Ethel C. Fenig - American Thinker "The world-famous bizarre fantasyland, Times Square in New York, fittingly named in honor of the early location of The New York Times, is finally getting a bloody dose of truth for all the world to see. The truth of the savagery, the hatred of Hamas against the Israelis and the Jews, that The Times can’t ignore… defend.. justify… equalize.
"A truth that pro-“Palestinian” and Hamas abettors can’t rip down, like they have with posted flyers; a display they can’t deface, like they have with billboards.
"A truth of what Hamas terrorists did to innocent festival goers in Israel, and to civilian residents of small neighboring towns, in Hamas’ own words and deeds. See below:
Control your horror—and now face the truth that this is what Hamas did. Then, understand that this is what they will do to you next, if given the opportunity. Sweden is beginning to get the message, via AP:
Sweden raises its terror threat level to high for fear of attacks following recent Quran burnings
And this, from the European Union via BBC:
There is a ‘huge risk of terrorist attacks in the European Union’ over the coming holiday season, a senior EU official has said.
And here, via Politico:
After Brussels attack, Swedes fear becoming a target for terrorists
And, after ignoring it for so many years, then explaining it away, so is ooh la la France, via Reuters:
Macron says ‘Islamist terrorism’ rising in Europe, all states at risk
And now, France’s “non-proliferation” of terrorism action plan, found here, from none other than the Ministere De L'Europe Et Des Affaires Etrangeres—and please pardon my French—which believes in liberte, egalite, and fraternite.
Now why is there a heightened risk, all across Europe? Are the Europeans suddenly getting out of hand? Stabbing and shooting random people, setting off bombs, and burning down churches and synagogues? Or, does the risk come from the same people who cheered on Hamas?
Be afraid. Be very afraid. Or take action to fight back twice as hard. Now. If France can do it, then the U.S., with its power and strength and intelligence, can too. Now!