Thursday, April 30, 2015

Links on the Baltimore riots and my choice for Mother of the Year

How Riot Supporters Think  "Walter Hudson has already drawn your attention to an article in Salon endorsing urban guerrilla warfare as a viable strategy for “the oppressed.”

"It’s important to take articles like this very seriously. One is tempted to shrug—”well, it’s Salon“—and go on with one’s day. But Salon is not The Socialist Worker. It isn’t even what Ramparts used to be. It reaches a much wider audience, and those who read it and write for it are not solely members of obscure sects like the Revolutionary Communist Party. They are registered Democrats and independents. They are students, teachers, journalists, and the baristas at Starbucks. They’re all around." . . .

 Political Cartoons by Chip Bok
 Police source: Mayor Blake ordered cops to 'stand down' at height of rioting
. . .  Clearly, Rawlings-Blake did not want to be seen as bringing the hammer down on "protestors."  She went to great pains to try and separate "legitimate" protestors from the "thugs.' " . . .

The Weasel of the Week Award goes to...
 "Yes, once again, It’s time to present this week’s statuette of shame, The Golden Weasel!!

"Every Tuesday, the Council nominates some of the slimiest, most despicable characters in public life for some deed of evil, cowardice or corruption they’ve performed. Then we vote to single out one particular Weasel for special mention, to whom we award the statuette of shame, our special, 100% plastic Golden Weasel. This week’s nominees were all spectacularly disgusting, but the votes are in and we have our winner winner… the envelope please…

Washington Post reports that Freddie Gray was trying to hurt himself in police van
. . . "Needless to say, the forces that have been criticizing the Baltimore Police do not welcome this report.  They are heavily invested in a narrative of police misconduct.  And they may be correct, though the evidence is not in, and the release of an official investigation has still not happened.  But, should the report be true and verified, you can count on protesters citing a “larger truth.' ”

Sharpton Plays Defense For Dingbat Baltimore Mayor, Shoves Fox Reporter Aside
" Al Sharpton was on hand in Baltimore yesterday to 1) Make sure things get worse there and 2) Protect the mayor from uncomfortable questions."
"Leland Vittert, who deserves a Pulitzer Prize that he’ll never receive for his work in Baltimore, reported yesterday that one of his sources in the police department informed him that Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, who deserves a tar-and-feather treatment that she’ll never receive, told the police to stand down and not challenge rioters as they were ravaging the city." . . .
Remember Vittert is Fox News and Sharpton is MSNBC. Just sayin'

 LIBERAL CHICK: Tells People to ‘Loot and Steal’ and Endorses Hillary for President

 Political Cartoons by Dana Summers
Black Mom Changes Leftist Narrative on Violence  . . . The left turns on her.
"The important teaching moment represented by this dramatic incident, a brief moment of sanity in the media, undercut the left-wing effort to somehow blame the police for the riots. As a result, the “progressives” had to go on the attack against the black mother.

"Over at Think Progress, the blog of the pro-Obama Center for American Progress, Graham was attacked as a “misguided” mother who exercised bad judgment in holding her son accountable. Writer Kira Lerner said the issue was alleged police violence, not rioting in the streets by black youth.

"She quoted a woman with a group opposed to “police brutality” as saying that “While she doesn’t condone the looting that was highlighted by the media in Baltimore Monday night, she said she understands where the violent protesters are coming from.' ”. . .
Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson
#BaltimoreRiots Teen Thanks Mom, while American U Prof calls her Mammie
 “ 'I understand how much my mother really cares about me. I just got to try to do better.' ”  Video at the link.
 What caught my eye was his sweatpants,” she told ABC News. “Even though he had on all black, I knew those sweatpants he had on, they had a stripe on the side of it and then his eye contact met mine. And I knew that was my son.”
"Though he was visibly annoyed and tried brushing off his mom in the video that has now gone viral, the 16-year-old recognizes that she was just looking out for him.
“I’m like, ‘Oh man! What is my momma doing down here?'” Michael told ABC News, laughing while thinking back to the moment his mom nabbed him Monday afternoon.
“All my friends know my mother. Every time they see her they’re like, ‘Toya coming.’ Oh, yeah she’s coming. Everybody better get straight,” he said."

