Ann Coulter . . . "This is how they lure you into arguing about something that doesn’t matter.
"In the 1990s, Chinese nationals were literally dragging duffel bags of money into the Democratic National Committee as President Clinton allowed sensitive ballistic-missile guidance technology to be transferred to the Chinese government.
"No charges. No independent counsel.
"Clinton held illegal campaign fundraisers at the White House, where Chinese citizens handed checks directly to White House staff.
"Still no charges and no independent counsel.
"Videotapes of the White House fundraisers surfaced, featuring the president and vice president glad-handing campaign donors on federal property.
"And again, no charges, no independent counsel.
"The New York Times’ response to Attorney General Janet Reno’s refusal to assign an independent counsel to these textbook campaign finance violations was a forceful editorial lightly ribbing Reno for her “blunders.”
"Saturday Night Live was tougher on Reno.
With the release of over 100 hours of videotape of President Clinton at campaign fundraisers, the pressure continues to mount on Attorney General Janet Reno to name an independent counsel to investigate the president. In addition, some senators are said to be furious that, instead of watching the videotapes, Reno has been taping over them with episodes of “Xena: Warrior Princess.”
"But now we’re supposed to care that Trump’s personal lawyer lied about a legal payment to, depending on your point of view, a mistress or an opportunistic grifter — AND HE USED A TRUMP ORGANIZATION EMAIL ADDRESS."