Saturday, July 10, 2021

Thousands of Teachers Vow To Defy State Bans on Critical Race Theory

Tony Branco

 Free Beacon

Leftist groups and teachers' unions support the radical curriculum

"Thousands of teachers are pledging to teach critical race theory in the face of state laws seeking to ban it from classrooms.

"More than 5,000 educators have signed the Zinn Education Project’s "Pledge to Teach the Truth" since June 21. In the letter, the leftist education group claims the United States was founded on "structural racism and oppression"—tenets of the Marxist-based ideology called critical race theory.

" 'We, the undersigned educators, refuse to lie to young people about U.S. history and current events—regardless of the law," the pledge reads.

"Legislatures in several states have passed bills to restrict educators from teaching critical race theory to students. Florida’s education board outright banned teachers from using material from the New York Times’s 1619 Project. Teachers in Idaho are banned from teaching that any race or sex is inherently inferior or superior to another. And Rep. Glenn Grothman (R., Wis.) introduced a bill in the House that would prohibit teachers and students in the District of Columbia from making confessions about inherent racism based on skin color." . . ."

The Zinn Education Project is not alone in its crusade. Two of the nation’s top teachers’ unions have pledged millions of dollars to advance critical race theory in the K-12 classroom. The National Education Association, the country's largest teachers' union, voted to spend $127,600 advancing critical race theory at its annual conference last week. The American Federation of Teachers promised $2.5 million to fund lawsuits against critical race theory bans.

The Credo of the Catholic Democrats

The American Spectator

They issue a declaration of independence from Church teaching.

The boldness of the heretics grows in proportion to the timidity of the bishops. By not controlling their own sacraments, the bishops have allowed the enemies of the Church to control them. Even the supposedly “conservative” bishops have no intention of withholding Communion from these defiant pols.

"Almost 60 Catholic Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives recently released a statement declaring their “principles.” The statement is a classic illustration of modern liberalism’s one-sided conception of church-state relations: the church should never lecture the state, but the state is free to lecture the church. The statement is also a snapshot of the pitiful imbalance of power and confusion in the Catholic Church: heretics, far from fearing clerics, feel emboldened to instruct bishops on what they can and cannot do.

"Enjoying the protection of the media and exploiting the divisions in the Church, heretical Catholic politicians can grandstand with impunity. Congressman Ted Lieu’s (D-Calif.) hotdogging tweet to the bishops captures the mood of the moment:

. . . "So it is not entirely clear why those 60 Catholic Democrats even needed to issue their petulant statement. They are pushing on an open door. The statement is notable only for its arrogance. They, of course, invoke the “separation of church and state” before dictating to the bishops how they should interpret canon law and Eucharistic theology. The point of the statement is: Don’t tell us how to do our jobs, but listen up as we tell you how to do yours. One of the more ludicrous lines in the statement is this: “To pursue a blanket denial of the Holy Eucharist to certain elected officials would indeed grieve the Holy Spirit and deny the evolution of that individual, a Christian person who is never perfect, but living in the struggle to get there.” These Democrats claim an expertise on what will “grieve the Holy Spirit,” but they see nothing grievous in their support for hundreds of thousands of abortions a year.". . . 

Remember when Lieu and Candace Evans faced off in a committee hearing?

The Real Threats to Our Democracy

Conrad Black

Electoral shenanigans and the abdication of judicial responsibility are the real threats to our democracy. Let the audits proceed.

Hiding the vote count from us all

"In the Wall Street Journal of June 10, Peggy Noonan captured the kernel of the crisis of national division that afflicts America: Donald Trump and opposed perceptions of last year’s presidential election. Equitable person though Noonan is, she qualifies as a Trump-hater, whose invective against Trump has only escalated over time.

"Noonan’s premise today is that any question about the 2016 presidential election is unfounded conspiracism, but that suspicion is growing, spread by “the Trump underworld—the operatives, grifters, and media figures around him  . . .  This lessens our faith in our systems   . . . it leaves the GOP with an untreated cancer.” She holds that “QAnon is important” in propagating this fraud. She thinks that anyone who wasn’t appalled by the storming of the Capitol on January 6 has given up on democracy. Lingering concern about the fairness of the result is in itself an assault upon democracy. “The breaching of the Capitol happened because of a conspiracy theory: that the election was actually won by Mr. Trump but stolen from him by bad people.”

"She makes no allowance for exactly the opposite view: that there is ample evidence that Trump was sandbagged in rigged voting and vote-counting in only six states, stonewalled by the courts, and defamed by a unanimous national political media: the courts couldn’t face overturning the election, and the media can’t accept the idea that it was a tainted election. I agree with her that “the only thing that can stop” (the cancer that supposedly afflicts the GOP, even if it is in fact benign righteousness) “is true facts independently developed and presented with respect and receipts.” 

"This is correct but the analysis of the causes of the current dangerous division in the country’s political life must start—not with the invasion of the Capitol, which has already been investigated and yields nothing damaging to Trump—but with a serious analysis of the election results in six states: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. The election went off without a hint of a problem in 44 states. In the six states named there were changes to voting and vote-counting rules adopted supposedly to respond to the difficulties imposed by the pandemic and often in constitutionally questionable ways. " . . .                        

Tucker: Corrupt mainstream media takes lying to Olympic levels

Youtube "Tucker Carlson examines the duplicitous practices of the press"

The absolute lowest level for a "professional journalist" that must have ever been reached; the Walter Duranty level! "That hillarious part around 5:13 about "Joe Biden's arms embracing America' "

From the comments to this video: Joseph Van