Monday, August 13, 2012

Hatred in the Face of the Host!

Logan's Warning 
"Muslims stand with Islam above all. One of the ways non-Muslims go out of their way for Islam is to open their doors for Muslims to recite the Islamic prayer. ...."recently Nayyar Imam, the first ever Muslim chaplain at the Suffolk County Police Department, gave the prayer invocation in the US House of Representatives.
...."Besides the anti-Jewish and Christian prayer, the Islamic scriptures instruct Muslims not to befriend Christians and Jews, and also call for Islamic Law to dominate non-Muslims. Now let’s take a close look at what the prayer actually says and means:"...
"....For those who do not know, “those who earned your anger” are the Jews."

"Interestingly (though hardly surprising), it was relentless attacks by Muslim countries on US ships that was the catalyst to establish the US Navy. That is how Islam is "part of our national story:" "
"Decatur Boarding the Tripolitan Gunboat". Painting by Dennis Malone Carter.
*Lying (Taqiyya and Kitman) "There are two forms of lying to non-believers that are permitted under certain circumstances, taqiyya and kitman.  These circumstances are typically those that advance the cause Islam - in some cases by gaining the trust of non-believers in order to draw out their vulnerability and defeat them."

Mallard Fillmore

Shovel Ready

We're Having Scum Fun Now!

"You've already heard from Obama's political operatives that Mitt Romney gave a woman cancer and laughed gleefully at the news of her death. But the same team who produced that fact-free commercial is happily bragging that they are going to be releasing "more incendiary" ads soon - including ones that suggest contact with Mitt Romney causes people to commit suicide. And if that's not bad enough, they claim that they've got other commercials which are even more emotionally inflammatory (or should we say libelous?) "in the can." Which is no doubt where they belong."

Presidential Debate Moderators Named...

American Thinker; Another round of liberal debate moderators
"So, once again, we can look forward to softball questions lobbed toward President Obama, and "Have you stopped beating your wife yet?" -like questions fired at Governor Romney."
(Just wanted to be sure you saw that sentence)....
"We finally have a ticket smart enough to put old media in its rightful place by pointing out and turning around leading, biased questions, blatant lies, nuanced narratives, and forcing Obama to defend his abysmal record. It will be, as Limbaugh might say, a teachable moment. For all we've endured the last four years, it will be welcome comic relief watching two smart men make example of a media that deserves to sink on the ship of its own biased ineptitude. I, for one, intend to enjoy the show."

Rush Limbaugh gives his thoughts on the debate moderaters  

Roger L Simon; Remove the Media from the Debates   "I don’t have any idea why the tradition of allowing a biased media to run these events continues. It is a testament to the passivity of the Republican Party. We saw how it worked during the primary season. Now we are going to get a rerun during the main event, with more subtlety and ultimately more subversion.

"But there is something we can do about it even at this late date: protest and protest loudly. In this manner, we highlight the bogus quality of the debates. Even if our candidates perform better than the opposition, continue the protest."  (Emphasis added)

Joshuapundit   "The opening debate will be hosted by
PBS's Jim LehrerOctober 3 in Denver, Colorado.  Lehrer selected this question from an audience member: "Would you be open to the ideal of a national health care plan for everybody?" Another poked George W. Bush: "You seemed to overly enjoy, as a matter of fact proud that Texas...led the nation in execution of prisoners. Sir, did I misread your response, and are you really, really proud of the fact that Texas is number one in executions?" Even Saturday Night Live satirized the bias of the "uncommitted" questioners in 2000.
CNN's Candy Crowley  will moderate the second debate October 16 in Hempstead, New York.
On FNC, Steve Hayes Chides CNN’s Candy Crowley for Considering    Harry Reid ‘Honorable’

The MSM Reports: Candidates of Death!  "A lot of Republicans feel this could be some sort of political ticket death wish." 

CBS's Bob Schieffer  will host the third debate on October 22 in Boca Raton, Fla.   
Bob Schieffer Falsely Claims Ryan Budget 'Really Slashes Into Social Programs'Schieffer Presses Romney and Ryan With Myth That Wealthy Pay Low Tax Rate

Schieffer serves up an easy one to Debbie Wasserman- Schultz

      ABC’s Martha Raddatz  will host the vice presidential debate on October 11 in Danville, Ky.

