Thursday, December 5, 2013

Looks like the millenials are leading Obama and his healthcare from behind

First off, what does Millennials mean?  ... "In 1987 they coined the term "around the time 1982-born children were entering preschool and the media were first identifying their prospective link to the millennial year 2000". Strauss and Howe use 1982 as the Millennials' starting birth year and 2004 as the last birth year.
Obama's Millennials
Obama: Young People Will Realize Obamacare Benefits Are “Something That’s Priceless”  "Because what young person wouldn’t find being burdened with yet another bloated entitlement program they’re going to get stuck paying for “priceless?”
Via Washington Examiners(sp):

Woe to Our Allies; America’s new policy of retreat is leaving our friends exposed.

Charles Krauthammer  "Three crises, one president, many bewildered friends.

"The first crisis, barely noticed here, is Ukraine’s sudden turn away from Europe and back to the Russian embrace.
The second crisis is the Middle East — the collapse of confidence of U.S. allies as America romances Iran."
"The third crisis is unfolding over the East China Sea, where, in open challenge to Obama’s “pivot to Asia,” China has brazenly declared a huge expansion of its airspace into waters claimed by Japan and South Korea."

Read the details on each crisis to see what a foreign policy mess the next administration will inherit from this circus that occupies the halls of American "power".

Obamacare; your government at work

"Judy Smith, the legendary Washington, D.C. crisis communications expert and inspiration for the hit show Scandal, said she has not seen a disaster like Obamacare in quite some time and that President Barack Obama has lost the trust of the American people with the law's botched rollout."
 Obamacare and Its Cronies "In the words of former Senate majority leader Tom Daschle, insurance companies are “not necessarily unbiased. They have a lot of skin in the game.” Indeed, one of the more peculiar aspects of the Obamacare debate has been the mainstream media’s apparent bemusement at the insurance industry’s support for a law that not only forces people to buy its products (which are necessarily more expensive under the law) but also offers direct taxpayer subsidies to help cover the cost, to the tune of nearly $500 billion over the next ten years."

ABC News And The White House Observe Mandela’s Death With Pictures of Obama

American Glob "Before liberal readers get upset, let me just say that I’m not trying to take anything away from the passing of Nelson Mandela. He was a great man who meant a lot to people all over the world.
"However, the Cult of Obama never sleeps and I’m sad to say I knew this was coming the minute I heard Mandela died.
"Here’s how the White House chose to observe Mandela’s passing. In a word?

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The White House         @WhiteHouse
                                 Rest in peace, Nelson Mandela.          

The Obama-media love affair

Date Night: Chris Matthews Tosses Softballs to Obama    "With President Obama’s approval ratings sinking thanks to the failing Obamacare rollout and the unpopular nuclear deal with Iran, Obama broke the media emergency glass to access the MSNBC host Chris Matthews. Matthews, who has compared Obama to Jesus and Henry V, and said that he was “the perfect American,” tossed Obama softball after softball, to which Obama gave stock answer after stock answer."
Chris Matthews to Obama: 'Everyone Knows' Republicans Want to Stop Minorities From Voting   "Talking to the President at American University, Matthews read a question from a viewer via Twitter: "What can we do to stop the GOP, the Republicans, from rigging the states, rigging the votes, state by state, to disenfranchise voters and destroy our democracy?' "

Carney blames Bush again   ... the result of, in part, some truly poor policy decisions that had been made in the previous administration,” he said.

Chris Matthews on his Obama interview: “He came to us. He came amongst us.”   "And, lo, the president came upon them, and the glory of the president shone round about them: and they were sore afraid."