Rick Moran – PJ Media
"Harvard, Yale, Columbia, and the rest of the Ivy League have been floating along, dependent on a reputation that's more myth than reality. Why go to a stuffy school when you can live freely at Clemson or North Carolina State?"
"There's been an unprecedented movement by college-age kids away from Ivy League and other so-called elite schools toward schools in the South."It's no mystery. Several factors are at play in this migration, including a greater sense of freedom, great college sports teams, and warmer weather. The pandemic hastened the migration as southern schools had relaxed strict COVID restrictions long before the eastern schools got around to it.
"The Free Press reports, "Both Brown and Harvard saw dips in their application numbers this year—by 5 percent and 3 percent, respectively. (Early decisions to Harvard were down 17 percent.) And while applications to private colleges in mid-Atlantic (25.3 percent) and New England (29 percent) states have risen since 2019, the gains have been small compared to Southern colleges, which saw a 42 percent increase overall."
"Admittedly, a drop in applications is not a reason for Harvard to panic. They get 50,000+ applications a year and are still one of the most selective universities in the country." . . .
The Morning Briefing: Let the Protesters Stay Until Academia Burns to the Ground – Stephen Kruiser
"We're not seeing something that came from the deep recesses of the collective college student consciousness. This has been simmering just below the surface for a very long time. Academic leftists are the cancer, the anti-Israel protests are the symptom."
. . ."We're going to broaden the definition of "campus protesters" today. In yesterday's Briefing, I was mostly referring to the student mobs who have been making all of the anti-Israel noise and trouble on campuses all over America. We can't forget the adults in academia who are paid handsomely to indoctrinate the kids and saddle them with such crippling ignorance, however. What we're seeing is the product of decades of pumping impressionable minds full of, to borrow a leftist word, misinformation.
"Or lies, for those of us who don't always need to be polysyllabic.
"This is from a post that Rick wrote yesterday:
The most serious confrontations between police and protesters did not feature idealistic, earnest 19- and 20-year-olds, but rather 40- and 50-something faculty members who acted like a bunch of spoiled brats.
“The faculty were — from what I personally observed, and spoke to lieutenants and captains out there — the most aggressive towards the police,” NYPD Deputy Commissioner of Operations Kaz Daughtry told Fox 5. “They would not move, they would not let go.”
"The student mobs have been whipped into a frenzy by the alleged adults in the room. That's the real tragedy here."
Pro-Hamas protests show higher education has crossed the line (nypost.com) . . ."With the horrific massacre, rapes and infant murders and kidnappings Hamas proudly perpetrated in Israel, much of the American academic community, especially at elite universities, sided with . . . Hamas." . . .
Dozens of Harvard student groups released a remarkably callous statement saying Israel’s government is “entirely responsible” for Hamas’ violence.
When Accuracy in Media’s “doxxing truck” took to campus on Thursday, someone lashed out by crossing out HarvardHatesJews.com in spray paint. . . . |
. . ."Sen. Marco Rubio summed up the objections: “For decades cowardly college administrators have enabled our universities to become nests of Anti-American/Anti-Western activism. This week student groups at our most ‘elite’ universities signed their names to proclamations siding with savages who murdered & mutilated babies and raped & desecrated the bodies of dead women. And across America college students” with “federal taxpayer subsidized” loans “celebrated the murder of Jews.”. . .
. . ."It’s almost amusing to see the shocked reaction of elite university students and administrators to the notion that people might object to their statements.
"In their insular worlds, endorsing murder, rape and torture isn’t objectionable so long as the perpetrators are deemed “oppressed.” It turns out others disagree.
"There may be a sea change in attitudes.
"We’ve long known higher education breeds a lot of silly — and sometimes dangerous — ideas." . . .
We say they will grow out of all this, but the professors didn't, did they? Jane Fonda didn't. TD