Monday, June 2, 2014

The American Soldiers Who Died for Bowe Bergdahl? If So, Why Won’t He Be Punished for Their Deaths?

Debbie Schlussel     The Bergdahl Six:
  • Staff Sergeant Clayton Bowen, 29, of San Antonio, Texas
  • Private 1st Class Morris Walker, 23, of Chapel Hill, N.C.
  • Staff Sergeant Kurt Curtiss, 27, of Murray, Utah
  • 2nd Lieutenant Darryn Andrews, 34, of Dallas, Texas
  • Staff Sergeant Michael Murphrey, 25, of Snyder, Texas
  • Private 1st Class Matthew Martinek, 20, of DeKalb, Ill.
"Shown here is a Facebook page with the faces of six soldiers who died in Afghanistan, some say during the search for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl."

... "Bethea says he served in the same unit as Bergdahl -- the 1st Battalion, 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment -- which lost the six soldiers in the roughly five-week search after he disappeared. 

" 'For five years, soldiers have been forced to stay silent about the disappearance and search for Bergdahl," wrote Bethea, who said he participated in the searches. "Now we can tell our story.'"

Fury: ¿It¿s a big cover-up like Benghazi, just like everything Obama has done. We want the truth to come out¿UK Daily Mail: Outraged parents of officer who died hunting for 'deserter' POW Bergdahl lash out at Obama over 'LIES' they were told about how their hero son died 
"Cover-up: Mr Andrews claimed soldiers said they had 'to sign a letter saying that they would not discuss this', but now they have approached the family to tell the 'truth'. He added: 'I have no way of proving that apart from what they said. We cannot tell you how devastated we are that the government would do this. They lied to us' "

Another Facebook opinion

Facebook page supporting Bergdahl
Nice, very supportive page, then they ruined the entire message by featuring  Medea Benjamin of Code Pink

One silver lining to Obamacare

Psychological Warfare for Dhimmis*

*Dhimmi (pronounced zimmie): ..." a distinctly subjugated second class non-citizen almost slave who is subjected to dictatorial deprivation of any legal and human rights since he is a non-Muslim permanent resident in a Muslim state."

William A. Levinson   "An Islamist religious judge recently sentenced a Christian woman to hang for being a Christian. Militant Islam has declared war on the entire civilized world, which it calls openly the Dar-el-Harb (House of War). The Harbis, the inhabitants of the Dar-el-Harb, are dhimmis, who have no right to own property, govern their own affairs, or even live
"How can the “dhimmis” respond?  By joining forces to take out the world's trash. There exists a weapon of war it is legal for anybody, whether civilian or military, to use during peacetime.
"The goal of our propaganda is to counteract the Islamist campaign to subjugate Jews, Christians, Hindus, and the wrong kinds of Muslims. The enemy strategy begins with calls for "tolerance," demonizes enemies as Islamophobes, continues with speech-code legislation to criminalize discussion of Islamist violence and misogyny, with the goal of imposing dhimmitude and Sharia law. Islamist invaders have already created "no-go" zones that are off limits to unarmed Europeans, including police officers."

CBS Hails 'Groundbreaking' New EPA Regulations on Climate Change, Skips Job Risk

"CBS and NBC's morning shows on Monday avoided any mention of the potential job killing-harm that new Environmental Protection Agency rules will create. The three networks spent a scant 61 seconds total on the global warming regulations, but it was only Amy Robach on Good Morning America who raised a red flag. She pointed out: "The new rules will require power plants to cut Earth-warming pollution by 30 percent. Opponents say this will drive up energy costs and kill thousands of jobs."

"On CBS This Morning, co-host Amy Robach cheered, "This morning, the EPA announces a groundbreaking plan to cut power plant emissions blamed for global warming." She allowed that "carbon dioxide limits are a hot political issue," but the journalist quickly added, "This is America's first ever policy to limit those emissions and the EPA says power plants are the largest source of greenhouse gases in the U.S.' " ...

Bowe’s Release: The Truth Exposed…Part 1 of 3

obama, obama jokes, political, humor, cartoon, hope n' change, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, conservative, taliban, bergdahl, deal, guantanamo

Diane Sori    ... "Our past presidents have always stood strong in saying that America does NOT negotiate with terrorists…but now it seems that America under this president does indeed negotiate with terrorists for this past Saturday Bowe Bergdahl’s long-hoped for release from five years of captivity at the hands of the Taliban was secured by doing just that.

"Bowe’s release (to American Special Operations forces inside Afghanistan near the Pakistan border) was attained in exchange for five GITMO detainees who will now be free to rejoin their comrades in the killing of Americans…five enemy combatants exchanged for this one American who will now come home NOT only to parents who love and cherish him, but to a nation who while celebrating his release questions NOT only the circumstances of that release, but who questions the circumstances of his very capture."...

Ready For Hillary Supporters Completely Stumped When Asked This Question. These people vote!

PCMD Gazette   " ‘Ready for Hillary’ supporters seem to only care about the fact that she is a female. It seems as if they don’t pay attention to what is actually going on in America, or care if she would even make a good president."