     Raddatz gushes over "cool Hillary"   "Let's face it, Hillary is cool. Trending. From the dancing and drinking photos during her trip to Colombia, to the iconic shot of the secretary texting on her C-17." 

    Her liberalism goes back to 2008, at least; ABC's Martha Raddatz: 'Disappointed' McClellan Didn't Bash Bush Sooner   Raddatz opined that "...she is "disappointed" in former White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan for not slamming the Bush White House sooner.
     "....I'm really surprised, too, Robin. And, and disappointed. Because we did hear him day after day after day defending the President, and he did not exactly walk away from this job." 

    Andrew Klavan simplifies the competing economics plans for us riff-raff

    "Anchor: Good evening, this is MSM News. The presidential candidate who murdered Joe Soptic’s wife has chosen for his running mate a man who pushes old ladies in wheelchairs off cliffs. It’s a ticket that some political observers say resembles an episode of Dexter with two murderous psychopaths chasing each other around the room. Observers across the political spectrum from far left to left have condemned Mitt Romney’s choice of the budget-cutting Paul Ryan as a harrowing, blood-soaked event that will leave the bodies of women and the elderly strewn across the political landscape. To discuss this issue, we’ve assembled a team of our most objective journalists. We’ll begin with Candy Crowley from CNN. Candy, you met a Republican once, how is the GOP feeling about this selection?" Read more...

    Ryan/ Obama reading list

    Compare and contrast the vehicles Obama and Ryan drove in their teen years
    ...."contrast between the Wienermobile (a promotional car shaped like a hot dog and bun, driven by young Paul Ryan to make money, because his father had died and left the family in need of money):"...

    "and the Choom Wagon (Barry popularized the concept of "roof hits": when they were chooming in the car all the windows had to be rolled up so no smoke blew out and went to waste; when the pot was gone, they tilted their heads back and sucked in the last bit of smoke from the ceiling."

    The New Generation Offers a Leader   "If Ryan continues to demonstrate his substantive mastery of public policy, and his ability to articulate a cogent demonstration of the conservative principles of limited government, perhaps the new generation will begin an era during which our citizens and representatives ask not what our government must do for them, but recognize what it cannot do and must not do."

    Romney and Ryan, a Matched Pair, Go After Obama on CBS  "The pair used an interview with CBS to insist it is President Obama – and not Rep. Paul Ryan through his dramatic budget plan – who is “robbing” Medicare and threatening the nation’s elderly."

    Via Lucianne; Obama campaign immediately re-launched its campaign to brand Ryan as a "radical" who's out to destroy Medicare   "If Ryan is able to withstand the left's merciless attacks and provide a strong voice to say all the things Romney is afraid or unwilling or unable to say, we may have a puncher's chance." 

    New SuperPAC Launched to Defend Paul Ryan Against Leftist Distortions   "Liberal attack dogs are going into overdrive trying to distort Congressman Paul Ryan’s record. They want to paint him as a wild-eyed fanatic and make Ryan terrifying to swing voters, just like they did to Governor Sarah Palin.
    “Not this time,” promises former Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell  ...."  
    The website: Defend Paul Ryan which plays this video of a debate between Paul Ryan and Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

    Michael Barone;  Romney-Ryan ticket puts entitlement crisis at center of campaign
    "But many politicians, certainly those in the Obama White House, shy away from confronting the entitlement crisis. Better to demagogue your way through one more election cycle and kick the can down the road."  Emphasis added.

    Krauthammer: Ryan Is a Game-changer

    "Fox News contributor Charles Krauthammer said that the choice changed the race by shifting it from a referendum on Obama to an idea-driven race powered by the young, “Kennedy-esque” Ryan."
    Paul Ryan takes on all the Democrats "elite"  (videos)  "The White House is known to loathe Ryan because of his performance in that debate. The breezy president who handed the details of his own signature legislation to Nancy Pelosi got schooled by a young congressman who knew what was in the bill. It was an embarrassing moment for the thin-skinned president and he hasn’t forgotten it.

