Apparently the memo went out for the media to use the word "rampage".
Mass shooting at Inland Regional Center: What we know

Mass shooting at Inland Regional Center: What we know
. . . "We know there were two shooters: A U.S. citizen named Syed Rizwan Farook, 28, who was an inspector with the county health department that hosted the party, and his wife, 27-year-old Tashfeen Malik. They died hours later in a shootout with police.
"Was there a connection to terrorist groups? Law enforcement sources say Farook had been in contact with more than one person who had been the subject of an international terrorism investigation by the FBI.
"For now, here is what we know and don't know about the deadliest mass shooting in the United States since December 2012, when 26 people, mostly children, died at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut:" . . .
San Bernardino: A horror that affects us all The solution given here is gun control.
"People who were inside the Inland Regional Center during Wednesday’s attack put their lives in the hands of an officer who led them to safety, a video shows."
Is this one of the "pigs in a blanket" that Black lives matter people were chanting about? See the small child with his hands up? Islamic radicals would think nothing of killing him, just as the Sandy Hook beast would have.