Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Bully Obama's most memorable moment

"If you like having no say about how our country is governed, be sure to vote Democratic in November.If you like “men” masquerading as “women” in your little girl’s public restroom, be sure to vote Democratic in November.If you can’t wait to find out what the next “rights” movement is all about, be sure to vote Democratic in November."

Joseph Farah  "I got a letter from Barack Obama last weekend.
"Maybe you got it, too.
"It came on the one-year anniversary of the Supreme Court edict mandating same-sex marriage.
“ 'One of the most memorable moments of my presidency was one year ago today, on a warm summer night, when we lit up the White House in the colors of the rainbow flag,” he wrote. “It was hours after the Supreme Court had ruled that love is love, and all marriages would be equal under the law.”
"Well, not exactly accurate.
"Not all marriages would be equal under the law. Obama’s constituency will never be satisfied.
"Marriage is still oddly an institution only for couples.
"Isn’t that “discriminatory”?
"Is that an oversight? Or is it the next target?
"Or maybe that will come after people get the “right” to marry animals or inanimate objects.
"Maybe it sounds like I’m being bigoted, narrow-minded or flippant.
"I’m not. There are Americans demanding each and every one of those “rights.” We have chronicled them in WND. It’s no joke.
"It shows that there is no end to the madness, no end to the kinds of “discrimination” the so-called “progressives” like Obama will continue to fight. It’s what empowers them – not actually making life better for America, but simply remaining in constant commotion and agitation.
"Once a community organizer, always a community organizer." . . .
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Conservative Daily News "This nation was founded by men who wrote a document that established the rule of law to ensure equal opportunity for all, the Constitution of the United States of America.   Barak Obama and nearly all members of Congress ignore every article of that document, the second greatest document ever written. Our Constitution stands second only to the Word of God, the Holy Bible, in importance in world history. Obama rules by edict, called executive orders, and Congress violates the oath of office that pledged them to uphold the provisions of our founding document yet they get reelected about 95% of the time. Treason and corruption by those in office is epidemic and our freedoms are merely words without meaning because the Constitution is only given occasional lip service by the political ruling class and We the People do nothing. The reelection rate is a travesty that would have our founding fathers spinning in their graves. The election process is a scam, totally controlled by one world government elitists who set themselves up as omnipotent rulers answering only to themselves rather than answering to the Constitution and We the People." 

Escape Tunnel, Dug by Hand, Is Found at Holocaust Massacre Site (Updated)

NY Times  via Drudge

"Jewish forced laborers dug a tunnel from this holding pit near Vilnius, Lithuania, into the surrounding forest. A team of archaeologists and mapmakers say they have uncovered a forgotten tunnel that 80 Jews dug largely by hand as they tried to escape from a Nazi extermination site in Lithuania about 70 years ago. 
"The Lithuanian site, Ponar, holds mass burial pits and graves where up to 100,000 people were killed and their bodies dumped or burned during the Holocaust.
"Using radar and radio waves to scan beneath the ground, the researchers found the tunnel, a 100-foot passageway between five and nine feet below the surface, the team announced on Wednesday.
"A previous attempt made by a different team in 2004 to find the underground structure had only located its mouth, which was subsequently left unmarked. The new finding traces the tunnel from entrance to exit and provides evidence to support survivor accounts of the harrowing effort to escape the holding pit. 
“ 'What we were able to do was not only solve one of the greatest mysteries and escape stories of the Holocaust,” said Richard Freund, an archaeologist from the University of Hartford in Connecticut and one of the team leaders. " . . .

Conflagration Prize


obama, obama jokes, political, humor, cartoon, conservative, hope n' change, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, hillary, benghazi, final report

"Progressives are happily dancing atop the graves of our Benghazi dead following the final House Select Committee 800-page report on what went wrong and who is to blame.

"In a nutshell, it seems that everything went wrong, and the entire incident was the almost unavoidable outcome of policy failures, bureaucratic mismanagement and miscommunication, dismal understanding of the situation in Libya, gross underestimation of necessary security to protect Americans, and general fumbduckery. Meaning that no one - especially Hillary in the Left's estimation - is to blame because the entire system failed at every level.

"For Progressives, this means that Hillary is now cleared and qualified to become president of the United States, an office from which she can give every citizen the same level of protection she provided for the fallen in Benghazi." . . .

Report: Obama Skipped Intelligence Briefing the Day After Benghazi Attacks

obamaAlex Griswold  According to the upcoming report from the House Benghazi Committee, President Barack Obama skipped his personal daily intelligence briefing the day after the 2012 Benghazi attacks.
 . . . " According to the Executive Coordinator tasked with delivering the daily briefings, she first delivered the briefing to White House chief of staff Jack Lew. But instead of giving Obama a briefing, she gave the folder to a White House usher.
"That day’s briefing contained a sentence claiming “the presence of armed assailants from the outset suggests this was an intentional assault and not the escalation of a peaceful protest.”  . . .
"Previous reports indicate that skipping the briefing is not necessarily unusual for the president, and that he only attends roughly 40% of his intelligence briefings.  . . .
"Obama’s activities during and after the attack have long been a matter of mystery, with the White House refusing to comment on the matter. During the 2012 presidential election, Obama was attacked by Republicans for flying to Las Vegas for a campaign fundraiser the day after the attack."
