Friday, December 9, 2022

Left-wing NBC Edits Brittney Griner Story to Benefit Biden White House


NBC; MSNBC; the home of Joy Reid, Ali Velshi, Nicolle Wallace. Joy Reid and guests go all in on partisan hate, accuse conservatives of enabling terrorism, murder

"The former news agency called NBC was caught editing its story about Brittney Griner, and doing so, naturally, in a way that benefits the Biden White House.

"The original story is titled, “Family of Paul Whelan, American imprisoned in Russia, says they were warned about Brittney Griner’s release,” and lays out how the family of former Marine Paul Whelan is dealing with the news that he was not part of this prisoner swap. Whelan has been imprisoned by Russia since 2018.

"According to the story, Whelan’s family knew it would be Griner who was released in exchange for the notorious “Merchant of Death,” Russian arms dealer Viktor Bout. Bout has served about half of his 25-year U.S. prison sentence.

"Griner, a U.S. Woman’s Basketball Champion, has been imprisoned in Russia only since February. Griner pleaded guilty to possession of cannabis vape cartridges and was sentenced to nine years.

"For reasons no one needs to explain, people are outraged that it was Griner who was released as opposed to Whelan.". . .

Brinton Is Busted Again. What Exactly Are the Qualifications for Working for Biden? (Updated)

"PJ Media "And, here we go again. A felony arrest warrant for grand larceny has been issued for Department of Energy official Sam Brinton. Brinton is the deputy assistant secretary of the Office of Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition. The reason for the warrant? Stealing luggage. Again. 8 News Now said that the latest theft occurred at Harry Reid International Airport in Las Vegas. Brinton was placed on leave for stealing luggage at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport this past September. He originally claimed the first incident was a mistake, but video footage emerged of him removing the tag from the luggage, according to the Washington Examiner. He was also seen using the bag from the first heist on two other trips.

"Along with his two thefts, the website LGBTQ Nation has called out Brinton for possibly lying about child abuse and traumatic conversion therapy. Brinton has also made headlines for being non-binary, his penchant for “puppy play,” and his participation in sex seminars.

"So how does such a man end up appointed to a position in the federal government? He’s non-binary. In the never-ending quest to upend everything in its sights, it would appear that the Biden administration wanted to make sure that, as it did with Dr. Rachel Levine, it was seen promoting LGBTQ people to important posts. This isn’t to say that an LGTBQ person couldn’t do those jobs. I’ve known plenty of LGBTQ people who were savvy and successful businessmen and women. They were literate, conversant, and honest. But the Biden administration wants to secure its place as the most left-wing presidency in history and out-Obama Obama.

"On PJ Media and across various websites, there are almost-daily stories on how White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre has made such a hash of her job that she makes Harpo Marx look like Winston Churchill by comparison. While the Biden administration is eager to go as woke as possible, could it not find non-binary people, people of color, or women for those posts who have the requisite skill sets and basic values such as not stealing and lying? Or people without agendas? Or does character even matter, when color and sexuality are the first two qualifications?". . .

Non-Binary Biden Official Charged with Second Felony Suitcase Theft  

. . .Brinton, the deputy assistant secretary for spent fuel and waste disposition at the Department of Energy’s Office of Nuclear Energy, allegedly stole luggage from Harry Reid International Airport in Las Vegas, Nevada on an unknown date. There is a federal warrant out for Brinton’s arrest on grand larceny charges for stealing property worth between $1,200 and $5,000, 8 News Now 
reported.". . .


Now We Know: While Twitter Was Busy Silencing Conservatives, It Let Child Porn Fester (UPDATED< 12/10/22)

 Issues & Insights

Apparently, silencing conservatives is more important to them than protecting children.

"Since Elon Musk took over, Twitter has been kicking more people off its network. Except this time around it isn’t conservatives getting the boot. It’s those trafficking in child porn.

"This is what the left and woke companies are freaking out about?

"Cybersecurity firm Ghost Data reported over the weekend that Twitter had nearly doubled the number of accounts it’s suspending each day that were sharing child pornography.

“ 'In the past 24 hours, Twitter started to step up its efforts and took down 44,000 suspicious accounts, including over 1,300 profiles that tried to bypass detection using codewords and text in images to communicate. Zero tolerance,” said Ghost Data founder Andrea Stoppa, who has been monitoring this, in a tweet.

“ 'Twitter is now fighting vigorously against child sexual exploitation content, it’s thanks to one person that set it as the #1 priority: Elon Musk,” she tweeted.

“It is true,” Musk said, “Twitter has done more to stop child exploitation in the last month than probably the last 10 years. That’s insane. It kind of blows my mind, frankly.”

"Long before Musk took control, Twitter knew it had a massive child porn problem on its hands but was doing little to stamp it out.

"In September, tech news site The Verge got its hands on 58 pages of internal documents about the network’s child porn problem. Among them was a document from February 2021 stating that “While the amount of (child sexual exploitation) online has grown exponentially, Twitter’s investment in technologies to detect and manage the growth has not.”. .

