Wednesday, November 5, 2014

OK Go's newest music video is amazingly choreographed.   "American alternative rock band OK Go is well-known for their unique music videos. For their new hit single, "I Won't Let You Down", they incorporate amazing choreography with personal mobility devices and umbrellas to deliver an eye-pleasing experience."

Rock band OK Go's new drone music video is amazing

"Rock band/viral-video-machine OK Go has released its latest music video — and its members have officially graduated from treadmills and optical illusions to a more sky's-the-limit approach."


Ann Coulter ... "An angry Rachel Maddow repeatedly told her little joke about Brown being the first man to lose to two women in two states. Hey Rachel: Martha Coakley just became the first woman in the same state to lose to a man in two elections for two different offices -- senate and governor!

"It was a tough night for Rachel. For those of you who haven’t seen her show, words cannot capture the giggling, smirky cutesy antics that accompany her remarks. "...

... “According to Sam Wang`s calculations,” Maddow smirked on September 3, “the odds of the Democrats holding onto the Senate nationwide for the whole country, those odds move to 85 percent.”
"Senate Election Results by Midnight Tuesday:
\Senate Republicans: 52 , Senate Democrats: 44

   ..."Less than a month ago, Rachel devoted several shows to a complicated argument about how the Democrats could win the senate election in South Dakota. “Now, today, the new unthinkable,” she began. “The Democratic Party today just announced that, hey, South Dakota is hereby a contested race. South Dakota. Democrats all of a sudden think they can maybe win in South Dakota. … Woo-hoo!”
"Tuesday Night Election Results in South Dakota:
Republican Mike Rounds: 51.1 %, Democrat Rick Weiland: 29%
"-- Republicans have just elected: the youngest member of Congress (Elise Stefanik of New York); the first black female representative from Utah (Mia Love); the first black senator from the South since Reconstruction (Tim Scott). The two black senators from the South before that were also Republicans, as was the first black senator from the North, Edward Brooke.

"-- Americans really don’t want drivers licenses for illegal aliens.
"-- Sandra Fluke lost.

No One Is “Accusing” Lena Dunham of What She Did to Her Sister

OK, just this once and we're through with her. Everywhere you look, there was her name in print and I wanted to see what it was about. It was TMI, but it seems to be just one more incident of Hollywood vs. conservatives. TD

American Glob

"This is a classic case of how information is reported when it reflects badly on liberals."
"Let’s get the story straight. Here are the facts:"

Lena Dunham wrote a book about herself.
In that book, she wrote about exploring her baby sister’s genitals as a child as well as many other questionable acts. In the course of her writing, she used the words “sexual predator” to describe herself and her actions.
Kevin Williamson of National Review wrote an article about her book in which he quoted her.
Truth Revolt wrote an article about the book and quoted her.
Now Dunham is threatening to sue Truth Revolt for quoting her.
Almost every news outlet covering the story now is using headlines like:
Lena Dunham responds to right wing claims…
Lena Dunham responds to accusations…
Absolutely no one is making claims or accusations. They quoted her. From her own book. Which she wrote. In her own words.
"Some news and opinion sites on the left are actually defending Dunham.
"They should ask themselves how they’d report this story if it was about Bristol Palin."

NRO Editors: A Manifesto for Dysfunction     " Dunham’s critics on the left, who have been surprising in number, have deployed the voguish language of “white privilege” to describe her inability to appreciate what exactly was wrong with that behavior. We are not comfortable with that particular phrase here, inasmuch as it conflates race with a cast of mind, as though moral blindness were a hereditary trait, but the underlying sentiment is approximately correct."

From early Tuesday: If Democrats Win Today, So Does Lena Dunham  "On this important election day let us not forget that Lena Dunham, who once described herself as the voice of her generation, wants everyone to Rock the Vote. And you can be sure it’s not for Republicans.

"She didn’t vote in the last midterm election but what does that matter?" ...


‘I Feel Like We’re in South Africa!’: Matthews Breaks Down Georgia Vote by Race

Mediaite    "Chris Matthews is sick of talking about every midterm Senate campaign in racial terms. During MSNBC’s live coverage Tuesday night, Matthews was discussing the Georgia Senate race when he admitted, “I feel like we’re in South Africa.”

