Tuesday, June 16, 2015

American silliness; the well doesn't run dry

Michael Eric Dyson: Black People More Likely To Support Rachel Dolezal Than Clarence Thomas   "MSNBC political hack, Georgetown University professor and notorious racial grievance monger Michael Eric Dyson said something absolutely stunning on Monday’s broadcast of “The Ed Show.' ” . . .

The Obama administration is making good on its pledge to all but ban trans fat nationwide.

Progressive Academics Shocked That Their Creatures Turn on Them When the cult of sensitivity begins to eat its children.
. . . " These incidents follow the complaints of other progressives like Kirsten Powers and Jonathan Chait that the intolerant ideology at the heart of progressivism is now getting out of hand. ' . . .

Emperor Obama Preparing To Unleash Wave Of Climate Change Executive Actions… 

 Completely Over The Slide Yet? #RachelDolezal Says No One Can Prove Her Parents Are Actually Her Parents  "Someone wants to give this character a reality show? Watch when she sues them for the imagined discrimination…"

A year from now, will we remember these two candidates?

Mark Levin: 'No to Jeb' ..."Conservatives are not waiting to hear Florida Gov. Jeb Bush's presidential announcement speech to question his electability.

" 'Jeb Bush will be a loser," added Brent Bozell, who runs both the Media Research Center and the conservative group ForAmerica. The group has been opposing Bush and Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton on their website." . . .

But he can bank on mt support if Bush does become our candidate.

Hillary, the orator,...speaker,....um, reader.

In Hillary's sincere, passionate addresses, what is the longest you have seen her go without looking down at what she is supposed to say?  And with those teleprompters, what's with having to look at the printed text on the stand?

Hillary campaign outrages press pool  "Hillary Clinton reinforced her well-deserved reputation for arrogance and seriously aggravated the media covering her campaign with an unprecedented attempt to choose who will be permitted to act as pool reporter. Annie Linskey of the Boston Globe reports:" . . .
This is yet another bone-headed move by the Hillary campaign. Not only does it look bad and make rational people shudder at how she would behave if elected president, it also encourages the lapdog media to turn against her.

Hillary Clinton’s somnolent* speech. . . "The Atlantic’s Molly Ball mused, “Clinton’s advisers worry about the lack of passion the candidate elicits, but Saturday’s speech was so non-rousing as to make one wonder whether that wasn’t intentional—was it an attempt to bring Clinton down to earth, to make her ordinary? To deflate the aura of fame that clings to her and turn her into just another candidate, one who is solid and sensible and not too flashy, with lots of concrete plans?” It might be simpler than that: She is a remarkably unoriginal and uninspiring pol." Jennifer Rubin 
*Somnolent: 1. Drowsy; sleepy.; 2. Inducing or tending to induce sleep; soporific  (The asterisk tells you I had to look the word up)

She seemed to mostly read the speech

 Mitt Romney:  "When you see her on a stage or when she comes into a room full of people, she's smiling with her mouth but her eyes say, 'Where's my latte?'"

45 times Secretary Clinton pushed the trade bill she now opposes

 Rick Moran addresses this subject at American Thinker: Hillary pushed fast track trade authority 45 times while secretary of state    . . . "The last thing Hillary Clinton wants or needs is an angry base. Better that they resign themselves to her inevitabilty rather than get up on their hind legs and openly oppose her.
"A profile in courage she is not."

CNN   Read them all here.
"Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, as a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, seems reluctant to take a firm position on an issue dividing her party: whether President Obama should have fast-track trading authority for the immense trade deal he has been negotiating, the Trans-Pacific Partnership. With some progressive voters eyeing her with some skepticism, and facing a challenge (such as it is) from candidates on her left, she is being advised to tack in that direction.

"President Obama has been pushing hard for the deal, while Democrats in the House of Representatives on Friday revolted and voted against a key part of the legislation. One told me, "there was a very strong concern about the lost jobs and growing income inequality," adding, pointedly: "Ms. Clinton should take notice." 
. . . 
 "Clinton said, "there are some specifics in there that could and should be changed. So I am hoping that's what happens now -- let's take the lemons and turn it into lemonade."

"But as members of the Obama administration can attest, Clinton was one of the leading drivers of the TPP when Secretary of State. Here are 45 instances when she approvingly invoked the trade bill about which she is now expressing concerns:" . . .