A frequent American Thinker contributor, Robin is a recovering liberal and a psychotherapist in Berkeley.
Obama's international strikeout "The president again casually confirmed his belief in the decline of America's "outsized" influence in world affairs, noting, "We are now seeing a situation where a whole host of other countries are doing well and coming into their own and naturally they're going to be more assertive." The president thinks this greater assertiveness is "a healthy thing" but did not elaborate for whom it was healthy - certainly not the United States. For some inexplicable reason, Mr. Obama welcomes the decline of America's role on the international stage. It is his most notable accomplishment."
The Trip About Nothing "Unfortunately for the U.S., our friends and foes have gotten yet another close look at President Obama and cannot possibly have been impressed. They know the only thing that is unprecedented about him is his weakness.
"To paraphrase Winston Churchill, “An empty plane arrived in Asia and when the door was opened, Mr. Obama got out.”"
Why President Obama is right about India
"Which is why Obama's dramatic call for India to be elevated to permanent membership on the U.N. Security Council was so important. However useless and obsolete the United Nations, a Security Council seat carries totemic significance. It elevates India, while helping bind it to us as our most strategic and organic Third World ally. "
"China is no enemy, but it remains troublingly adversarial. Which is why India must be the center of our Asian diplomacy. And why Obama's trip - coconuts and all - was worth every penny. "Scarborough: Top Dems in Senate Have All Told Me That “Obama Has No Idea What He’s Doing” (Video) "“I wish I could give their names because democrats in Washington have been horrified with this president’s handling of things for a year and a half now. Just look at the chart. The top democrats in the United States Senate have all told me he has no idea what he’s doing… That is what the top Democratic senators are saying”"
The Incredible Shrinking President "Foreign leaders have taken the measure of Barack Obama, and found him a lightweight, a head of state whose proposals can be dismissed as substance-free fantasies, unworthy of serious consideration. American voters should take note of this, for nobody understands a national leader better than his or her peers. Foreign leaders are also immune to the blather of the American propaganda media.
"We have a serious problem when the leader of the free world carries no weight. America has two more dangerous years with this poseur, this dabbler of an ideologue at the helm."