Wednesday, March 21, 2012

19 Reasons & Counting to Vote for Rick Santorum! From the Duggar Family

Here is their website. 

From Michelle's blog:   The Importance of Grieving After a Miscarriage ..."So I allow myself to cry and let it out, and it's been the same for my children. We were all getting ready for Jubilee; we had bought items like a baby walker and a little jumparoo because so much of our baby stuff had been worn out. And then to realize that it's not going to be used by her has been a hard reminder for everyone"

Hat tip to Susan Michelle Tyrrell, Gadsden, AL.

If Winston Churchill had been British Prime Minister in 1938, millions would not have died. Will that turn out to be true once again?

IRAN: WHAT WOULD WINSTON DO? "You can approach certain general conclusions based on the character of governments and leaders.  No one doubts Netanyahu’s resolve to defend Israel to the utmost if they believe Iran’s nuke point of no return is at hand.  And I don’t think anyone doubts that Obama and his peeps are hand-wringing about the whole matter, paralyzed both by the genuine perils and uncertainty of the situation as well as Obama’s hostility to Israel.  Contemplating this scene brought to mind the applicability of Churchill’s reflections on the derelictions of the British government in the Munich crisis.  It’s one of Churchill’s greatest passages, from The Gathering Storm, and it doesn’t take too much work to connect the principle he lays out to Obama’s duty in the Iranian crisis:"... Churchill later wrote:

....For the French Government to leave her faithful ally, Czechoslovakia, to her fate was a melancholy lapse from which flowed terrible consequences.  Not only wise and fair policy, but chivalry, honor, and sympathy for a small threatened people made an overwhelming concentration.
"Czechoslovakia then; Israel today?  All eyes will be on Obama soon to decide this question."  
Churchill Quotes: 
  •  An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.
  •  I was only the servant of my country and had I, at any moment, failed to express her unflinching resolve to fight and conquer, I should at once have been rightly cast aside.  
  • One ought never to turn one's back on a threatened danger and try to run away from it. If you do that, you will double the danger. But if you meet it promptly and without flinching, you will reduce the danger by half. Never run away from anything. Never!
  • Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.
  • What kind of people do they think we are? Is it possible they do not realize that we shall never cease to persevere against them until they have been taught a lesson which they and the world will never forget?
 This next quote may be the most significant in today's situation regarding Iran and Israel:
 You were given the choice between war and dishonor. You chose dishonor and you will have war.

The Illinois Primary

Neal Boortz: Newt Gingrich all but finished 
Mitt Romney wins big in Illinois, but rival Rick Santorum vows to fight on    ...“It’s time to say this word: enough. We’ve had enough.”

"Romney was talking about his desire to end the Obama administration. But one wonders if he also was making a subtle plea to his GOP rivals."
This contest will be "between those Republicans who disagree with Barack Obama, believing his policies to be mistaken, and those who hate Barack Obama, believing him to be wicked.(Rush Limbaugh)  "And this is one of the problems that people on my side have with Romney. They don't think Romney or the Republican establishment cares that much about repudiating what Obama has done. They just want to beat him. They just want back in control...." 
This pretty well sums up the feeling of many of us; we don't just want Obama to be edged out by some slim margin that can be disputed and called a near-victory by his fellow-travelers. We want the policies of this entire left-wing and its advocates in Hollywood, the liberal media and in the camps of the occupiers to be shamed by the rejection of their policies.
But if this is to be accomplished by even a razor-thin margin, it will have to be over the resistance of the media, the entertainment industry, academia and a naive voting segment that knows nothing of economics and the dangers of socialist goals.
 Republicans will have to outvote an electorate that includes the aforementioned plus millions of voters -citizens or not- who know little of this nation and are, in fact, seeking America's repudiation. TD

TNR: I Did the Delegate Math—And It's Over "And looking at the calendar and the resources available to Romney and Santorum, it’s just irrational to deny Romney’s got this wrapped up. It comes down to the delegate math: Despite his various missteps, Romney has been steadily winning a majority of the delegates awarded." 

