Sunday, June 26, 2016
White House refuses Benghazi questions for Obama
Keystone XL Company Sues Obama And US For $15 Billion Under NAFTA
Andrew Follett, Energy and Environmental Reporter "The company behind the Keystone XL pipeline filed a $15 billion lawsuit Friday against the Obama administration under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)."
"TransCanada claimed that Obama spent seven years using “arbitrary and contrived” analyses and justifications to delay the pipeline for political reasons. TransCanada’s suit also says that the company had reason to believe that the pipeline would be approved before it was rejected by the Obama administration in November.

“ 'None of that technical analysis or legal wrangling was material to the administration’s final decision,” TransCanada said in its lawsuit. “Instead, the rejection was symbolic and based merely on the desire to make the U.S. appear strong on climate change, even though the State Department had itself concluded that denial would have no significant impact on the environment.' ” . .
comicallyincorrect |
Clinton White House was den of coke, mistresses: ex-Secret Service officer
"Hillary, meanwhile, was a human minefield. The Secret Service was convinced Hillary posed a physical threat to her husband, and even gave him a black eye, Byrne writes.NY Post
"She also cursed out her security detail, and she and Bill would often try to evade the Secret Service, making it difficult to protect them and putting agents at greater risk, Byrne says."
"Gary J. Byrne has devoted his life, and risked it, to serve his country — as a member of the US Air Force, a uniformed White House Secret Service officer, and a federal air marshal.
"And he believes it is his patriotic duty to do anything he can to prevent Hillary Clinton from becoming president of the United States.
"As someone who guarded the Oval Office during the Clinton presidency, Byrne, in an exclusive interview with The Post, tells how he witnessed “the Clinton machine leaving a wake of destruction in just about everything they do.”
"He says he has also seen Hillary’s “dangerous,” abusive, paranoid behavior." . . .
. . .But, he says, he will never vote for a Clinton.
“I know what the public image of the Clintons is and I know what the real image is,” he says. “And the real one’s dangerous.”
The Jihadi’s Dilemma
Glenn Fairman "I wonder if in the cool and quiet of the evening, long after the muezzin’s final call to prayer, the jihadi mulls over the actions he either perpetrates or gives assent to in the name of his cold and distant deity? Does he pray as I do? Does he attempt to strip off the veneer of self-righteousness that whitewashes the ego and feeds that most loathsome core of sinful pride? Does he really believe that the acts of immolating an iron cage filled with Yazidi girls or smashing the skulls of children in their mothers’ arms renders him as a shining pearl -- a holy offering to his god? Is the immersion of perceived apostates in a fountain of acid or the crucifixion of Christians in the town square – in full view of their own young children -- proof of some iron semblance of moral superiority? Does he ever get beyond the rote babble to a place where he wonders – far beyond the wary eyes of his dead-eyed brethren: "Am I a good man, or am I a bad man?" "And if I am the latter, then what manner of hellish Master do I serve?' "
. . . "From the Bible, we fathom that love, justice, mercy, and forgiveness are divine virtues that span the entire panorama of God’s dealings with man. In Christianity, these facets of His nature coalesce at the Cross: in Jesus’ monumental act of atonement that reconciled once and for all the cavernous breach between God and His free yet wayward creation. Flowing from the gospel is a call to repentance and to put down the entanglements of this world – to walk as strangers in a strange land as we are molded in the refinery of this earth into something that will one day display an immense beauty."

Obama Administration to Lift Transgender Military Ban
"The military exists for one purpose and that is America’s defense. Our brave men and women in uniform should not be burdened with the task of advancing progressive agendas."Legal Insurrection
What could go wrong?
"However you feel about transgenderism, the bigger issue is military readiness. Under Obama, our military has been decimated while his administration has used our armed forces as a laboratory for progressive social issues.
"Last month, Frank Gaffney of Secure Freedom Radio interviewed Elaine Donnelly, the President of the Center for Military Readiness, and she explained how and why this is happening:
The reason the military is a target for leftist activism is because everyone in the military must follow orders. Just like the mid-level or in general… who addressed the presidential commission, they’re not really free to dissent from the orders they’re given. This is what makes the military very vulnerable to leftist forces who want to use it to advance social agendas rather than improve its strength and readiness. The intangibles are even more important than what you can see with weapons, systems, ships and planes, how much money is spent on things involving training.
"The military exists for one purpose and that is America’s defense. Our brave men and women in uniform should not be burdened with the task of advancing progressive agendas."
WARNING! Extremely Graphic Content!
To Mr. Obama: "Why have you consistently ordered the words Islam and Jihad and others from our intelligence briefings? Why did you tell the United Nations that “The future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam?' ”
To Mr. Obama: "Why have you consistently ordered the words Islam and Jihad and others from our intelligence briefings? Why did you tell the United Nations that “The future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam?' ”
“Ayatollah Obama – A Tehran Love Story,”
What happens when we elect a president who does not like his nation, and is partial to those who like neither us nor our allies; e.g. Cuba, Venezuela, Iran.
Saudi Journalist: ‘Mullah Obama’ Is Paving Way For Iran To Go Nuclear
Saudi Journalist: ‘Mullah Obama’ Is Paving Way For Iran To Go Nuclear
The article by the Saudi writer:
Saudi Writer: 'Mullah Obama' Provides Iran A Safe Haven To Realize Its Interests; U.S. Administration Now In Service Of Iranian Policy
Saudi Writer: 'Mullah Obama' Provides Iran A Safe Haven To Realize Its Interests; U.S. Administration Now In Service Of Iranian Policy
On June 2, 2016, Muhammad Al-Sa'id, a columnist for the official Saudi daily 'Okaz, published an article titled "Ayatollah Obama – A Tehran Love Story," in which he attacked President Obama for supporting revolutionary Iran and striving to focus U.S. foreign policy on the far east, while abandoning the Middle East. According to him, this view by Obama is disconnected from reality and runs contrary to traditional U.S. policy, which considered Iran a country violating international law and supporting global terrorism. Al-Sa'id argued that Iran is exploiting Obama's support to realize its own interests, and harnessing U.S. administration circles to operate in its service and against its enemies.
The following are excerpts from the article:[1]
"Obama believes in revolutionary countries and feels that they are closer to his heart and his conscience than the veteran, stable nations. He believes Iran is a model for a successful revolution that can be improved upon, worked with, and transformed into a democratic revolution, as he sees in his senseless dreams. This is a romantic view that Obama holds from the height of his white throne in his black house. A view akin to an eastern tale filled with the scent of incense, the taste of pistachios, and a celestial carpet bazaar. He believes that he can realize [this dream] based on a document by the American National Security Council, even if it claims the lives of tens of millions of innocent people. . . .January 17, 2016 President Obama Gives Statement About U.S.-Iran Deals This Weekend To file away for reference. If you like your peace and security, you can keep your peace and security. Period.
. . . "And as president, I decided that a strong, confident America could advance our national security by engaging directly with the Iranian government. We've seen the results." . . .
"Under the nuclear deal that we, our allies and partners reached with Iran last year, Iran will not get its hands on a nuclear bomb. The region, the United States and the world will be more secure."Period.
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