Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Will Ben Carson Bring Nation of Islam, Sharpton to HUD? Questions Nobody’s Asking @ Confirmation Hrg

Debbie Schlussel

"I’ve been following Dr. Carson’s Senate confirmation hearings, and I’m disturbed by the number of stupid questions and the lack of a very important one: “Dr. Carson, will you agree to keep the bigoted, racist Nation of Islam out of your HUD Department?” Instead, Elizabeth Mazola Margarine Fauxcahontas Warren asked Carson if he will agree not to steer any HUD housing to Trump developments (a hilarious question, since the Trump empire got out of subsidized, low-income housing decades ago, and there ain’t gonna be any low-income units in Trump Tower, I promise).
"Yes, Ben Carson has ties to Louis Farrakhan a/k/a Louis X a/k/a Louis Eugene Wolcott and his group of Black supremacists known as the Nation of Islam (NOI). Carson’s longtime adviser, Armstrong Williams, is a vehement advocate of NOI and so tight with Farrakhan that he broadcast his radio show live from the 20th anniversary celebration of the Million Man March, waxing poetically about what great memories he had at the first Million Man hate-fest, where Jews and Whites were repeatedly denounced in non-stop hate speech." . . . 

Jerry Brown Signs Bill That Could Let Illegal Aliens Vote

"On Saturday, California Governor Jerry Brown signed Assembly Bill 1461, the New Motor Voter Act, which will automatically register people to vote through the DMV, and could result in illegal aliens voting. 


"Any person who renewed or secured a driver’s license through the DMV may now register to vote, or choose to opt out of doing so. Because illegal immigrants are now eligible for obtaining driver’s licenses, they could be allowed to vote in elections if the Secretary of State’s office fails to verify their eligibility properly.

"Brown and the California Democratic party know exactly what they are doing; as a Public Policy Institute survey showed, among unregistered adults, 49% lean toward the Democratic Party and 22% toward the Republican Party. Any bill permitting illegal immigrants to vote would cement the Democratic Party’s hold on California.
"True the Vote founder Catherine Engelbrecht stated, “This bill is terrible. It makes an already bad situation much, much worse,” adding that California’s registration databases “lack the necessary safeguards to keep noncitizens off the voter rolls.' ” . . .

Feds Revetting Syrian Refugees With Red-Flags That Slipped Into US

Daily Caller

"Federal authorities are re-investigating dozens of Syrian refugees allowed into the U.S. who did not receive proper scrutiny under the Obama administration, The LA Times reports.

"The lapse in vetting reportedly stems from a 2015 glitch that prevented U.S. authorities from gleaning possible “derogatory” information about the refugees at the time. The glitch prevented relevant personnel from searching CIA databases, which included potentially compromising information on refugees. New investigations include several dozen Syrian refugees, and began before President Trump took office.

"Federal agents speaking to TheLAT elaborated that one of the admitted refugees may have been in contact with an Islamic State operative, and another failed a polygraph test.

"Former President Barack Obama’s administration repeatedly emphasized the rigorous nature of the refugee vetting process. Former White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said in August that the administration was able to increase Syrian refugees in 2015 “without cutting any corners when it comes to security.” Earnest continued, claiming that “significant screening was put in place to ensure that these individuals don’t pose an undue threat to our national security.”
East." . . .

Ann Coulter asks, "Can I be the poster child against Obamacare?"

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Ann Coulter  "Like millions of Americans who are paying thousands of dollars a year for health insurance no doctors will take, I would love to be flying to Washington this week, pleading with members of Congress, spearheading letter-writing campaigns and appearing as a witness, to tell everyone about my experiences with Obamacare. 

"But none of us can, because we're too busy working so we can afford to pay for the health care of 22 million poor, entitled or irresponsible people under Obamacare. 

"Just yesterday, for example, in addition to working, I had to spend an hour -- on top of days and days last month -- figuring out which few remaining clinics provide mammograms under my brand-new, now third Obamacare insurance plan. 