"The only qualifications that matter to them is if (A.) she’s a democrat and (B.) she’s a female."

"It seems that democrats only vote based on race or gender these days and completely disregard any other details about their policies or their past."
H/T to Guardian Eagles

Poll: The Number One Problem In Politics Is…

Independent Journal Review  "Despite Sen. Harry Reid’s near-daily speeches about the “un-American” Koch brothers and the vast amount of money they give to the Republican Party – all while the Democrats take billions from other interest groups – Americans are still not convinced that campaign donations are the number one problem in politics right now.

"That designation goes to media bias, according to 48% of the 1,000 likely voters polled for a Rasmussen Report. Big campaign contributions earned the #2 spot, with 44% of those polled.
Among people who identify as Tea Party members, media bias is an even bigger problem – 77% say it’s the number one issue.

"I wonder how the Administration will spin this poll? President Obama says the media is stacked against him, but I’m fairly sure that the voters polled are not talking about right-wing media, but instead the misnamed “mainstream media;” NBC, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, and The New York Times spring to mind."

Obama’s illegal, and highly questionable, Afghanistan prisoner exchange

Human Events
Obama's illegal, and highly questionable, Afghanistan prisoner exchange
"The first thing to know about President Obama’s exchange of five extremely dangerous prisoners from Guantanamo Bay for captive Army Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl is also the least important fact in the lawless reign of Barack Obama: it was blatantly illegal.  So blatant, in fact, that even the Obama White House cheerfully admits it was a violation of the law, without even bothering to offer a little spin or legal static. From the Washington Post:
Lawmakers were not notified of the Guantanamo detainees’ transfer until after it occurred.
The law requires the defense secretary to notify relevant congressional committees at least 30 days before making any transfers of prisoners, to explain the reason and to provide assurances that those released would not be in a position to reengage in activities that could threaten the United States or its interests.
 ..."If said Republicans actually proposed to do something about it, every story currently killing Democrats in the polls would be swept from the front pages at a stroke.  ”REPUBLICANS SEEK TO IMPEACH PRESIDENT FOR DEAL THAT BROUGHT AMERICAN SOLDIER HOME AFTER FIVE YEARS IN CAPTIVITY.”

"A White House official gave the New York Post a taste of how badly they want to see that headline, responding to questions about the strange circumstances of Sgt. Bergdahl’s capture by snarling, “Frankly, we don’t give a s**t why he left [his post].  He’s an American soldier.  We want to bring him home.”  They’re salivating at the thought of their political opponents giving this incompetent, self-absorbed Administration a chance to act like it’s packed with two-fisted super-patriots."

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Hillary Clinton’s New ‘Hard Choices’ Book: 7 Ways Obama Failed to Lead During the Bin Laden Raid

Related story here: 5 Times the Obama Admin Leaked Crucial National Security Information

The political insider
"With her memoir, Hard Choices set to be released in the coming weeks, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her publishing company have provided an excerpt in which she claims President Obama’s actions during the Bin Laden raid were “as crisp and courageous a display of leadership” that she had ever seen.

"Here are 7 reasons that Obama’s leadership during the raid was neither crisp or courageous."
Full article here...

I found this reason particularly galling:

3) Obama Leaked the Identity of Seal Team 6 Leader For Bin Laden Movie
..."That revelation subsequently led to a retaliatory target being placed on the SEAL team’s backs.

"Just a few months after bin Laden was killed, a military helicopter carrying 17 members of SEAL Team 6 was shot down by a rocket-propelled grenade, killing those team members and 21 other people."

The Veterans Administration; known also as "single-payer healthcare"

By Doug Hochberg, Douglas Holtz-Eakin   "New AAF insight- Veterans Health Administration: A Preview of Single-Payer Health Care: “In recent years, many health-reform advocates have cited the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) as an example of how a single-payer, government-run health care system would work…The VHA is a model of what a government-run, single-payer system would be like. It would provide worse access to health care and dishonest performance figures, while costing more than other health care systems.' ”

The issue cannot be money:

Bergdahl: connecting the dots

Legal Insurrection
... "Bowe Bergdahl would detail his disillusionment with the Afghanistan campaign in an e-mail to his parents three days before he went missing.

“ 'I am sorry for everything here,” he wrote. “These people need help, yet what they get is the most conceited country in the world telling them that they are nothing and that they are stupid.”

"Bergdahl also complained about fellow soldiers. The battalion commander was a “conceited old fool,” he said, and the only “decent” sergeants, planning to leave the platoon “as soon as they can,” told the privates — Bergdahl then among them — “to do the same.”

“ 'I am ashamed to be an American. And the title of US soldier is just the lie of fools,” he concluded. “I am sorry for everything. The horror that is America is disgusting.”

"Bob Bergdahl responded in an e-mail: “OBEY YOUR CONSCIENCE!”

"One night, after finishing a guard-duty shift Bowe Bergdahl asked his team leader whether there would be a problem if he left camp with his rifle and night-vision goggles — to which the team leader replied “yes.”

"Bergdahl then returned to his bunker, picked up a knife, water, his diary and a camera, and left camp, according to Rolling Stone.

"The next morning, he was reported missing…