Wednesday, August 13, 2014

French Foreign Minister Hits Obama: “When People Are Dying, You Must Come Back From Vacation”

Daily Dose
obama golf
"French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius has a message about Iraq for Barack Obama: Get back to the White House and do something.

" ‘I know it is the holiday period in our Western countries,’ Fabius told a radio interviewer Tuesday in France,’ but when people are dying, you must come back from vacation.’

"Full-time workers in France are guaranteed a whopping five weeks of paid vacation every year, making his plea all the more urgent.

"Obama is on a family and golfing holiday in a ritzy neighborhood of Martha’s Vineyard but says he will come back to Washington briefly on Tuesday before returning to fun, sun, and more golf.

"As town after Iraqi town is conquered by ISIS, an Islamist terror group that claims it has established an ‘Islamic state,’ Obama’s approach has consisted so far of airlifting humanitarian supplies to victimized groups, protecting the aid drops with airstrikes, and begging for help from allies."

Golfers frisked as Obama arrives at Martha’s Vineyard club    "Regulars at the Vineyard Golf Club in Martha’s Vineyard were gobsmacked when President Obama unexpectedly strolled onto a nearby green and they were immediately frisked. “There was no warning he was coming,” sniffed a guest.

“ 'There was security on the way in, but no word as to why they were there.” The member added, “While eating, overlooking the golf course, guests had to stand up and be wanded.” One asked if he could finish his hot soup first, and an Obama security man cracked, ominously, “So, you’re not cooperating?' ”

N.J. town erupts after council votes to rename Kennedy Center as the Obama Center

Washington Times
** FILE ** This Jan. 11, 1962, file photo shows President John F. Kennedy giving his State of the Union address on Capitol Hill in Washington. (AP Photo, File)
... "Lindsey Rotteau wrote, The Blaze reported: “The only place his name should appear is in school textbooks stating he was the worst president in our history. The only CHANGE he made was making people not be proud to be an American!”

"Meanwhile, graduates of the former John F. Kennedy High School expressed outrage over the name change, too.

“ 'This is an outrage and shouldn’t even be considered,” wrote Karen Lydon, The Blaze reported. “The name should stay the way it is now honoring President Kennedy!”

I spent a day watching AtheistTV — and it was horrifying

"The Atheist streaming network apparently learned nothing from Neil deGrasse Tyson's success."   

Salon (Hardly a magazine for Christian readers)
I spent a day watching AtheistTV -- and it was horrifying
... "And yet after watching four hours of its programming and even despite my own lack of religious belief, I find it hard to imagine that even a casual nonbeliever would tune in, let alone someone on the fence about the existence of a higher power. AtheistTV adheres to nasty stereotypes about atheism — smugness, gleeful disregard for others’ beliefs — to a degree that’s close to unwatchable." ...
..."AtheistTV has a similar opportunity to inspire, and instead feeds its viewers a diet of scorn. The “Atheist Experience’s” new co-host, Don Baker, pivoted from talking “Cosmos” to introducing today’s topic: “I’m talking again about the failures of Christianity. I’m just scratching the surface — a lot of failure! So much fail. But today I’m going to talk about Christianity’s dependence on ignorance.' "
NY Times; Atheist TV Has Its Premiere, on Roku and Online    "“Atheist TV? It’ll be full of incest and smut and debaucheries of all kinds. Oh, wait; that’s HBO.”
“ 'Atheist TV? It’ll be nonstop mockery of conservative Christians and Republicans and Middle America. Oh, wait; that’s Comedy Central.”
“ 'Atheist TV? It’ll be godless wiccans and flesh-eating zombies and serial killers and all manner of other people who lack the Judeo-Christian morals that built America. Oh, wait; that’s practically every mainstream network and cable channel.' ”
Top 10 Atheist Characters on Television

Kerby Anderson; Answering the New Atheists - A Christian Addresses Their Arguments   "Kerby Anderson counters the claim by popular new atheists that Christianity (along with other religions) is blind, irrational and without any evidence. Kerby demonstrates that contrary to the atheist's claims God is not an invention of mankind, that faith is not dangerous, and that science and Christianity support one another. From a Christian point of view, the new atheists are bringing out tired old arguments that don't stand up to rational scrutiny."

Jimmy Carter's Love for Terrorists

Alan Caruba
... "Recognizing a terrorist group like Hamas, as Carter calls for, is not that different from saying the same of Hezbollah or the newly-arisen Islamic State that has seized land from Syria and Iraq. It’s beyond stupid. It betrays a deeply held anti-Semitism. In 2009, that was so evident Carter apologized with an open letter to the Jewish community in America.
"Hamas has not disavowed its stated intention to destroy Israel and kill all of its Jewish citizens.

"That Americans are comparing Obama unfavorably to Carter, lifting Carter from the basement of presidential approval, tells us a lot about his performance in office since his 2008 election and 2012 reelection.
"At least Americans had the good sense to end Carter’s presidency in one term, but it virtually assures that Obama will replace Carter as the worst U.S. President ever."

Technology to Detect Terror Tunnels in Testing Stages

"Terror tunnels have become a major threat to the Jewish state. It seems that Israel, a global high-tech leader, is now making headway in anti-tunnel technology."

United with Israel

"According to a senior IDF officer, the military is about to carry out comprehensive field tests of technological means for locating tunnels. The technology has already been successfully tested in laboratory conditions.

