Saturday, April 20, 2013

The Mainstream Media and the Moore-Maddow-Matthews-MSNBC axis

Michael Moore’s Continuing Epic Fail -Tweets Sympathetic Comments About Dzhokhar And Tamerlen Tsarnaev. This is nothing new for Moore: Christopher Hitchens: The lies of Michael Moore.

NPR: Hitler's Birthday Might Have Motivated Right to Bomb Boston Marathon   "The thinking, as we have been reporting, is that this is a domestic, extremist attack and officials are leaning that way largely because of the timing of the attack. April is a big month for anti-government and right-wing individuals. There's the Columbine anniversary, there's Hitler's birthday[.]"
They can always retract the comment or continue with updated info later; the words are out there into the minds of people who like believing that sort of thing. TD
Political Cartoons by Glenn Foden
Viewers Abandon MSNBC During Boston Bomb Coverage   "The Monday cable news ratings are in and as expected, the events in Boston made viewership surge as Americans were hungry for the latest information on the terrorist attack at the Boston Marathon. However, as the Hollywood Reporter notes, the numbers mostly surged for CNN and Fox News while MSNBC was left in the dust:"
Wait just a pea-picking minute here; Obama had 50 million+ votes in November, so why wouldn't MSNBC have 50 million+ viewers?

While at the same time over at Fox: Fox's Chris Wallace Asks: Perhaps Boston Residents Would Have Liked Firearms During Tsarnaev Manhunt?