Saturday, October 14, 2017
A New Report Declares that the U.S. Army and Marines are "Weak"
The National Interest
"The military posture of the United States is rated as marginal in a new report from The Heritage Foundation, and that worries the chairman of the House Armed Services Committee.
"The nation has “not been resourcing our military commensurate with what we ask our military to do,” Rep. Mac Thornberry, R-Texas, said at an event Thursday marking release of the report from the leading conservative think tank.
“ 'And maybe more disturbingly, we have not been resourcing our military commensurate with our moral obligation to support the men and women who are risking their lives for us,” Thornberry said.
Recommended: America Can't Shoot Down a North Korean Nuke
"Dakota Wood, a senior defense fellow at Heritage who edited the 2018 Index of U.S. Military Strength, said the state of the military inherited by President Donald Trump is “too old.' ” . . .
Thornberry said the Armed Services Committee is working “to help explain these consequences to my colleagues and to others, because I think we have all gotten so used to nine years of a continuing resolution that we have grown numb to the consequences of what it means to us.”
A Truly Great Phony
It seems appropriate to revisit Mr. Sowell's words in this present time as these policies of Obama's are being held up for closer examination. as to their worth.
Thomas Sowell in 2013
Thomas Sowell in 2013

. . . Like other truly talented phonies, Barack Obama concentrates his skills on the effect of his words on
other people -- most of whom do not have the time to become knowledgeable about the things he is
talking about. Whether what he says bears any relationship to the facts is politically irrelevant.
"A talented con man, or a slick politician, does not waste his time trying to convince knowledgeable
skeptics. His job is to keep the true believers believing. He is not going to convince the others
" Back during Barack Obama's first year in office, he kept repeating, with great apparent earnestness,
that there were "shovel-ready" projects that would quickly provide many much-needed jobs, if only
his spending plans were approved by Congress.
"He seemed very convincing -- if you didn't know how long it can take for any construction project to
get started, after going through a bureaucratic maze of environmental impact studies, zoning
commission rulings and other procedures that can delay even the smallest and simplest project for
"Only about a year or so after his big spending programs were approved by Congress, Barack Obama
himself laughed at how slowly everything was going on his supposedly "shovel-ready" projects.
"One wonders how he will laugh when all his golden promises about ObamaCare turn out to be false
and a medical disaster. Or when his foreign policy fiascoes in the Middle East are climaxed by a
nuclear Iran."
Hillary Compared Weinstein to Trump – But Not to Her Husband
"Hillary’s fake moral outrage against Weinstein’s sexual harassment of women would have been better placed against her own husband, not President Trump."
. . . "President Clinton was impeached, although not removed from office, for having lied by saying that he “did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky,” when he actually did.So where is Hillary Clinton’s moral outrage at the serial sexual harassment of women by her own husband? During the years when Bill Clinton was governor, and then president, Hillary time and time again vilified the women who accused her husband of rape and sexual harassment.Hillary stood by her man, however, calling her husband’s accusers – Kathleen Willey, Gennifer Flowers, and Juanita Broaddrick – “bimbos.”Kathleen Willey said the Clintons tried to intimidate her into not telling the truth in court. She found her cat dead on her porch, had her car vandalized, and said people were inquiring about her children in her neighborhood.Hillary said that Gennifer Flowers was “some failed cabaret singer who doesn’t have much of a resume to fall back on.”Juanita Broaddrick, who accused Bill of raping her, said Hillary intimidated her at a campaign function two weeks after the attack. Broaddrick recalled that Hillary told her things that made it clear that she was to keep her mouth shut … or else.Paula Jones won an $850,000 settlement to drop her case against Bill Clinton, with Hillary’s blessing. Jones was more direct with her indictment of Hillary. She said that Hillary Clinton “tried to discredit all of these women that her husband abused and sexually harassed”.MSNBC host Joe Scarborough asked during Hillary’s 2016 campaign for president, “Can she move forward in this campaign, talking about the war on women, as she did in Northern Iowa, that women who claim to be sexually abused have the right to be heard and the right to be believed?” The Hillary Clinton campaign soon removed the “right to be believed” statement from her website. The voters answered Scarborough’s question last November.In her recent NBC interview, Hillary said of Weinstein, “This kind of behavior cannot be tolerated anywhere.” (Except, apparently, in the Oval Office by her husband). " . . .
Boy Scouts; the left pollutes America, one institution at a time.