 .American Girl's grotesque gender transition fairytale leaves out the ugly truth of what can go catastrophically wrong, writes KELSEY BOLAR. It's a woke betrayal of parents and girls... I will never buy my child their doll

"Viktor Bout will now continue to threaten American citizens, and Brittney Griner will continue to publicly disdain the United States."

 Forget trying to be accepted as "non-racist"; it will never stop because of the leverage it gives to the leftist racialist. MSNBC's Joy Reid and her guests crank up their best anger and bitterest faces as they prepare for each show. TD

Rich Terrell

The prisoner swap of the century, for all the wrong reasons   "The incompetent Biden administration decided to show how "benevolent" it is by proposing a trade deal with Russia, an adversary of the United States.

"You would think this deal would unimpeachably benefit our nation.  However, nothing that the Biden administration has done has been salutary for the United States.  In this given "trade," Joe Biden offered Russia one of its most effective arms dealers, Viktor Bout.  For those not aware, Viktor Bout was imprisoned by the United States in 2011 on the grounds that he was threatening American lives.

"One would imagine that the United States would be getting an asset, too.  Perhaps a Marine held hostage by Russia?  So whom did the United States get in return?  Well, we got a WNBA player by the name of Brittney Griner, who was imprisoned several months ago on drug charges.

"Griner has been vocal about her disdain for the United States.  In fact, during several of her inferior games, Griner infamously decided not to stand for the playing of the National Anthem.  The anthem is something everyone should stand for; it represents the sacrifices that thousands have endured in order for us to be free.

"Personally, I was content with Griner being in Russia.  After all, she hates our country.". . .

After Brittney Griner swapped for Russian arms dealer, message sent is that woke politics has its perks   . . .The remaining Americans in Putin's prison state can probably expect nothing. That's created a lot of resentment and criticism, given that some are given more than others from the state of Biden. Where's the next Bout in jail for Putin to spring now that the FBI has turned its attention to MAGA supporters instead of Russian spies. They don't have anyone.". . Comment to this post from knowshistory:  

Thank you, uncle Joe. For 10 months I have cried myself to sleep over the plight of poor anti-american racist brittany, but now at the cost of the freedom of just one more enemy of our nation and population, poor America-hating Brittney can return to a hero's welcome and resume hating America. Good job, Joe. That's why you were fraudulently installed in the white house by our nation's enemies. too bad Charles Manson wasn't available for the job. He would have done the same thing, but wouldn't be as embarrassing as you are. [spelling corrected by TD]

‘Devastated’ Family of Marine That Biden Left Behind in Russia Speaks Out After Trade for Brittney Griner  And now expect that MSNBC comes out with accusations of "racism!"

A Shameful Prisoner Swap

. . ."Then there are the merits of the deal itself. Griner will be greeted as a hero when she touches down in the United States, but the Russian who will walk free is a dangerous thug who has earned his nickname: "The Merchant of Death." His release will do grievous harm to American national security—he was convicted for attempting to sell weapons to Colombian terrorists who would have used them to target American troops—and Politico reports that Pentagon officials are already raising the specter that his release will fuel "conflicts across the world." Griner is no hero.". . .

. . ."Brittney Griner is a cliché America-hating lefty who was stupid enough to pack drugs for a trip to a hostile foreign nation. If ever anyone needed a harsh lesson about why America is better, it’s this idiot. She should have had to serve out her labor camp penalty in Russia until she was ready to wake up and sing “The Star-Spangled Banner” every day.

President LOLEightyonemillion pretended to still care about Whelan when crowing about Griner’s release, but it rang hollow. Bout was a HUGE bargaining chip. The U.S. should have been able to get a lot more than a dumb junkie broad for him. Paul Whelan is still incarcerated in Russia because our idiot communist overlords prioritize LGBTQ checklists über alles.

?Heaven help the Republic."

Billy Baldwin tries to hit MAGA over Brittney Griner anger and the blowback is GLORIOUS   

The Left will NEVER stop making everything about race, or sexual preference. That is the card they play no matter the situation. Hopefully, they play it so often on such ridiculous things people will begin to see it is just a fake playing card and has no real standing.

If You Really Wanted To Destroy The US, Then…

 Victor Davis Hanson

"First, you would surrender our prior energy independence.

"Reduce new gas and oil leases on federal lands to the lowest levels of any president in history. Cut back production at precisely the time the world is emerging from a two-year lockdown with pent-up consumer demand.

"Make war on coal and nuclear power. Drain the strategic petroleum reserve to make the pain for consumers more bearable for midterm election advantage.

"Cancel the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge oil and gas field. Block pipelines like the Keystone oil pipeline and the Constitution natural gas line.

"Overregulate and demonize frackers and horizontal drillers. Ensure there is less investment for their exploration and production.

"Make use of internal combustible engines or fossil fuel power generation prohibitively expensive. Achieve a green oil-dependency along the lines of contemporary Europe.". . .