“ 'I hate talking ethnically [about] all this,” Matthews said. “But it’s fascinating to watch what happened with Michelle Nunn. It’s interesting because she has 27% of the white vote. I hate talking — I feel like we’re in South Africa! 27% of the white vote, and yet everybody says she needs 30. It’s already written down somewhere exactly what your bar is for each community. I mean, it’s pretty awful.' ”...
President Barack Obama Chris Matthews race card race racist racists racism racial

MSNBC: 'Old white people who vote Republican will die someday'  "Well, at least they have something to look forward to.
"When you think about it, old hippies are going to die someday too. Will that turn California red? Of course not."

Mia Love Wins in Utah - First Female African-American Republican in Congress  "Republican Mia Love has defeated Democrat Doug Owens in the race for Utah’s 4th Congressional District.
"The campaign manager for Doug Owens tells FOX 13 News’ Caroline Connolly that Love has won the race for Utah’s 4th Congressional District by a margin of 50 percent to 46 percent.
"Doug Owens tweeted at 11:25 p.m. that he had called Mia Love to concede the race." ... 

After such a rejection, what would a petulant president do?

Will Obama go rogue? (Reader Poll)   "All he has left is his legacy."
"The supposed rising female stars who were to lead the War on Women battle charge were wiped out last night — Wendy Davis, Alison Grimes, Mary Burke. Add to them the loss of Kay Hagan and the likely December runoff loss for Mary Landrieu.
"In a party devoid of a short term future, Obama has a choice — give up at least some of his legacy, or go rogue, using his executive powers to continue to push his agenda despite the wave election rejecting his policies.

No Obama pivot after midterms  ... "At the same time, Obama won’t back down from using his administrative powers, including plans to issue an executive order on immigration that could be the most aggressive unilateral action of his presidency. He’ll adhere to a progressive agenda that, officials said, will keep the base excited, position his party to win back the Senate and hold the White House in 2016, and seal his legacy. And he will continue to use the bully pulpit to promote liberal issues, such as stemming climate change, that stand no chance of passing Congress on his watch but might under his successor."

Years ago the mayor of Las Vegas sized Mr. Obama up with these words:

Thomas Lifson calls him "Typhoid Barry" ... "Then there is the tricky matter of the 2016 presidential race. Does Hillary Clinton turn on him? If she does, who knows what might leak out about her behavior the night of Benghazi?" ...   This and numerous other commentaries from Lucianne

Our Petulant President ..."Obama is not the first second-term president to lose seats in his last midterm election, nor is he the first to find plenty of explanations for why that was not a judgment on his tenure. There is something about this point in a presidency that brings trouble - the last four two-term presidents all faced arguably the greatest crisis of their own creation about this time." ...

WH Privately Tells CNN Obama To Fake Bipartisanship, Invite GOP Senators To Pretend Meetings, Veto Everything: ‘Don’t Expect Us To Work With Them’
“ 'In talking to a senior administration official who said “We’re not gonna sign a bunch of their bills, period. We’re gonna veto stuff." ....

Filed under "Unlikely":  Peggy Noonan Wishes Obama Would Show ‘Graciousness’ After Midterm Losses   "In a blog post at the Journal, Noonan says unlike presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush before him, Obama hasn’t accepted political defeats (as in the 2010 midterms) with tact."

Commentaries on this 2014 election

Obama: 'Don't think we're not keeping score, brother'   "... However, Barack Obama refused to change tack after losses in 2010 and he shows no inclination to do so now....  Why Republicans were a "do-nothing" Congress:
Senate Majority leader Harry Reid was Obama’s other major enforcer -- as Reid used his dictatorial control of the Senate to control what legislation came up for a vote and what amendments would be allowed to be offered by other Senators. The result was total deadlock, as the Republican House passed law after law -- challenges to Obamacare, to Obama’s legislation, to Obama’s overreach, to Obama’s trampling of the Constitution, only to see them die-smothered- at the hands of Harry Reid.
Political Cartoons by Chip Bok

 Tillis victory called in North Carolina. Looks wavy, eh?