Wrecking the NFL and now the Boy Scouts . . . "Earning the rank of Eagle Scout in 2002 was the greatest achievement of my life at the time. Another honor was when my beloved Scout troop invited me back to town to participate in its centennial celebration earlier this year. My scouting experiences have guided me throughout my adulthood and will continue to do so...
This is what the Left does best: target and destroy everything good in America. They cannot compete with us on ideas, so they have to eliminate everything that makes us who we are. If they were truly motivated to provide girls, homosexuals, and “transgenders,” with the same experiences Boy Scouts provides, then they would form their own youth organization. But it isn’t really about that, is it?Rest in Peace Boy Scouts. You will be dearly missed.
"Yes, we will miss the days when a father and his son could attend a retreat without pushing political messages.
"Furthermore, I really miss those days when we instinctively understood that boys and girls were different. And that boys and girls needed different messages in their formative years." . . . Silvio Canto, Jr.
The Boy Scouts Take Oath to Political Correctness "Another one of our great national institutions, the Boy Scouts of America, has officially lost its way. An organization with an impressive history of over one century has buckled to the insidious forces of political correctness. The latest sign occurred this week as the Boy Scouts formally opened their doors to girls. In 2018, girls will be able to join the Cub Scout program and the following year will become eligible to attain the highest rank, Eagle Scout.
"This act of inclusion was wisely not followed by the Girl Scouts, which will remain an exclusively female organization." . . .
"This act of inclusion was wisely not followed by the Girl Scouts, which will remain an exclusively female organization." . . .
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Bing Images; Norman Rockwell |
North Korea Says It Will Attack U.S. Territory of Guam If Trump Keeps Tweeting Threats
Yahoo News "North Korea has renewed its threat to attack the U.S. island territory of Guam with missiles, warning that President Donald Trump's social media antics and military moves are pushing Pyongyang over the edge.
"North Korea's official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) published Friday a new article attributed to Kim Kwang Hak, a researcher at the North Korean Foreign Ministry's Institute for American Studies, in which he blasted the Trump administration's pursuit of joint drills with Japan and South Korea, as well as the president's militant "letters" on Twitter. In tweets, the Republican leader has suggested the U.S. may seek to disarm North Korea's nuclear and ballistic weapons arsenal by force, and Kim wrote that such threats have led North Korea to revive an earlier plan to attack the Pacific island.
"A target island off the coast of the Kalma International Airport in Wonsan, North Korea, is hit during a live-fire artillery drill August 26, 2017. North Korea's army revealed a plan to attack the U.S. island territory of Guam in August in response to U.S. military moves in the Pacific."
Al Sharpton goes there: calls NFL players ‘slaves’
"America’s premier malevolent demagogue" Thomas Lifson
Thomas Lifson "For sheer entertainment value, Al Sharpton’s invocation of slavery in discussing NFL players who average $1.9 Million a year is worth while noting. But it also confirms his stature as America’s premier malevolent demagogue. (You can savor the buffoonery in a video over at Weaselzippers(sp), as I am unable to embed it here.)" . . .
Video from second article added by TD
"Sharpton is unlikely ever to top Crown Heights, where he instigated a pogrom, or Freddy’s Fashion Mart, where his target of opprobrium was firebombed, killing 8 in bloodiness. But the older and wealthier and more established (MSNBC host) Sharpton works on a different angle now.
"Underneath this cynical exploitation of white guilt, Sharpton is hoping to inflame conflict.

"The NFL owners already are in retreat on the standing policy, alienating their fans even more. They are going to continue to underplay the damage they are doing to their business.
"Face it: Sharpton is trolling us. Fans and owners alike. Driving conflict. There are a lot of people who want to see Americans angry at each other. That's something on which Vladimir Putin and Alinskyites agree."
So I'm to pay these guys and Sharpton reparations?
Yo, Whiny Football Players: Follow This NHL Bros Lead v. Al Sharpton’s – Truly AWESOME!
. . . "While the NFL players are engaged in their Kaepernick-style slacktivism, one NHL superstar is actually addressing the problem.
"Anyone who has followed PK Subban’s career will not be surprised by this.
"PK is the guy who pledged $10Million to a children’s hospital in the city he was playing in. And even though he’s since been traded to another city — country, actually — he’s honored his word.
"This guy puts his money where his mouth is. And that’s why, when he got traded to an American Franchise (traded from Montreal), it came as no surprise that he would keep looking for ways to make his city better.
