Friday, October 16, 2020

Court refuses to reinstate student government leader removed for Catholic beliefs: It would trigger people

WND  "Jack Denton will get back his salary as student senate president for the remaining few weeks of his term. What he won’t get back is his job as student senate president.

A federal court refused to reinstate the Florida State University student to the position he was removed from because of his Catholic beliefs, saying it “could produce tumult and chaos.”

"U.S. District Judge Allen Winsor essentially ratified the heckler’s veto issued by the student government when it removed Denton (above) and refused to let him appeal his removal.

“ 'Some might say this only rewards the senate for its discriminatory and retaliatory action—that it allows students to ‘get away’ with violating Denton’s First Amendment rights,” Winsor wrote Thursday. “There is something to this point, to be sure. But the public interest considerations involve more than simply righting a wrong.”

"Because so many of Denton’s colleagues loathe him for stating Catholic beliefs in a private Catholic group chat, it’s unlikely the senate “could function well enough to deliver” on its duty to allocate student activity fees to student groups." . . .Full article here

Flynn’s Lawyer Files Motion to Demand Judge Sullivan Disqualification

1776 Coalition : Lawyer appointed by Judge Sullivan to ...

 Denise Simon "Sidney Powell, the defense lawyer for Michael Flynn on Wednesday formally demanded the disqualification of U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan. Her position is that Judge Sullivan is “irreparably biased”. One would have to agree if they listened to the hearing last week, as she went on in her filing to include: Sullivan’s “contempt and disdain for the defense was palpable” at a hearing last week.

"During the hearing, Judge Sullivan even referenced President Trump’s tweets regarding the case and asked the defense team if he is supposed to consider those tweets in his decisions. This man is a judge…and he cant figure that out?

"Then there is the matter of Judge Sullivan’s surrogate. At one point he said: “If the executive wants to take Michael Flynn off the hook, he can pardon him”. It should be noted too that Judge Sullivan demanded to know if Sidney Powell has had conversations with President Trump. None of his business, right? When she responded with ‘yes’, Judge Sullivan demanded to know about the details of those conversations to which Ms. Powell replied, that those conversations are privileged. He told her they are not privileged as she is not a government employee….well she had to correct the Judge once again that many interactions with the President are privileged regardless of the employer. Powell did tell the court that she told President Trump to NOT issue a pardon to General Flynn, at Flynn’s request.

"Crazy eh?

"Sidney Powell’s Motion to Disqualify Judge Emmet Sullivan and Other Relief is found here.

"It is 82 pages. Just for reference, here is part of the Index of the Motion:


1. Judge Sullivan’s Immediate Disqualification is Mandatory………………………….

2. Judge Sullivan’s Prejudicial Statements and Conduct Have Become Increasingly Shrill,   Unprecedented, and Prejudicial—and Apparently Influenced by Extra-Judicial Sources……………………………………………………………………………….4

a.His false and defamatory comments at the December 18, 2018 hearing echoed those of Rachel Maddow……………………….4

b.Judge Sullivan issued an order inviting anyone to participate as amicus after receiving an email from Robbins Russell firm on behalf of Former Watergate Prosecutors……………….5

c.Judge Sullivan read John Gleeson’s WaPo op-ed and adopted the procedure recommended therein to delay and derail the government’s motion to dismiss………………………………………………………………..6

"Powell has also included in the motion tweets, citations and evidence including that from DNI John Ratcliffe.

"It is suggested to the reader to review her motion page by page. It is fascinating reading including her last sentence of the motion:  "The appearance of bias here is terrifying and mandates disqualification."

Democrat Proposing To His Girlfriend Says He Won't Reveal Position On Adultery Until After The Wedding

 CNN-ish Babylon Bee   WASHINGTON, D.C.—According to anonymous sources, local liberal man Penn Millikers proposed to his girlfriend but has refused to reveal his position on adultery until after the wedding is over.

"The staunch Democrat said he wants the woman to marry him but won't reveal his position on adultery until the marriage is finalized.

" 'Listen, I love you, babe, but you don't deserve to know what I think about adultery until you say 'I do,'" he told her during a romantic dinner just after he proposed. 

