Wednesday, December 22, 2021

The Daunte Wright NYT Readers Don't Know

 Ann Coulter

As for the trial of Kim Potter, the officer who shot Wright, neither the prosecution nor defense disputes that it was a mistake, that she thought she was holding her Taser. Several officers, and the defense's use-of-force expert, testified that Potter would have been fully justified in shooting Wright in order to protect the other officer from being dragged by the car.

"They're doing it again. The New York Times is aggressively hiding relevant facts on a matter of public interest simply in order to promote the narrative of black victimhood.

"OK, we didn't get away with it last time, but we probably will this time. Let's try!

"Daunte Wright is the half-black man fatally shot by a police officer in Minnesota earlier this year. According to Nexis, he has appeared in well over 100 articles in the Times.  But one thing Times readers will never be told is that Wright was facing criminal charges for trying to choke a woman to death while robbing her at gunpoint. 

"They will also never hear about the lawsuit accusing Wright and an accomplice of shooting a guy during a carjacking. 

"In a bold departure from customary practice, the Times did make two passing references to another lawsuit claiming Wright shot a guy in the head, permanently disabling him, but in both cases, quickly added: "The lawsuit offers no direct evidence tying Mr. Wright to the shooting." 

"And those are just the crimes he's accused of committing lately, during the brief year and a half since he turned 18 and was no longer treated as a juvenile. When it comes to Wright's legal problems, the Times didn't even pull its usual trick of putting all the interesting information in paragraph 20. 

"These grisly allegations, as set forth in police reports and lawsuits, have been completely, 100% censored from the Newspaper of Record. 

"This isn't a genteel refusal to "put the victim on trial." Wright's short but exciting criminal record is highly relevant to the convulsions this country has been going through since George Floyd's death at the hands of the police in 2020 -- convulsions painstakingly fostered by the Times. 

"Contrary to the media's black victimhood narrative, there's a very good reason Wright was in a position to be confronted by the police and in a way that most people are not." . . . 

Joe Biden, the brains behind America and the free world?

The madness of King Brandon  "Less than one year since he assumed office, Joe Biden has managed to turn his presidency into a deeply unpopular monarchy.  No longer is he the genial but generally harmless buffoon who entertained most of us while he was in Congress with his mispronunciations, misquotes, and embellished tales of dubious authenticity.  As a result of the 2020 presidential election that was, at best, questionable, Biden was elevated well past his ability, and he proceeded to wreck virtually everything he touched as leader of the free world.

"On his first day in office, via executive order, Biden closed the Keystone pipeline for no other reason than a spiteful rebuke of President Trump's energy independence program.  It was a hare-brained sop to his fellow environmentalist lunatics who believed that this gesture would somehow "heal the planet" and reduce the phantom scourge of climate change.  How that was supposed to make a difference is anybody's guess.  It did, however, immediately succeed in reducing the supply of petroleum to our nation and raising the price of consumer gasoline and oil, as well as transporting goods.  Great start there, Joe!" . . .

Manchin shows Biden's dangerous  . . ."Now Manchin is a sharp guy, but come on. Biden is the president, and he calls the shots. He -- not his staff -- gave Kamala the cold shoulder at Bob Dole's funeral. He -- not the generals -- surrendered Afghanistan. He -- not liberals in Congress -- demanded socialism and green energy nonsense stay in the BBB bill." . . .

Joe Biden: demented idiot or crazy like a fox? . . ."Biden has proven to be a very adept criminal mastermind. For decades, he has funneled millions of dollars to his children and siblings and, especially, to his debauched, deviant son, Hunter." . . .

Well, if Joe is indeed a genius, America has become a nation controlled by idiots from somewhere or other. What does Neil Kinnock have to say about Joe? (Being a socialist himself, he may still like Joe, if not respect him). TD

Biden’s Pentagon continues its crackdown on conservatives in the ranks

 The wise and/or paranoid among us believe that those new rules are an effort to clear the ranks of conservatives, especially Trump supporters (and, I bet, DeSantis supporters).

The Biden Administration’s Truly Ominous Christmas Wish List for America 

Is Hillary Clinton Suggesting Civil War?

American Thinker "The other day, in an interview with NBC News, Hillary Clinton went public with a warning -- or was it a dog whistle to Democrats and the left?  It might be an instance of Hillary’s mouth running ahead of her brain, but don’t count on it.  Hillary is a coldly calculating woman -- and that might be one of her better qualities.   

"Hillary suggested that if Trump or “someone of his ilk” is elected president in 2024, then American democracy is kaput.  Foolishness?  Knowing the conceits and delusions that infect her intended audience, her suggestion might not seem ludicrous.  Hillary’s side listens to her, so her words carry weight.                  

"From National Review, December 13:

“I think that could be the end of our democracy,” [Hillary] said. “Not too be too pointed about it, but I want people to understand that this could be a make-or-break point. If he or someone of his ilk were once again to be elected president, especially if he had a Congress that would do his bidding, you will not recognize our country.” . . .


Thomas Sowell on the Current Black Culture

Dr. Sowell warns against the race hustlers who keep blacks down and in poverty just for the enrichment of the Sharpton's, Jacksons, Waters and any number of Soros-supported public officials. TD

 Youtube  "If you want to learn more on this topic, read the following 2 books by Thomas Sowell: Black Rednecks and White Liberals —

"Intellectuals and Race —"

As a black man, I have to
gree with him. My whole life I heard black people that wanted to do well in school or spoke proper English be told they were "actng white".