    "Paul Ryan is capable of destroying his opponents in a debate without ever coming across as unpleasant. Watch him wreck DNC Chairman Debbie Wasserman Schultz in March 2010."

    Opinion: Dirty Harry

    How low can Obama and his news media partners go?

    Thomas Lifson writes in  American Thinker;  The Race to Define Ryan  "The question ahead for the Romney-Ryan ticket, and for America, is: can we have a an intelligent discussion on the budget, or will media-generated images, thoughts, and emotions (pushing  granny off a cliff being the most notorious) carry the day. Romney and Ryan are betting on the public thinking over the stakes, listening, and m aking an informed decision. The Obama camp and their media allies are betting on the ability to sway people with emotions, principally fear and loathing."

    I hate to post Mr.Terrell's cartoons because it just encourages the guy, but I just can't help it.

    Obama Lies, Claims Romney-Ryan Will Raise Your Taxes   "So suddenly the greatest tax-hiker in American presidential history, Barack Obama, is posing as a tax-cutter, and trying to position tax-cutters Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan as tax-hikers.

    Here Come The Ryan Attacks: Old Media It was a safe prediction that I made earlier this week that the Activist Old Media would work to destroy Mitt Romney's choice for vice president. The attacks began even before the early morning announcement of Paul Ryan."

    Big Three Networks Ignore Lie-Filled Obama Ad Portraying Romney as Murderer  "For two straight days, now ABC, CBS, and NBC have not bothered to mention the roiling controversy over the lie-filled ad that Obama's Super PAC put out intimating that Mitt Romney killed a steel worker's wife. The ad is being called the nastiest, most misleading ad of this election cycle by newspapers, talk radio and even the cable news stations -- CNN and MSNBC both, yet -- but thus far the big three are ignoring the whole story."

    In a separate TW Post: What Ryan Actually Says About Medicare  The far left has already started a campaign to misinform the public about Paul Ryan's views about Medicare and how he supposedly wants to destroy the program."

    NRO; The Very Predictable Playbook Against Paul Ryan  "In the national media narrative – perhaps best illustrated by the shorthand of Jay Leno’s monologue, which presumes that the audience has the barest-bone familiarity with national figures – every Republican figure is reduced to one of three things: Old, stupid, or evil.  
    George H.W. Bush: Old. Dan Quayle: Stupid. Newt Gingrich: Evil. Pat Buchanan: Evil. Bob Dole: Old. George W. Bush: Stupid. Dick Cheney: Old and evil. John McCain: Old. Sarah Palin: Stupid."

    What Ryan Actually Says About Medicare

    Newsbusters  "The far left has already started a campaign to misinform the public about Paul Ryan's views about Medicare and how he supposedly wants to destroy the program. (The irony, of course, is that President Obama actually reduced funding of the program by $700 billion as part of his healthcare law.)
    "Be that as it may, for those wondering what Ryan actually says about Medicare, National Review provides a helpful primer on the congressman's views, noting particularly that the newest Medicare proposal he's touting actually is quite a bit different from his older one:"
    Newsbusters links us to this article from National Review Online:
    The Return of Mediscare:  

    ....Any expert who looks at Ryan’s plan — any intelligent and fair-minded person, really — can tell you the actual worst-case scenario for how much more it could make beneficiaries pay: $0.
    The claim Axelrod and Messina are making is based on a hostile interpretation of an earlier version of Ryan’s proposal. Ryan has changed the proposal over the last year, however, and Romney has endorsed the new version. The Democratic criticism, applied to the new plan, is indisputably false.....
    "The Romney-Ryan proposal — which has the support of liberal Democratic senator Ron Wyden of Oregon — would let senior citizens choose a coverage plan provided either by the federal government or by a private company."
     Erskine Bowles says Ryan budget “sensible … honest, serious”   "Remember this when you start to hear the Obama campaign rip the Ryan budget as an unserious attempt to kill Medicare and allow rich people to feast on the bones of the poor.  Bowles has his own issues with Ryan’s plan (which at one point in the video below he calls “radical”), but Bowles acknowledges this as a good-faith effort to fix the structural crisis in American finances. "