"It’s why he was given Canada’s highest civilian honor — the Order Of Canada." . .
Yo, Whiny Football Players: Follow This NHL Bros Lead v. Al Sharpton’s – Truly AWESOME!
. . . "While the NFL players are engaged in their Kaepernick-style slacktivism, one NHL superstar is actually addressing the problem.
"Anyone who has followed PK Subban’s career will not be surprised by this.
"PK is the guy who pledged $10Million to a children’s hospital in the city he was playing in. And even though he’s since been traded to another city — country, actually — he’s honored his word.
"This guy puts his money where his mouth is. And that’s why, when he got traded to an American Franchise (traded from Montreal), it came as no surprise that he would keep looking for ways to make his city better.
"It’s why he was given Canada’s highest civilian honor — the Order Of Canada." . .
Bossier, LA Sheriff To Boycott NFL Sponsor Ford Due To Anthem Protests via Weasel Zippers: "Bossier Parish Sheriff Julian Whittington said his office will no longer purchase Ford products after the automaker expressed support for National Football League players’ right to kneel in protest during the national anthem.
"In a letter to Hixson Ford of Alexandria on Wednesday, Whittington said “recent events surrounding the NFL, its players and their audacity to thumb their collective noses at the American flag, the American military, as well as their obvious disdain for the profession of law enforcement in general, forces me to take a stand.”
"Some NFL players began kneeling or sitting during the national anthem during the 2016 season, following the lead of former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick.
“I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color,” Kaepernick said when asked to explain his protest, according to
"The protests have continued through the start of the 2017 season.
"In late September, Ford Motor Company, a sponsor of the NFL, released a statement in response to controversy over numerous NFL players kneeling in protest during the national anthem prior to games.
“We respect individuals’ rights to express their views, even if they are not ones we share. That’s part of what makes America great,” read Ford’s statement, according to CNN.[…]
"According to information provided by BPSO, in 2016 and 2017 the sheriff’s office purchased 29 vehicles from Hixson Autoplex, spending $747,132.
"Those vehicles included 21 Ford Police Interceptors, four Ford Tauruses, a Ford F-150, two Ford F-250s and a Ford Explorer.
"Whittington also told Hixson Ford that he would send copies of his letter to Louisiana’s 63 other sheriffs." . . .Keep reading…
How Trump and America Made the NFL Bend the Knee . . . "The minute the Left decides on a pet issue, they pounce with terrible ferocity and anyone who gets in their way gets slaughtered.
"In a letter to Hixson Ford of Alexandria on Wednesday, Whittington said “recent events surrounding the NFL, its players and their audacity to thumb their collective noses at the American flag, the American military, as well as their obvious disdain for the profession of law enforcement in general, forces me to take a stand.”
"Some NFL players began kneeling or sitting during the national anthem during the 2016 season, following the lead of former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick.
“I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color,” Kaepernick said when asked to explain his protest, according to
"The protests have continued through the start of the 2017 season.
"In late September, Ford Motor Company, a sponsor of the NFL, released a statement in response to controversy over numerous NFL players kneeling in protest during the national anthem prior to games.
“We respect individuals’ rights to express their views, even if they are not ones we share. That’s part of what makes America great,” read Ford’s statement, according to CNN.[…]
"According to information provided by BPSO, in 2016 and 2017 the sheriff’s office purchased 29 vehicles from Hixson Autoplex, spending $747,132.
"Those vehicles included 21 Ford Police Interceptors, four Ford Tauruses, a Ford F-150, two Ford F-250s and a Ford Explorer.
"Whittington also told Hixson Ford that he would send copies of his letter to Louisiana’s 63 other sheriffs." . . .Keep reading…
How Trump and America Made the NFL Bend the Knee . . . "The minute the Left decides on a pet issue, they pounce with terrible ferocity and anyone who gets in their way gets slaughtered.
"With the "drive-by" media on their side, there was no way for any conservative to fight back against the narrative of the Left. As defined by Rush Limbaugh, the "drive-by" media comes to the scene of some event, blows it up, angers everyone, then moves on -- leaving destruction and ruined lives in its wake.
"But President Trump flipped that playbook on its head -- with 140 characters or less. The Left has lost its ability to control the narrative, and they are reeling. Limbaugh expertly described the chaos plaguing the media in a recent monologue:" . . .

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