, he’ll be delivering a speech tonight (at 8 p.m. EST).

"Going by reports of tonight’s speech so far, anyone hoping for what Megyn Kelly calls the “Comforter in Chief” or for him to declare the San Bernardino terror attack an act of war will be disappointed.

"Apparently, Obama’s plan is to lecture us on what terrorism is and how it came about (his version of it, anyway), bemoan the Second Amendment protections afforded the American people, and harangue Congress into passing stricter gun laws.

""This sounds ripe for another Obama speech drinking game." . . .

How about taking a drink each time Obama uses a personal pronoun such as, I, me, my, and mine?

Krauthammer: Washington Post: Obama’s failure shouldn’t lead GOP field into xenophobia

Washington Post   "The Syrian refugee debate has become a national embarrassment. It begins with a president, desperate to deflect attention from the collapse of his foreign policy, retreating to his one safe zone — ad hominem attacks on critics, this time for lack of compassion toward Syrian widows and orphans.
"This, without a glimmer of acknowledgment of his own responsibility for these unfortunate souls becoming widowed and orphaned, displaced and homeless, in the first place. A quarter-million deaths ago, when Bashar al-Assad began making war on his own people, he unleashed his air force and helicopters. They dropped high explosives, nail-filled barrel bombs and even chemical weapons on helpless civilians. President Obama lifted not a finger.

"In the earliest days, we could have stopped the slaughter: cratered Assad’s airfields, taken out his planes, grounded his helicopters and created a nationwide no-fly zone. (We successfully maintained one over Kurdistan for 12 years between 1991 and 2003.)" . . .

The few, the foolish

"This observation is no criticism of military women, who are just as determined, courageous and committed as their male counterparts. But contrary to what our government seems to think, the requirements of combat can’t be compromised to meet social goals of gender equality."
Kathleen Parker in the Washington Post

. . . "Notably missing from the historic news conference was Gen. Joseph Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and past Marine commandant. Dunford, apparently unwilling to ignore experience and empirical evidence, had recommended that infantry and armor positions remain closed to women. The Marines were the only service branch to request the ability to make exceptions to the new rule.
There’s plenty of evidence that women and men as groups aren’t equal in the demands of combat, even if some women may be and some men may not be. The few and far between shouldn’t be the basis for institutional overhaul, though this seems to be our template for mandates these days.
Among the evidence ignored by Obama, Carter and others are the results of a nine-month field test by University of Pittsburgh researchers who found that all-male USMC units outperformed mixed-gender units in 93 out of 134 ground combat tasks (69 percent).


Truth And Action.
Hillary Clinton Dons a Hijab in New Ad Campaign

"Not only does wearing a Hijab go against the very foundation of feminism, what Hillary is basically saying is that she is the property of a man and is not to be molested. Fortunately for her, the number of men who find her attractive slightly outnumbers the amount of things she says and does that actually make sense.
The Koranic verse that mandates covering states, “O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks all over their bodies that they may thus be distinguished and not molested” (Koran 33:59)
That’s not modesty. The covering is being worn to avoid rape.
The key words here are “distinguished and not molested”. Whom are these women being distinguished from? Women who don’t cover up and can be molested.
Hillary’s “cloak” is incomplete by Saudi or Taliban standards, but all these coverings are meant to be a symbolic form of Purdah, the physical confinement of a woman, even within her home.
"Besides the fact that this latest stunt is contradicting, it’s also a meaningless gesture, seeing how Islamic law doesn’t recognizethe marriages of non-Muslim people. The real question that should be asked about all of this is whether or not it’s really afeminist gesture to accept the Islamic distinction between women who can be molested and those who can’t. Only in the houseof horrors that is Hillary Clinton’s mind does any of this make sense.

Obama's speech Sunday evening:

Drudge photo: Obama saves Christmas
AP "President Barack Obama will use his Sunday night address on terrorism to urge the American people not to "give in to fear" after the California shootings, and may ask Congress to take action to further safeguard national security, Attorney General Loretta Lynch said.

"Lynch also said that "dealing with guns is one way to handle the violence crime issues that we have in this country.' "
. . . 
"The shootings, he added, presented "another tragic reminder that here in America it's way too easy for dangerous people to get their hands on a gun."
"Authorities say they believe the guns used in San Bernardino were legally obtained.

From the White House via Infowars:
Tomorrow at 8pm ET, President Obama will address the nation from the Oval Office about the steps our government is taking to fulfill his highest priority: keeping the American people safe. The President will provide an update on the ongoing investigation into the tragic attack in San Bernardino. The President will also discuss the broader threat of terrorism, including the nature of the threat, how it has evolved, and how we will defeat it. He will reiterate his firm conviction that ISIL will be destroyed and that the United States must draw upon our values – our unwavering commitment to justice, equality and freedom – to prevail over terrorist groups that use violence to advance a destructive ideology.
"CBS News, however, contradicts this by stating the address will deal with gun control." 
. . . And here’s the truth: In California, they already have liberals’ wish list of gun control laws. Background checks, registration, waiting periods, gun bans, you name it. It ain’t working." . . .
What can Obama say, besides a lot of "me"s, "mine"s, and "I"'s? Hmmm. "Follow them to the gates of hell" went nowhere; "ultimately destroy" was a non-starter and the world knew it; well- the enemy knew it anyway. Of course, Code Pink-types must have known it or they would have been out protesting in force. TD

Obama to address Americans from the Oval Office tonight   "I have to assume that Valerie Jarrett has become alarmed at the public reaction the his feckless response to the San Bernardino shootings, attempting to deny terrorism on the part of a couple one of whom posted her allegiance to ISIS.
"So what will he say? Predictions are always risky, of course, so let me outline some of the alternatives he could choose from and assess their probability."

. . . If the President is ready to “keep America safe” on the home front, the other possibility is that he’ll use the San Bernardino attacks as an excuse to make it harder for them to get guns. If you doubt that he’s got something like that in mind, the Daily Caller reported last week that Team Obama has been working on just such a plan already." . . . (Emphasis in the original)

Obama Tells Us We’ve “NEVER BEEN SAFER” From ISIS.   "Obama made the remarks in an interview taped Wednesday, shortly after a mass shooting in San Bernardino, Calif., that killed at least 14 people."

VIDEO: PM Netanyahu Rejects Kerry’s Warning of Binational State

Yeshiva World News  "Israel’s prime minister insists his country is not heading toward becoming a binational state, rejecting a warning to that effect by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry.
"At his weekly Cabinet meeting Sunday, Benjamin Netanyahu says “Israel will not be a binational state, but in order to have peace, the other side needs to decide that it wants peace as well.' ”

A hero at the shooting

"Another hero from the San Bernadino shooting! The ultimate display of love!

"Jesus said, "“This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends." John 15:12-13 ESV

"May God comfort his family and friends."

From Romey H. Burgin at Stop Islam in America