Daily Mail
"A conservative news anchor has been catapulted to internet celebrity status after a video of her blasting President Barack Obama's efforts in the fight against terrorism went viral.
"Tomi Lahren, host of One America News Network's On Point with Tomi Lahren, called out Obama's administration for their 'half-way, half-baked, tip-toe, be-friendly-to-Jihadis mentality' in a passionate speech that has been viewed more than 755,000 times on YouTube.
"The conservative 22-year-old's comments, said on Friday's episode on the fringe broadcast network, were in reference to the fatal shooting of four U.S. Marines and one active-duty Navy reservist, in Chattanooga, Tennessee, on Thursday." . . .Read more
Obama’s disturbing pattern of playing down Islamic terror
"Give the president this much: At least he didn’t call the Chattanooga, Tenn., shooting workplace violence.
"Speaking from the Oval Office just hours after the attack, President Obama did not once use the word “terrorism” in relation to the assault by Mohammad Youssef Abdulazeez on military sites in Chattanooga.
"Contrast his statement with that of U.S. Attorney Bill Killian at his news conference after the attack. The situation “is being treated as a terrorism investigation,” Killian said. “It is being led by the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force. And we will continue to investigate it as an act of terrorism until proof shows us otherwise” (emphasis added).
"Why couldn’t Obama have said that? If the FBI is treating this as an act of terror, why isn’t the president of the United States?" . . .