Weasel Zippers "Every time you think the left hits its low point, you find it can always go lower."
To the left, the military is only a tool for societal tinkering. That our troops would actually kill those who wish to murder us by the hundred thousands is anathema to them.

To the left, the military is only a tool for societal tinkering. That our troops would actually kill those who wish to murder us by the hundred thousands is anathema to them.
. . . On the third night of the Democratic convention, a speaker finally brought up defeating ISIS and other terrorists — only to be met with boos from the crowd.
“ 'These murderers must be stopped,” declared former Secretary of Defense and CIA Director Leon Panetta. Cue the deafening chorus of boos, plus chants of “No more war!” from convention delegates.
"Mind you, Panetta’s speech was offering yet another broadside against Donald Trump’s inexperience. “This is no time to gamble with our future. America faces flash points and threats from around the globe,” the ex-SecDef warned.
“ 'Lies, lies, lies,” the delegates replied." . . .
One begins to wonder if this nation is no longer worthy of the Founders who crafted our Constitution with its Bill of Rights.