Saturday, January 23, 2021

Report: Trust in Media Just Hit An All-Time Low

Joy Reid claims GOP is ‘jealous’ because Dems are ‘cultured’, Tucker reacts   Adam Carolla says ‘the left’ acts like they are still in high school and care more about popularity than doing right by the people on ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’

Democrats: every day we awake wondering what they will do to us next

One of Biden's first priorities was to re-establish corrupt slush funds for political supporters "President Trump got rid of the Obama/Biden slush funds where the Justice Department, CFPB and EPA shook down corporations and then used the negotiated settlements that they were forced to pay (taxpayer money) to funnel kickbacks to their political supporters.

"But one of Biden’s first priorities was to reestablish these corrupt slush funds.  Why didn’t the media highlight this magnificent, corrupt, first day action? The answer is clearly that the complicit media will gladly hide anything from the public that might shed a bad light on their chosen one." . . .

. . . "And they blame Trump and his supporters for dividing the country while they falsely claim they are uniters who are the empathetic party.

"For the Obama/Biden eight years and for the next four years of Biden/Harris we will be treated to a love fest. The truth, science, the law and corruption will not matter."  Image: Donkey Hotey

Rural America, Prepare for Biden's Newly-Proposed Tax  . . . "It turns out that Biden favors Buttigieg's transportation views, specifically the idea that America should move away from the gas tax and instead opt into a tax based on the number of miles a person travels. It would be a new way to provide cash for the Highway Trust Fund, which currently funding from the federal gas tax. As it currently stands, the federal gas tax is 18.4 cents per gallon and 24.4 cents per gallon for diesel." . . .

Isn't it great that the oil from Canada will now be moved by trains and trucks? "Now that the Keystone XL pipeline is canceled by President Joe Biden, the world is supposedly greener.

"Really?  Fact is, it's the opposite.  Instead of getting more environmentally friendly, the carbon footprint from that oil will be increased substantially because it will be shipped by trucks and trains above ground instead of through underground pipe.  It is also much less safe and efficient: shipping by trucks and trains means more accidents — and an increased human cost.  What sheer brilliance!  I thought all of Biden's decisions were going to be based on facts and science.

"I read the other day in the WSJ that demand for ships that specialize in building and servicing wind farms is growing." . . .  

Image by Ned Cosby

Order of the Brown Nose; Sycophantic pundits compare Biden to God, call him the nation’s new father, and say ‘cleansing’ is underway.

National Review  "Britain’s essential fortnightly magazine Private Eye, whose trademark stance of delivering hard news with a witty bipartisan cynicism about politics has no parallel in the U.S., runs a regular feature entitled “O.B.N.” Longtime readers understand this to be the Order of the Brown Nose, an honor given to the most outlandishly, hilariously sycophantic punditry of the moment. If Private Eye were a U.S. publication, its O.B.N. feature would have to be expanded to sprawl across several pages as it considers the media’s bulk delivery of valentines to the incoming administration.

"Step forward, Eddie Glaude of MSNBC, who on Tuesday night compared Joe Biden to the Lord and said his ascension would comfort the dead: “President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President Harris pulled the grief and regret out of the privacy of our hearts,” he said. “I’m reminded of the Psalmist, you know? ‘He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.’ Maybe the dead will speak to us now. Maybe they can rest now.”

"Close competition came from CNN’s David Chalian: “I mean, those lights that are, that are, just shooting out from the Lincoln Memorial, uh, along the reflecting pool, it’s like almost extensions of Joe Biden’s arms embracing America.” John Harwood of CNBC didn’t wait for Joe Biden to be sworn in before informing us that his presidency would surely go beautifully, observing the morning of January 20 in a tweet that the transition from Donald Trump to Biden meant a journey from “ignorance” to “knowledge,” from “amorality” (he meant “immorality”) to “decency,” from “corruption” to “public service” (the Biden family members who have gotten rich selling their connections high-five each other) and from “lies” to “truth.” Hours later, a Biden official hiding under a cloak of anonymity falsely stated that the Trump administration never developed a national vaccination plan and printed it as the truth shortly before Anthony Fauci clarified that there certainly was a vaccination plan and noted that many millions had been given their shots under it.

