Monday, September 6, 2021

Son of 9/11 victim tells Biden not to come to Ground Zero for 20-year memorial ceremonies

 Yahoo "The son of a victim of the Sept. 11 attacks condemned President Joe Biden as the "killer in chief" Monday and told him not to attend 20-year memorial ceremonies at Ground Zero.

"Biden displayed a lack of sympathy for the families of the 13 American service members killed in the attacks at Kabul's airport, said Nic Haros Jr., whose mother died on Sept. 11, 2001, at the World Trade Center.

" 'I am demanding that President Biden does not show his face at Ground Zero on 9/11," Haros said. "It is now holy ground, and I really don't think he has a place there."

" 'It's shameful for him, I think, to use the dead bodies as a political prop for his so-called victory lap. He is insensitive, and he shows no compassion to the families," he told Fox News. "No Joe, no victory. We are now in the Afghan War 2.0. Those resurrected victims kept America safe from harm all those years. Biden must not dishonor their grace and patriotism.' "...

Matt Gaetz Exonerated from 'Pile of Lies' After Man Charged with Extortion

Townhall "Florida Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz has been exonerated after 62-year-old Stephen Alford was recently indicted by the Department of Justice for extortion. 

"Stephen M. Alford did knowingly and willfully devise, and intent to devise, a scheme to defraud and for obtaining money and property by means of material false and fraudulent pretenses, representations, and promises, and for the promise of executing such scheme, did cause, and attempt to cause, a wire communication to be transmitted in interstate commerce," the indictment states.

"Earlier this year, Gaetz was adamant Alford was making false allegations of sexual misconduct against him in order to extort money from his successful and wealthy family." . . . 

American Education Is Rotten from Top to Bottom -

 My oldest brother, an exceptional high school principal, refused to pursue a doctorate in education — the key to becoming a school superintendent — because he thought the courses he took to get his Master's a waste of everyone's time.
CA teacher encouraged students to pledge gay pride flag:

American Thinker  "In reading the "overview" of Dr. Jill Biden's 2006 doctoral dissertation from the University of Delaware, I am reminded just how rotten, from top to bottom, are America's schools of graduate education.  That a doctor of anything could write a sentence like the one that follows speaks to the historic worthlessness of most graduate programs in education:

Three quarters of the class will be Caucasian; one quarter of the class will be African American; one seat will hold a Latino; and the remaining seats will be filled with students of Asian descent or non-resident aliens.

"An advisory committee had to approve this mumbo-jumbo. Apparently, none of the committee members noticed that when you add three fourths to one fourth, you've pretty much exhausted all the "fourths" available — all the seats as well.  Although the temptation is to write Dr. Jill's dissertation off to the power of political pull, her dissertation, from my experience, represents something of a norm in the illiteracy, innumeracy, and race obsession of grad-level education." . . .

Gender Ideology Run Amok - Imprimis (

How did we get to this point? How is it that we are all supposed to pretend that the only way you can know I’m a woman is if I tell you my pronouns? How did we get to an America in which a 13-year-old in the State of Washington can begin “gender affirming” therapy without her parents’ consent? How did we get to an America in which a 15-year-old in Oregon can undergo “top surgery”—elective double mastectomy—without her parents’ permission? And what can we do about it?

President Biden Press Conference | JEFF DUNHAM

 President Biden Press Conference | JEFF DUNHAM - YouTube

"Pickled press man, Bubba J and a disguised and disgruntled Wonald Grump have questions for the Biden Administration! These guys don’t relent until they get answers… sort of. Check out this Presidential presser that’s sure to get both sides talking!"

America's Dunkirk! This is the greatest loss of military equipment in warfare history: Victor Davis Hanson

This is the greatest loss of military equipment in warfare history: Hanson - YouTube

Just as Democrats strived for in the War Between the States; after thousands of deaths and fortunes spent, they tried to cease the war with no end to slavery, going back to all that this nation had before but with so many of that generation now dead and slavery still intact. Those who died would have died for nothing. TD

The Petraeus analogy goes only so far. The British exit from Dunkirk, partly on a flotilla of small civilian boats that transformed a humiliating defeat into a national parable of resilience, was followed four years later by the Allied invasion that freed Europe from repression. Afghans facing life under the Taliban can hope for no similar liberation.

 Afghanistan Digital Dunkirk: Veterans and volunteers are still working to evacuate Afghans. ( "This week, the head of the U.S. Central Command announced that the U.S. military’s withdrawal from Afghanistan was complete. But the volunteer effort to get people out, known as “Digital Dunkirk,” is still going. Matt Pelak, an Army veteran and National Guardsman who’s part of the effort, says “there are thousands of American citizens, passport holders, and green card holders still in Afghanistan.” He and his fellow volunteers are working around the clock to get people from one point to another, checking Slack channels and spreadsheets, fielding help requests on social media and via text, calling friends on the ground in Kabul to find out about Taliban checkpoints, and chartering private planes. On Thursday’s episode of What Next, I spoke to Pelak about the ongoing Afghanistan recovery effort and where military leaders and the Biden administration failed in the U.S. withdrawal. Our conversation has been condensed and edited for clarity." . . .

On that subject...Just how much military equipment was abandoned by the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) during the evacuation of Dunkirk? - Quora

British Equipment losses at Dunkirk and the situation post Dunkirk (

In the FX Series on the Clinton-Lewinsky Scandal, It’s Not Just the President Who’s Guilty

. . . "In many ways, the entire series functions as a kind of supervillain origin story, a study of how an obscure government employee — disgusted by what she sees as the Clintons’ low-class behavior — works her way into the fulcrum of a national scandal". . .  
Yahoo  "The chief sign of whether you’re a winner or a loser — a victim or a victor — is whether you get to write your own history. By those terms, in the 1990s, Monica Lewinsky was a victim through and through. Her affair with President Bill Clinton, once exposed, made her a pawn to those who wanted to take Clinton down, a threat to those who wanted to keep him in power, a lurid fascination to the media, a joke that fed successive evenings of ugly entertainment. Everyone knew her name, and nearly everyone was implicated in her public shaming. The idea that she was human, with feelings and opinions, seldom made it into the narrative.

"In 2021, Lewinsky is fully in charge of her story, thanks to a reputation rehab that began with a Vanity Fair essay in 2014 and worked its way to the pinnacle of modern-day storytelling: a 10-part, star-studded miniseries on prestige TV. “Impeachment: American Crime Story,” which premieres this week on FX, is a production of Ryan Murphy, the creator of “Glee” and “American Horror Story,” who also retold the O.J. Simpson trial for an audience with a fresh perspective.". . .  

"The US has gone mad!"

 Biden cannot be believed at any time. From YouTube

Sky News host Sharri Markson says US President Joe Biden is claiming his Afghanistan exit as a victory, however it is not.

“This was no victory,” Ms Markson said.

"As we come up to the 20th anniversary of 9/11, instead of us looking back from a position of safety and security, suddenly Islamic terror is reenergised. "The US has gone mad." Ms Markson said global terror “is at large once again”.