"My original plan was made "illegal" by Obamacare, and the next two plans -- fully approved under Obamacare -- went bankrupt and were shut down by state and federal regulators. 
. . . 
"Democrats love to get on their high horses about the wonderful things Obamacare has done for the uninsured. They should be asked why they refuse to live under it." . . .

Image result for obamacare cartoons and jokes

Clinton, 1995: On immigration; State of the Union before Congress

C-SPAN  "Donald Trump should just televise this Bill Clinton speech from 1995 and then simply state "I'm Donald Trump and I approve this message' ".

Hat tip to Robert Hope; Sacramento, CA

Trump considering order to reopen CIA prisons for terrorism suspects: Report

Washington Times 

FILE - In this June 27, 2006 file photo, reviewed by a US Department of Defense official, US military guards walk within Camp Delta military-run prison, at the Guantanamo Bay US Naval Base, Cuba. A draft executive order shows President Donald Trump asking for a review of Americas methods for interrogation terror suspects and whether the U.S. should reopen CIA-run black site prisons outside the U.S.  (AP Photo/Brennan Linsley, file)

 "President Trump is considering an executive order that would keep open the Guantanamo Bay prison and could lift a ban imposed by former President Obama on the CIA operating overseas clandestine prisons for terrorism suspects, according to a published report.

"A three-page draft order, titled “Detention and Interrogation of Enemy Combatants,” would reinstate other policies from the Bush administration on the treatment of terrorism detainees, according to the New York Times, which obtained a copy of the draft.
"The White House did not respond immediately to requests for comment.
"If Mr. Trump signs the order, he would also rescind Mr. Obama’s directive allowing the International Committee of the Red Cross access to all detainees being held by the U.S. abroad at “dark sites,” the paper reported.
"There are 41 detainees still at Guantanamo, despite Mr. Obama’s efforts to close the prison and transfer the suspects. Mr. Trump campaigned on a pledge to keep open the facility and send more detainees there." . . .

CNN Quietly Releases Updated Pic Showing Trump’s Inaugural Crowd Size Greater than Obama’s 2009 Inaugural Crowd

The Gateway Pundit . . . "The media remained silent on the crowd size numbers when it was clear that Trump was crushing Hillary in this area.  But late last week the media finally reported that crowd size does matter.  CNN (Fake News) reported that President Trump’s crowd size was much smaller than President Obama’s crowd size in 2009, and CNN provided two pictures to show the difference.
"However, the pictures in the article show the crowd size for Obama when he was speaking during his 2009 inauguration with the crowd from Trump’s inauguration approximately 3 hours before Trump spoke.

. . . "CNN’s report was another of their ‘Fake News’ lies.  The photos used in their post were not comparing apples to apples and President Trump’s Press Secretary pointed this out on Saturday in a special press conference.  Trump’s crowd was huge and every bit as big as Obama’s crowd in 2009.  Also, in CNN’s article they say that Obama had 1.8 million people in 2009.  This is now refuted and is more likely closer to 800,000.
"Later CNN’s report was proven false by their own reporting.  CNN released a gigapixel of President Trump’s Inauguration and the areas they show as empty in their article from their January 21st report were filled to the brim in their more recent picture which was taken at the time of Trump’s speech during the Inauguration ceremony." . . .
Emphases in the original.

File under "He said this, not me": "State Department Airhead Marie Harf Joins Fox News"

"Not long ago, Harf opined on MSNBC’s “Hardball” that the rise of terrorist groups like ISIS could be prevented by a good jobs program."
 American Thinker 

 "No, this is not a headline from the Onion, but rather the stark reality of the parallel universe the once hard-edge and hard news Fox News has slowly descended into. Former State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf, who earned her 15 minutes of fame by publicly claiming the best way to defeat ISIS was not to bomb them but to hire them, has signed on to be a Fox News contributor.
. . . 
"We are not making this up. Fox News, presumably in the interests of being “fair and balanced,” has hired an Obama administration -- which includes the State Department of Hillary Clinton -- sock puppet who spread the false narrative that ISIS was not a virulent and existential threat, but rather just another community that needed organizing. She pushed the administration line that terrorism was just a reaction to climate change and the lack of jobs. . . 
. . . Believed by whom? Those who think Elvis Presley and Jimmy Hoffa are alive and running a donut shop in Idaho? There was no violence, no beheadings, no burning people alive during the American Dust Bowl of the 1930s and groups like ISIS and Boko Haram are not out foraging for food. They are poster children for the evil that lurks in the world and that advances as we retreat from our global responsibilities and indulge in these irresponsible fantasies.
. . .
This cartoonist had Harf sized up loooong ago:
Image result for marie harf cartoons

Was that march for women or against Trump?

