Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Morale at CIA Plummets as Panetta Makes a Bad Situation Worse
Pajamas Media "Following previous scandals in the 70s and 80s, thousands of skilled analysts and operations specialists left Langley for greener pastures, leaving behind the hacks and politicians who presided over such intelligence debacles as 9-11."
Some important lessons from Ted Kennedy
Pajamas Media "Judge Bork recounts his incredulity at this tissue of malign fabrication. “It had simply never occurred to me that anybody could misrepresent my career and views as Kennedy did.” At the time, he notes, many people thought that Kennedy had blundered by emitting so flagrant, and flagrantly untrue, an attack. They were wrong."
Gazing at the Flag
Gazing at the Flag "Everyone there had a few tears hiding behind their smiles as this magnificent statue of PFC Tucker reaching out a hand to a young Iraqi girl was unveiled. It will sit on the corner of US Highway 97 until the new City Hall is built in the same location." Hat tip to Mudville Gazette
Saving the Obama Presidency
WSJ "By contrast, Mr. Obama's handling of the health-care debate—making villains out of cable television and insurance companies, questioning the motives of those who disagree, imposing artificial deadlines—suggests a rigidity typically associated with a lack of executive experience and responsibility."
Man collapses with ruptured appendix... three weeks after NHS doctors 'took it out'
London Daily Mail "'However, we would like to apologise if Mr Wattson felt dissatisfied with the care he received at Great Western Hospital.' " Fine; just don't let it happen again.
Liberal Lies in National Health Care: Second in a Series
Ann Coulter, Townhall "No wonder Democrats want to remind us that they can't be trusted with foreign policy. They want us to forget that they can't be trusted with domestic policy."
Remember ‘No Controlling Legal Authority’?
National Review= By Andrew C. McCarthy "The CIA probe shows once more that the law does not control this attorney general."
Is Glenn Beck Allowed to Believe Obama is a Racist?
American Thinker "“Glenn Beck Loses Advertisers Over ‘Racist’ Remark,” is the news headline the left is relishing in. The animation over Beck’s remarks in stating that he believes President Obama has a “deep-seated hatred for white people,” is a little curious on a couple of counts."
Ted Kennedy dead
American Thinker "Ted Kennedy was the poster boy for redemption by liberal politics -- the sense that many on the left have that no matter how badly they behave personally, they have a claim on virtue because they support liberal policies. By mobilizing the power of the state to take money away from some to cater to the needs of others, they suddenly become great humanitarians."
Democrats smear anti-health care reform protestors in Denver
American Thinker "An act of vandalism at the headquarters of the Colorado Democratic Party was initially blamed on anti-health care reform protestors by the state's Democratic party chairwoman.Unfortunately for her, the perps turned out to be liberal activists."
Tort Reform Is Key To Health Reform
IBD "A 2006 Harvard School of Public Health study found that four out of every 10 medical malpractice lawsuits filed in America each year were "without merit." Nonetheless, defending against such lawsuits imposes costs on doctors, hospitals and insurers that invariably are passed on to health care consumers.
Beyond the obvious costs of litigation, more subtle costs related to the practice of "defensive medicine" are contributing to runaway health care inflation."
SEIU's Andy Stern Named in Top Ten Most Powerful People in Healthcare
SEIU Straight from the union's magazine itself.
Boortz "The liberals have had their thongs in a wad for weeks over this column by Whole Foods CEO John Mackey. For those of you who missed it, Mackey wrote a column for the Wall Street Journal on August 11th that explained his free market plan for healthcare reform. Ever since then, liberals have been in a war against Mackey for daring to go against Barack Obama or stand against the political leanings of so many of his customers!" See, leftists shop at Whole Foods.
Labor Leader Named Head of New York Fed
Washington Post "Completing the move away from having people from the financial world lead the New York Fed board of directors, Lee C. Bollinger, the president of Columbia University, was named deputy chairman on Monday. "
Chappaquiddick: No Profile in Kennedy Courage
ABC News "How could he be one of most trusted members of Senate -- and they trusted his word as good as gold -- be an out of control frat boy most of his life?" he asked. "Life is complicated and people aren't as simple as we'd like them to be."
Obama vs. Obama
By Victor Davis Hanson "Actions often have unforeseen consequences. Throughout the campaign and the first few months of the new administration, Barack Obama adopted a number of personas and positions that only now may be coming back to haunt him. Or in the words of the right Reverend Wright the proverbial “chickens are coming home to roost.”"
Obama Administration Releases Names of Secret Terror Suspects
Gateway Pundit "Why would the Pentagon want to keep their names secret anyway?
"The Pentagon has previously said that providing information about these detainees could jeopardize counter-terrorism efforts."It would seem then, that Obama no longer cares about such efforts."
Cuban Generation Y Blogger Mocks Che T-shirt Wearers
Newsbusters "I am part of the counterculture, and the counterculture is growing, but it is very diverse. Maybe one thing we all have in common is that we don't wear Che T-shirts, like foreign kids who consider themselves counterculture do,'' she says. ``In Cuba, Che represents the government. In Cuba, only tourists and members of the Young Communist League wear Che shirts.''
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