"If the experiment is successful, the systems will be deployed around Gaza at a cost of a billion to 1.5 billion shekels*.

"The senior officer said that the IDF had received about 700 offers for anti-tunnel systems, and chose two.

"Channel 2 said that the system was made up of sensors that could detect tunnels as they were being dug, as well as existing tunnels."...      More.

* 1 Israeli shekel = 0.264061 U.S. dollars

Inside the 'Terror Tunnels' of Gaza  The author draws a moral equivalency between Israel and the Gazans, making no effort to show the blockade is to stop murderous bombers from killing families in their homes and stores.

Hamas Terror Tunnels Lead to Israeli Deaths  "The center-left columnist Ari Shavit seemed to speak for most Israelis when he wrote, "What are we fighting for? Our home. The Jewish people was a people without a home, who managed the impossible, and created a home for itself. The State of Israel is a miracle. We must not give up this miracle. We must not endanger it, and we must not take its existence for granted. When dark forces try to annihilate it, we must defend it. When hypocritical, self-righteous forces try to weaken it, we must make it stronger. We are surrounded by a new threat of Muslim Arab chaos. Enemies seeking our blood amass at our walls.' "

Ferguson, MO; a field day for looters and race pimps


MSNBC guest calls Ferguson rioters "oppressed".   The ones who are oppressed are the business owners in the path of these rioters.

Al Sharpton in Missouri: 'We Did Not Come to Divide the City'  "Poised squarely before the cameras, Sharpton demanded justice for the Brown family.

“ 'This is not a cause for them; this is their child. This is not some prop for politics; this is their child,” he said, referring to the parents.

"Sharpton also criticized members of the community who used the tragedy to exhibit violence.

Wayne Dupree, the News Ninja has this graphic article: Lesley Moore, formerly of Ferguson, MO had a total answer for those looting and rioting after Michael Brown was gunned down in the streets.

"GRAPHIC CONTENT WARNING Lesley Moore, formerly of Ferguson, MO had a total answer for those.. "

Go Big or Go Home; Iraq Needs U.S. Ground Troops More Than Ever

Council on Foreign Relations

U.S. soldiers carry an Iraqi national flag and a U.S. flag during a ceremony in Baghdad. (Courtesy Reuters)
 " ...U.S. President Barack Obama has insisted that Iraq needs an inclusive government capable of winning support among not only the country’s Shia majority but also its Sunni minority. Obama also declared that the formation of such a government must precede any attempt to defeat ISIS. Washington’s current military intervention reflects that analysis: until Baghdad agrees to Washington’s political vision, the United States has declared that it will commit only to conducting limited air strikes -- that is to say, air strikes that are sufficient to halt the extremists’ progress but not to defeat them.

"Washington’s strategy is backward. Any diplomatic leverage in Iraq would come from demonstrating that it can defeat ISIS. In other words, if the United States wants to influence the political situation in Iraq, it must first make itself an indispensable military player there."...
"There is a window of opportunity to steer Iraq toward a better future and a closer relationship with the West, but doing so will require a significant military commitment from the United States. Obama is facing a go-big-or-go-home moment in Iraq. How he responds will help determine not only that country’s future but also his own foreign policy legacy."   Full article..

Did White House press secretary Josh Earnest just tell the biggest whopper of the Obama era?


obama, obama jokes, josh earnest, white house, liar, tranquility, hope n' change, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, conservative, jay carney

Washington Examiner   "Josh Earnest is either the most gullible individual ever to serve as White House press secretary or the least concerned with telling the American people the truth.

"In a letter Monday to a coalition of 42 journalism groups and media organizations, Earnest said this:

""The president's commitment to transparency and the crucial role of the independent press is unwavering. The president has set an historically high standard of transparency that is part of the legacy to which future presidents will aspire ...' "

... "Both the journalist coalition letter and the Earnest response are well-worth taking the time required to read and compare, particularly in light of Obama's promised transparency on his first day in office."

Mark Steyn on what this photo can do to multi-culturalism

Chip Off the Old Block

"Do you remember a mere three years ago when the gullible sob-sisters of the western media declared the Arab Spring "the Facebook revolution"?

"It wasn't, of course. But what's going on right now in the Iraqi and Syrian territory held by the new Caliphate is the real Facebook revolution, and Twitter revolution, and Tumblr revolution, and YouTube revolution. These guys love social media. They can't wait to chop your head off and then zip the video footage all around the world. In the old days, when you decapitated somebody, the best you could do was stick his head on a spike on the edge of the village, and hope for good word of mouth from those terrified locals with an eye for the telling detail. Now you can saw through somebody's neck or stone a woman to death in the Sunni Triangle and, thanks to your Verizon or O2 account, your friends back in London or Frankfurt or Chicago can see it instantly!"  More here..

Meet the Jetstones   "Further to yesterday's SteynPost on the Aussie schoolboy and the severed head he's holding, Sydney's Daily Telegraph calls out Opposition Leader Bill Shorten on his bizarre warning that Australians think twice before "using" that image.

"The reason Mr Shorten feels he has to threaten his fellow citizens is because of the profound challenge that photograph poses to the multiculti delusions in which he and many others are so invested."

Former Archbishop of Canterbury Says ‘British and Islamic values can go hand in hand’
Sharia is Sedition