The Clintons; masters of chutzpah

 Political Cartoons by Ken Catalino

Chutzpah meaning: 1. shameless audacity; impudence
 Clinton example: when the Clinton's were exposed to be renting out the Lincoln bedroom at the White House to big donors, they claimed to be victims of the corrupt campaign financing needs in politics. Bill said they would campaign against this very custom and set himself up as the champion of campaign reform. This couple had the very nerve to go from being exposed as the most greedy of politicians to the very ones to clean up corruption in politics. And the media and the public bought it!
Bill Clinton is considered to be a master politician, but he is enabled to be that only because of the willingness of Democrat media/voters to cling to the Clintons.  As George Will said, the Clinton's strength is the inability to be embarrassed by anything. And I would add, the Democrat voters' willingness to settle for mediocrity in all areas of our culture and government. The Tunnel Dweller

Hillary Clinton, of all people, calls for restoring trust in public life  "Bill and Hillary Clinton's durability in American public life is built largely upon their complete inability to be embarrassed or shamed by anything.

"Think about all the controversies, everything they've been involved in. Don't think too graphically, but Cattlegate, Travelgate, the Lincoln Bedroom, Monica, Paula et al. Benghazi. Cutting consulate security there. Violating agreements with the White House. Private email server. Deleted emails. Influence peddling. Opaque transparency on fundraising. Uranium deals. No apologies. Just their immensely enriched bank accounts.

 "So, there Clinton was Wednesday 10 days into her final bid to capture the Oval Office, on a Columbia University stage calling for the restoration of trust in American public life." .

Should Hillary Clinton wear a body camera?
 Political Cartoons by Ken Catalino
 Hillary Clinton to Demand Transparency for Public Officials Not Named Hillary Clinton  . . . "But there's another obvious reason why Hillary Clinton's call for police body cameras is... interesting. Later today, Hillary Clinton is going to stand up on national television and insist that the American people are entitled to an extensive record of evidence documenting the decisions of public officials who are charged with making life or death decisions. The hypocrisy here is too obvious to ignore:" . . .
 . .
While on the subject...
Hillary Clinton Blows off Questions from the Press  "If you’re wondering why the Democratic Party’s presumed 2016 nominee has been quiet lately, you’re not alone.
"Hillary Clinton has answered only seven questions from the media since announcing her run for president.
. . .
"Here Are All Seven Media Questions Hillary Clinton Has Answered During Her Campaign" . . .Read more at the link.

Obama to abandon Israel at the UN

This petulant juvenile president gets his revenge for Netanyahu's speech to Congress

Caroline Glick
"In testimony last week before the House committee in charge of State Department funding, US Ambassador to the UN Samantha Power acknowledged that the Obama administration intends to abandon the US’s 50 year policy of supporting Israel at the United Nations.

"After going through the tired motions of pledging support for Israel, “when it matters,” Power refused to rule out the possibility that the US would support anti-Israel resolutions in the UN Security Council to limit Israeli sovereignty and control to the lands within the 1949 armistice lines – lines that are indefensible.

"Such a move will be taken, she indicated, in order to midwife the establishment of a terrorist-supporting Palestinian state whose supposedly moderate leadership does not recognize Israel’s right to exist, calls daily for its destruction, and uses the UN to delegitimize the Jewish state.
In other words, the Obama administration intends to pin Israel into indefensible borders while establishing a state committed to its destruction." . . . Full article.

This teacup poodle rides elevators to visit friends

USA Today    "This black teacup poodle named Nala is making everyone smile at a nursing home in Minnesota. She scurries from room to room, even riding the elevator by herself, to see her friends."

The tiny dog is an “angel” in disguise to nursing home residents.

"A tiny teacup poodle named Nala is administering a medicine that everyone at a nursing home in Minnesota loves to get. Nala accompanies Doug Dawson to his work at Lyngblomsten nursing home and while he works, she sprints independently around the hallways of the home seeking out people to comfort.

"Although Nala never trained as a therapy dog, she has a knack for knowing when people are really sick and need her. She even senses when someone is passing on. When she finds someone she wants to see, she jumps on their laps and gives them a cuddle and makes them smile. As the residents describe her, she’s an “angel”."