PJ Tatler: Endgame for Newt Gingrich?  "Gingrich lost where he badly needed wins, and fared poorly in Illinois. His campaign is financially under water. If he does not win in Louisiana’s primary next week, where does he go from there?" 
Boy, will we miss Newt in the debates when he takes on the Obama press sycophants.

John W. Lillpop: Time to End Political Circus, Get Behind Mitt, [and] Defeat Obama! 

"Now that Mitt Romney is “almost there,” Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum should hold a united press conference to acknowledge what seems most probable: Mitt Romney will be the nominee for the Republican Party.
"They should release their delegates to Romney and agree to campaign where and when Romney needs their help." 

OBAMA LIES: NO ONE at FOX News Is Calling Him A Muslim

American Glob "Obama and his cronies are thin skinned liars who will stoop to any low in order to smear their opponents.

"Democrats lost big in 2010 for one simple reason. Their policies are driving America off a cliff."

The Illinois Primary

Neal Boortz: Newt Gingrich all but finished 
Mitt Romney wins big in Illinois, but rival Rick Santorum vows to fight on    ...“It’s time to say this word: enough. We’ve had enough.”

"Romney was talking about his desire to end the Obama administration. But one wonders if he also was making a subtle plea to his GOP rivals."
This contest will be "between those Republicans who disagree with Barack Obama, believing his policies to be mistaken, and those who hate Barack Obama, believing him to be wicked.(Rush Limbaugh)  "And this is one of the problems that people on my side have with Romney. They don't think Romney or the Republican establishment cares that much about repudiating what Obama has done. They just want to beat him. They just want back in control...." 

This pretty well sums up the feeling of many of us except for the words "hate" and "wicked", which I would not have even applied to any Soviet commissar or politburo member. 
What many of us feel is that we don't just want Obama to be barely edged out; not  by some slim margin that can be disputed and called a near-victory by his fellow-travelers. We want the policies of this entire left-wing and its advocates in Hollywood, the liberal media and in the camps of the occupiers to be shamed by the rejection of their policies.
But if this is to be accomplished- by even a razor-thin margin-  it will have to be over the resistance of the media, the entertainment industry, academia and a naive voting segment that knows nothing of economics and the dangers of socialist goals.
 Republicans will have to outvote an electorate that includes the aforementioned along with millions of voters -citizens or not- who know little of this nation and are, in fact, seeking America's repudiation. TD

Ann Althouse has this on some Santorum statements:  ".. but they now raise doubts about Santorum’s capacity to be his party’s standard-bearer in the general election." 

TNR: I Did the Delegate Math—And It's Over "And looking at the calendar and the resources available to Romney and Santorum, it’s just irrational to deny Romney’s got this wrapped up. It comes down to the delegate math: Despite his various missteps, Romney has been steadily winning a majority of the delegates awarded." 

PJ Tatler: Endgame for Newt Gingrich?  "Gingrich lost where he badly needed wins, and fared poorly in Illinois. His campaign is financially under water. If he does not win in Louisiana’s primary next week, where does he go from there?" 
Boy, will we miss Newt in the debates when he takes on the Obama press sycophants.

Paper: Marines down on Obama

Charlie Spiering 
Battle Rattle [Sgt.] "Stein has come under fire for stating on Facebook that he wouldn’t follow certain orders given by his commander in chief.  And Marines say Stein’s not alone in his disapproval.  More anti-Obama talk is being heard in the workplace and new Military Times poll data shows declining approval among military service members for the president’s job as commander in chief"
"The article cites hot button issues such as repeal of "don't ask, don't tell," relaxing restrictions of women in combat, and steep budget cuts, behind the disapproval numbers."
Sorry, but the full article is available only to Marine Times subscribers.

Energy and this administration's lack of it

[Interior Secretary Kenneth] Salazar Lied About Oil Production on Federal Lands  " “The oil production from onshore federal minerals was down last year from previous years,” Abbey said. He pointed out that oil producers decide where to produce and develop and emphasized that there are many approved permits that are not being utilized right now." 
Chu gives himself high marks on gas prices, drawing criticism  "Spicer acknowledges the lack of short-term fixes. But he thinks Obama has dragged his feet for years on such potential, long-term solutions as offshore drilling and the Keystone XL oil pipeline while spending taxpayer dollars on such yet-to-be proven, alternative-energy ventures as offshore wind and solar-energy companies, such as Solyndra. More video on this here.

