MSN "SUTHERLAND SPRINGS, Texas — Red roses and first names grace 26 empty chairs.
"Voices without faces read aloud verses from the scripture.
"For everyone who believes in him shall have eternal life," says one in a simple recording on a loop over a public address system.
. . . " 'We had some amazing people come and pull off a miracle to basically rebuild this sanctuary," Associate Pastor Mark Collins said at the broken church's front door.
"Voices without faces read aloud verses from the scripture.
"That's what several dozen residents of Sutherland Springs and nearby communities saw and heard when the church that witnessed a horrific mass killing was opened for short, solemn tours."

"Church officials, who earlier had suggested the nearly 100-year-old building would come down, said no decision has been made on whether to demolish it or to give it new life. Either way, Collins said, services will be held inside the building next Sunday.
"That sanctuary showed to the public was stripped of any outward sign of violence. Blood-stained carpet was gone and the concrete floor painted white. Pews where worshipers were slain were taken out." . . . Photo gallery of the memorial