Ann Coulter " But it seems to be creeping back. A few weeks ago, House Minority Leader Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., complained about having to stick around Washington for fiscal cliff negotiations by accusing Republicans of not caring about "families" coming together to bond during Kwanzaa. The private schools have picked up this PC nonsense from the public schools. (Soon, no one will know anything.)
"It is a fact that Kwanzaa was invented in 1966 by a black radical FBI stooge,
Ron Karenga -- aka Dr. Maulana Karenga --- founder of United Slaves, a violent nationalist rival to the Black Panthers. He was also a dupe of the FBI."
.... "Kwanzaa emerged not from Africa, but from the FBI's COINTELPRO. It is a holiday celebrated exclusively by
idiot white liberals. Black people celebrate Christmas. (Merry Christmas, fellow Christians!)
"Sing to "Jingle Bells":
Kwanzaa bells, dashikis sell
Whitey has to pay;
Burning, shooting, oh what fun
On this made-up holiday!
Quit Frontin on Kwanzaa "For most Black folks, the holiday of Kwanzaa is one tied to Pan-Africanism and thus gets mentioned more in their living rooms on TV commercials than at family gatherings. I’ve decided we’ve been frontin’ on Kwanzaa for no real good reason. So here are some pre-emptive responses to questions and concerns."