Sunday, April 15, 2012

Since 2008 America is respected around the world

Well, maybe not in Germany
"erloser": German; liberator, redeemer

Hat tip to Jan Uhrig, Plano, TX

Alan Caruba: America Elected an Ignoramus

Let us review all the evidence:
Warning Signs  "...anyone paying any attention has had to conclude that Americans elected an ignoramus, based solely on his own words and actions.
"Here’s just a quick look at some of them.....
"He actually believes the economy will improve if taxes are increased; something that has never before happened in the history of the nation."

From 2010: Obama convinces voters they made a mistake in 2008  "... I wrote a commentary, “Putting a child in charge,” suggesting that having a young president - Mr. Obama was 47 at the time - in charge of the greatest economic and military power in the world might not be a good idea. I noted that Mr. Obama’s resume was unusually thin in terms of any real achievement. His main claim was that he had been a community organizer in Chicago. Politically, he was known best as a state senator for having voted “present” much of the time, and he had barely spent any time in the U.S. Senate before beginning to run for president." Alan Caruba

We can't stop the Norks and Iranians but we can stop THIS!

Hat tip to Joy Roeder, Garibaldi, OR.