Saturday, November 24, 2012

IBD; Obama helped destroy the Middle East

JUST SAY NO to Democrats  From 7/19/2012
"The Obama Record: After angry Egyptians pelted her motorcade with shoes, chanting “Leave!,” Secretary of State Clinton insisted the U.S. wasn’t there to take sides. Too late.

" ‘I want to be clear that the United States is not in the business, in Egypt, of choosing winners and losers, even if we could, which of course we cannot,” Hillary Clinton intoned earlier this week.
"Of course, the administration could, and it did, picking and even colluding with the Muslim Brotherhood. And one of its hard-liners, Mohammed Morsi, now sits in the presidential palace, where he refused to shake unveiled Clinton’s hand.
"This administration favored Islamists over secularists and helped them overthrow Hosni Mubarak, the reliable U.S. ally who had outlawed the terrorist Brotherhood and honored the peace pact with Israel for three decades. The Brotherhood, in contrast, has backed Hamas and called for the destruction of Israel."
Do ALL of Obama's people like to say,"let me be clear"?

Flashback: The View Lefty Joy Behar Thinks Term “Black Friday” Might Be A “Little Racist”…

Speaking Truth to Hamas

Andrew G. Bostom  "The remarkably courageous Ramallah-born Mosab Hassan Yousef, the eldest son of Hamas cofounder Sheikh Hassan Yousef and a former Hamas activist himself, served time on several occasions in Israeli prison. Yousef is also known as "the Green Prince," the code name assigned him by the Shin Bet (Israeli security agency), with whom he later collaborated for a decade to thwart numerous terrorist attacks during the second intifada, sparing hundreds of Israeli lives. "
What If Iran Had Had Nukes?  "Imagine this past week with a nuclear-armed Iran watching from the wings. "
"Israel — as its friends and enemies never forget — is a “one-bomb country.” One nuclear weapon is all it would take to wipe out a nation whose territory is smaller than Djibouti, with a population not as large as that of Burundi — fewer than 8 million people, 20 percent of them Arabs who are enjoying rights denied to Arabs (not to mention non-Arab minorities) elsewhere in the Middle East.
"Israel is surrounded by Muslim-majority states with 60 times its population and 650 times its territory. Most of those states refuse even to recognize Israel. Some go further. Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, threatens genocide: “Israel must be burned to the ground and made to disappear from the face of the Earth.” "
American liberals support and defend people like these against an Israel that wants only to live in peace:

Liberals: Time To Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

CDN  "The additional cost of providing ObamaCare has gone political, particularly for Papa John’s Pizza. Erin Haust and Matt Vespa and Chris Vaca have written very good CDN articles explaining why the Papa John’s dust up is important to America’s freedom. In another article, Chris Vaca says, “I bring this up because once again they show themselves for what they truly are, hypocrites.” [emphasis mine] While Chris’ article was primarily about information, his observations fit so well that I just had to use it.

"Where are the liberals when it comes time to actually PAY for ObamaCare? This Salon article says that ObamaCare costs will add 10¢ to 14¢ to the cost of each pizza, or from 0.4 percent to 0.7 percent. Forbes’ Caleb Melby points out “that [John] Schnatter’s underlying logic doesn’t make sense when you look at the numbers.” There’s plenty of cost increase analysis, but no offers to pay for the, according to Melby’s analysis, inexpensive ObamaCare costs."....