"Assessing Biden’s unremarkable inaugural speech, Lawrence O’Donnell of MSNBC mislabeled it “astonishing,” which is like calling Scranton a megalopolis. “The unity Joe Biden was talking about was both poetic and realistic at the same time,” O’Donnell claimed. “What he did in about 21 minutes was absolutely astonishing under these incredibly challenging circumstances.” Meanwhile, former Democratic campaign operative George Stephanopoulos of ABC News said the address contained “echoes of Lincoln,” and Major Garrett of CBS News said the famously undisciplined speaker sounded “like a priest explaining something from the Bible or something.' ” . . .

Biden Press Secretary Jen Psaki FAILS to Condemn Antifa Violence. Why? Read on...

 PJ Media

"Joe Biden’s press secretary, Jen Psaki, failed to condemn antifa rioters who committed acts of vandalism and property destruction in Portland, Ore., and Seattle, Wash., this week.

“ 'Does the president have any comment on the ongoing violence in Oregon and Washington State?” asked a reporter.

“ 'Well, certainly, we had our team on the ground, our national security team, even before 12:01, early in the morning on Inauguration Day because we wanted to be able to monitor events happening across the country and any unrest that was resulting from the last couple of weeks,” Psaki began. “I haven’t spoke with him specifically about those events but it is something our national security team, Liz Sherwood-Randall, is closely monitoring, of course, but if we have an additional update I’m happy to provide it to you.”

"The Trump administration repeatedly made clear that they condemned the violence caused by BLM and antifa rioters. Why won’t the Biden administration do the same thing?

"The truth is, this isn’t shocking at all. Kamala Harris called the BLM protests, which resulted in an estimated $1 – $2 billion in property damage between May 26 and June 8, 2020, and dozens of deaths, including that of retired St. Louis police officer David Dorn, a “movement” that “should not” stop.

“They’re not going to stop. They’re not going to stop. This is a movement, I’m telling you. They’re not gonna stop. And everyone beware because they’re not gonna stop. They’re not gonna stop before Election Day and they’re not going to stop after Election Day. And everyone should take note of that. They’re not gonna let up and they should not.”

"At least 13 Biden campaign staffers posted on Twitter about their donations to the Minnesota Freedom Fund to pay bail fees of rioters in Minneapolis, and Kamala Harris also promoted the group on Twitter.

"Joe Biden and Kamala Harris didn’t condemn the BLM riots that plagued cities nationwide like Portland, Minnesota, Seattle, Atlanta, Chicago, and Kenosha over the summer until polling suggested that they needed to. Joe Biden also refused to condemn BLM and antifa thugs who attacked Trump supporters in Washington, D.C., in November."

Press Secretary Jen Psaki Dodges Question on Biden's Mask Mandate Hypocrisy  "Joe Biden’s Press Secretary Jen Psaki may be getting the respect from the media that was never afforded to any of President Trump’s press secretaries, but she’s already proven that she deserves it the least. And I’m not even talking about that scandal during her stint in the Obama administration.

"What I’m talking about is her absolutely pathetic dodging of a question about Joe Biden and his family not following Biden’s mask mandate Wednesday night, after the president had just signed the executive order earlier in the day.

"Fox News’ Peter Doocy confronted Psaki about the hypocrisy." . . .


Minimum wage hikes: the nail in the coffin for small businesses

I fear for our nation with this undereducated and demagogic band of politicians that are the Democrat Party and its voters. TD

Samantha Fillmore   . . . "Americans desperately hope that in 2021, lockdowns will be lifted. However, that is not a guarantee. Americans also  hope that the new year will bring better economic times and opportunities.

"Therefore, it is unsurprising that some lawmakers are flippantly considering implementing minimum wage increases in a misguided attempt to provide relief to their struggling constituencies.

"However, this is a deeply ineffective way to improve the economy. Moreover, arbitrary minimum wage hikes produce unintended consequences that can inflict even more pain upon the people they are supposed to benefit.

"Minimum wage hikes rarely meet the overinflated expectations of the policymakers who advocate for them. For example, they do not raise the living standards in any appreciable way for individuals and families, yet illogical wage increases have the propensity to shutter small businesses for good.

"A recent study by the Congressional Budget Office, titled “The Effects on Employment and Family Income of Increasing the Federal Minimum Wage,” examines how increasing the federal minimum wage to $10, $12, or $15 per hour by 2025 would adversely affect employment and family outcomes.

"According to the study, a $15 per hour minimum wage would boost the wages of 17 million workers. However, it would also push 1.3 million workers out of a job. In almost every scenario, minimum wage hikes result in some workers seeing their wages rise, while many more lose gainful employment." . . .

How the $15 Minimum Wage Reduces Entry Level Jobs and Closes Small Businesses  

Good luck opening this.