Michael Barone: How the Wave Happened ... "The Tsunami of events and Democratic failure have washed the Republicans into office. Now they have to clean up the mess."

Midterm elections results: Why Republicans crushed Democrats   "The Democrats had no compelling message to counter the Republicans' anti-Obama outcry. And the Democrats' vaunted turnout operation fizzled."  (Video)

Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy
Wendy Davis Was The Face Of ‘War On Women’ Politics. How’d That Go?   ... "Wendy Davis lost. We’re waiting to hear the final details, but it looks like she lost big. A media less invested in carrying War on Women water might have led fewer cheers for Davis and the country’s largest abortion provider Planned Parenthood and more thoughtful coverage about the issues of concern to actual Texas voters, never as pleased with late-term abortion rights as the people inhabiting American newsrooms."
Political Cartoons by Gary McCoy

 Exit polls: Don't care for Obamacare  ..." Forty-seven percent of those who cast ballots in the midterms said the 2010 health care law, which opened for enrollment a year ago, went too far. On the other hand, 26 percent said the law didn’t go far enough, CNN exit polls reported." ...

"War on Women Sally" Kohn said:  ‘Obama was compromising plenty before last night. It’s time for Republicans to join him and govern!’
 Hawk(es) Ù† @HawkORHawkes
@sallykohn @JammieWF OK, so when GOP loses Congress, it's a mandate for change, but when they win, they have to compromise. Got it.

PerezOfficial.jpgMichelle Malkin: Is GOP Ready for Obama's Attorney General Fight?  "The Congressional Hispanic Caucus sent Obama a demand letter last week promoting Labor Secretary Tom Perez (right) as Eric Holder's replacement. Mother Jones ran with "Why Picking Tom Perez for Attorney General Would Be a Smart Move for Obama."
 "This looks to be the new Senate Republicans' first test of spinal fortitude. Will they fight for equal justice under the law or crumble under pressure from ethnic special interests? Will they reject the open-borders lobby or cave to race-card politics as usual? After an entire election cycle of GOP promises to buck Obama, will Senate Republican newbies deliver the goods or capitulate to craven political correctness?" ... 

Why Legislating Morality Is A Good Thing

The Liberty Papers 
"One of the phrases that irritates me about politics is when the phrase “we shouldn’t legislate morality” is uttered. Usually, that person does mean well (ie. supporting a separation of church and state), but it doesn’t diminish the fact that the phrase itself is ignorant. I would argue that a free liberal society must legislate morality if it is remain both a liberal society and a free society. All laws are is the morality of a society that is written down, therefore you cannot make laws if you’re not legislating morality.

"I’m a classical liberal, which means I believe that the only moral purpose of government is to defend life, liberty, and property. I also believe in things such as pluralism, tolerance, the advancement of science and technology, realism, and reason. I want the morality of society to recognize these things in the laws that are made by the government that is supposed to represent us all. In fact, I would go even further to argue that moral relativism and liberty cannot coexist."

"When many people read this title and the first paragraph they’re probably thinking, “Kevin is about to argue for some sort of a theocracy.” Well, once you’ve read the second paragraph you probably realize that I’m no theocrat. Yes, I am a Christian, but I don’t need to law of Ceasar to guide my walk with Jesus Christ. While it is unreasonable to ask people check their religious and cultural beliefs at the door when discussing politics, in a pluralistic society such as the United States there is no place for legislating based on religion."  ...By Kevin Boyd

Full article here.

Report: Exec Amnesty 'No Matter How Big a Shellacking' For Dems

126369 600 Amnesty cartoons

Breitbart TV  "ABC News Chief White House Correspondent Jon Karl reported that according to WH officials “the president will move forward with an executive order on immigration reform “no matter how big a shellacking Democrats get tonight” during ABC’s Election coverage on Tuesday.
Karl said “White House officials are saying that you can expect the president to set an aggressive, and defiant tone tomorrow. You're not going to see any mea culpas, no big firings, no change in direction.”

"He added “officials tell me the president is prepared to aggressively pursue his agenda using his power of executive authority, where he can't work with Congress, and the big one is going to be on immigration reform. White House officials tell me that the president will move forward with an executive order on immigration reform no matter how big a shellacking Democrats get tonight.. ”