" “He turned up his nose at areas of production we have in the U.S. and put all of his eggs in the basket of Solyndra, then says there’s no silver bullet. He wasted years," Spicer said."

Here is one we ran a few days ago and it fits well here: Red Tape Rising: Obama-Era Regulation at the Three-Year Mark  "During the first three years of the Obama Administration, 106 new major federal regulations added more than $46 billion per year in new costs for Americans."

Crony Capitalism and Algae Energy    "Why on earth did President Obama offer algae as a solution to America's energy problems? I suspect that if he could, he would press the rewind button and erase the comment, as it has exposed him to widespread ridicule from heavyweights like Charles Krauthammer.  But the question remains: why bring it up at all?"

US Soldier's Friends Stunned at Afghanistan Rampage Charges   "Bales was a decorated solider who had commendations for good conduct and superior performance. He served three tours in Iraq, where he lost part of a foot and suffered a concussive head injury.
"He has had several run-ins with the law. He was charged with assaulting a girlfriend in 2002, but the charges were dropped after Bales took a course in anger management. He was charged in a hit-and-run traffic accident in 2008, but those charges were also dropped.
....Bales was a decorated solider who had commendations for good conduct and superior performance. He served three tours in Iraq, where he lost part of a foot and suffered a concussive head injury.
"He has had several run-ins with the law. He was charged with assaulting a girlfriend in 2002, but the charges were dropped after Bales took a course in anger management. He was charged in a hit-and-run traffic accident in 2008, but those charges were also dropped.
Robert Bales’ wife: “Profoundly sad” over killed Afghans, “I too want to know what happened”   "All I can do now is emphasize my sadness and my condolences to the families in Panjawai for their terrible loss," she concluded her statement this week. "The victims and their families are all in my prayers, as is my husband who I love very much." 

Obama, the Constitution and Another Granny in a Wheelchair

Controversial Painter Depicts Obama With Burning Constitution   "While McNaughton previously depicted Obama stepping on the nation’s founding document, “One Nation Under Socialism” glowers directly as if challenging the viewer. His right hand is holding the Constitution and his left hand is pointing to the flames.

"McNaughton tells CBSDC that the hands “represents his recognition of what is happening (to the Constitution) as it goes up.”"
"“There are numerous symbols and subtleties in this painting, and I’m not ready to reveal all of them,” McNaughton said.
"CBSDC contacted Jerry Saltz, an art critic for New York Magazine, about the painting.
"When asked for an opinion, Saltz said that the painting contained “bad academic derivative realism,” calling it “typical propaganda art, drop-dead obvious in message” and “visually dead as a doornail.” "...
OK, we know it's more propaganda than art as are Gingrich's speeches, though don't you just love it when Newt goes after Obama and those, um...journalists?

"Obama Throws Granny Off the Cliff" TV Ad From Doctors Group
"The ad uses Obama's own voice and words from a televised health care forum on how the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB) would determine medical care: "Maybe you are better off by not having the surgery, but taking the pain killer" in response to a question about how bureaucrats would determine who qualifies for what medical treatment.
"The ad mirrors the ad last May by a left-wing group showing House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) depicted by an actor, pushing "Granny" off the cliff in an attempt to scare seniors into believing false claims that the Ryan Plan would end Medicare." 

Everybody Wants To Throw Granny Off A Cliff  "Dr. Jane Hughes, one of the doctors involved with the group that made the ad, said in an interview with TPM that she and some friends “kept waiting and waiting for a response to the ‘granny ad’ and it never came, so we realized if we don’t do it it’s never going to come, and that was the impetus, cause it was an absolute gross misrepresentation of what had happened.” "

 InsiderOnline : Obamacare Must Go  "The law’s escalating regulations and costs weigh heavily on the businesses that fuel our economy, one of the reasons job creation has been so anemic and economic recovery has been lackluster. Obamacare is expected to force Americans to pay $99 billion more in taxes and penalties than originally anticipated. Families earning over $250,000 will get hit with a higher Medicare payroll tax.