Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Liberal Media Scream: CNN regular says Biden’s doing a heck of a job

 Yahoo  "It is no surprise that some in the liberal media are running block for President Joe Biden’s bumbling in Afghanistan. But CNN took the Liberal Media Scream prize this week by featuring a pundit who thinks the president is doing a heck of a job.

"It came on CNN’s Sunday Reliable Sources show hosted by Brian Stelter when consultant Matthew Dowd said that the media isn’t giving Biden credit for a great mission accomplished, especially when compared to deaths related to the COVID and crime fights he is struggling with.

"Dowd, the former chief political analyst for ABC News, said, “the press has a tendency to judge things by anecdotes,” but “data for the last week shows Joe Biden has basically gotten 30,000 people out of Afghanistan without a single loss of an American life.”

"From the Sunday, Aug. 22 Reliable Sources:

BRIAN STELTER: So, Matthew Dowd, you would describe the media coverage this week as what?" . . .

Responding to this CNN report is Brent Baker, vice president of research and publications for the Media Research Center, who explains our weekly pick: 

“Dowd is one of the Baghdad Bobs of the current debacle, ignoring the dire reality that looks very bad for his favored political side. He’s a sycophant in defense of President Biden spinning liberal talking points about the supposed misdeeds of Trump and conservatives instead of offering any kind of honest assessment about Biden’s bungling.”

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Monty Python predicted all this!