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, text

Women’s anti-Trump march: The gift that’ll keep on giving  "If the women’s march this past Saturday in Washington, D.C. seemed somewhat familiar, it should.  It was nothing more than a Hillary campaign rally redux – with the exception that it drew a decent crowd.  And of course there was no Hillary, but hey, she barely attended her own rallies anyway.
"There are two important things that made Saturday’s march “essential” Hillary Clinton.
"One, the messengers were loud, screeching, obnoxious liberal women all yelling about their rights and hating hard on Donald Trump." . . .

"The Women’s March on Washington was cheerful, courteous, and energetic. Across five hours on Saturday afternoon, I saw marchers maneuver conscientiously around parents with strollers and grown-up children pushing wheelchairs. They seemed to share a sense of community emerging from the sheer relief of being surrounded by countless others who had the same thoughts and feelings about Donald Trump.

"For those who didn’t have the same thoughts and feelings, the March may have appeared vulgar and hostile. The marchers I saw were unfailingly polite, but this was not a safe space for anyone with a positive view of the president, nor even for those who merely chafe at the anatomically explicit mockery of a man whose presidency is just beginning." . . .

EXCLUSIVE: Trump team compiles infrastructure priority list

President Trump is a serious builder, not a community organizer.*

McClatchy  "President Donald Trump’s team has compiled a list of about 50 infrastructure projects nationwide, totaling at least $137.5 billion, as the new White House tries to determine its investment priorities, according to documents obtained by McClatchy’s Kansas City Star and The News Tribune.

"The documents, circulated within the congressional and business communities, offer a first glimpse at which projects around the country might get funding if Trump follows through on his campaign promise to renew America’s crumbling highways, airports, dams and bridges.

"Among the projects could be a new terminal for the Kansas City airport, upgrades to Interstate 95 in North Carolina and the construction of a high-speed railway from Dallas to Houston."

"The document obtained by the Star proposes funding the projects as public-private partnerships, with half the money coming from private investment.

"The Trump team put together the priority list of “Emergency & National Security Projects,” a senior congressional aide said. It includes cost estimates and job impact numbers." . . .

ProjectSectorStateRevenue Stream
Alaska Pipeline & LNG ProjectOil and GasAKYes
Fort Mojave Solar ProjectElectricity and TransmissionAZYes
Cadiz Water Conveyance ProjectWaterCAYes
Huntington Beach Desalination PlantWaterCAYes
TransWest Express TransmissionElectricity and TransmissionCA, NV, AZYes
Colorado I-25 ImprovementsHighways and BridgesCONo
Colorado I-70 Mountain CorridorHighways and BridgesCONo
DC Union Station Expansion and RehabRailDCNo
I-95/I-395 ReconstructionHighways and BridgesFLNo
Savannah Harbor Expansion AccelerationPortsGAYes
Showing 1 to 10 of 50 entries

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*5 Years Later - What Did Obama's "American Recovery & Reinvestment Act" Achieve?
In the above article, you will see the democrats have an ambitious plan as well, but given their results with the ARRA, I'd go with the professional builder, President Trump. But expect Democrats to demagogue the issue.

Here are some results of Obama's plan:
. . . "Given that Governments are generally the worst allocators of capital it should come as no real surprise that the money was squandered on non-productive investments.
"$783,000 was spent on a study of why young people consume malt liquor and marijuana. $92,000 went to the Army Corps of Engineers for costumes for mascots like Bobber the Water Safety Dog. $219,000 funded a study of college 'hookups.'"