" 'No matter how many times his girlfriend asked, Millikers refused to give a straight answer," said the anonymous source. "He said something like: 'Lookie here, Jill! If I tell you right now whether or not I plan to remain faithful to you, that would become the story! This is just a distraction! I think it's better to just get married first with no prenup. Then I'll tell you what I plan to do.'"

"Other things he refuses to reveal his position on include taking showers, putting socks in the hamper, going out drinking with the boys every night, and watching sports all day while he ignores his family.

" 'You'll find out my positions on these issues once we are married.' "

Fact-Check THIS, Twitter: At ABC Town Hall Joe Biden Says “Boilermakers Overwhelmingly Endorse Me” — But Boilermakers Endorse Trump

 The Gateway Pundit  "Last night Joe Biden told George Stephanopoulos at his ABC town hall and love fest that the boilermakers support him. 

"Old Joe told this open lie to George Stephanopoulos who refused to correct him."

"But of course this is a lie.
"The boilermakers overwhelmingly support President Donald Trump who actually brought their jobs back to the Rust Belt.

"Why would they support Joe Biden when they ALL know Joe Biden will ship their jobs and livelihood to China?
–Like he did for 47 years!

"Local 154 in Pittsburgh endorsed President Trump in September."

Biden’s Town Hall Answer on Police Reform Is So Ignorant, It’s Scary  . . . "One of his responses was just so incredibly clueless, it was more than a little troubling and makes one really afraid if this guy were to get into the White House.

"He was talking about his ideas on police reform, saying that police should deescalate situations. One way they can deescalate, he claimed, was that if “someone was coming at you” that you should “shoot ’em in the leg” rather than shoot to kill." . . .

Facebook and Twitter Cross a Line Far More Dangerous Than What They Censor

Senate Republicans Calls On Twitter, Facebook Bosses To Testify After Censorship Over NY Post’s Biden Story  . . . "Republican Sens. Ted Cruz, Lindsey Graham and Josh Hawley on Thursday called on the heads of Twitter and Facebook to testify, and said a subpoena was in the works, as critics claimed the social media platforms have been censoring reporting critical of Democrats." . . .

Behind the social-media blackout of Biden family corruption   "Hunter Biden is now the subject of multiple stories involving serious corruption. Whether he committed any crimes is a question for prosecutors and the courts. Whether he was paid handsomely for his family’s political clout is a question for voters.

"You wouldn’t know that from ABC’s pathetic town hall with his father Joe Biden on Thursday night. They spoke with him for 90 minutes and didn’t ask a single question about the shocking emails published by the New York Post. That’s either journalistic malpractice or public-relations work. After all, the emails raise profound questions that the candidate needs to answer. They appear to show his son, Hunter, repeatedly using his last name to fill his pockets." . . .

Facebook and Twitter Cross a Line Far More Dangerous Than What They Censor  "Just weeks before the election, the tech giants unite to block access to incriminating reporting about their preferred candidate."
In his New York Times op-ed last October, the left-wing expert on monopoly power Matt Stoller described Facebook and Google as “global monopolies sitting astride public discourse,” and recounted how bipartisan policy and legal changes designed to whittle away antitrust protections have bestowed the two tech giants with “a radical centralization of power over the flow of information.” And he warns that this unprecedented consolidation of control over our discourse is close to triggering “the collapse of journalism and democracy.”

Never forget the evil that has penetrated the Democrat Party: 'This Has Destroyed My Family'

“This has destroyed my family and my good name,” Kavanaugh said in his prepared statement at the hearing. “There has been a frenzy on the left to come up with something, anything to block my confirmation.”

'This Has Destroyed My Family': Never Forget Kamala Harris Tried To Ruin Brett Kavanaugh  "There are plenty of reasons California Sen. Kamala Harris is unfit to be Joe Biden’s running mate — a position that carries the real possibility of her becoming president sooner rather than later if the presumptive Democratic nominee is elected. One of them is how she tried to destroy Brett Kavanaugh during his Supreme Court confirmation hearings in 2018.

"Given the fact that the Democrats’ treatment of Kavanaugh during the process briefly energized Republicans in the period before the 2018 midterms, it’s something the White House is eager to revisit. On Tuesday, President Donald Trump told reporters Harris had been “extraordinarily nasty” to the nominee.

“ 'I thought she was the meanest, most horrible, most disrespectful of anyone in the Senate,” Trump said, according to the New York Post.

“ 'It was just a horrible thing the way she treated now-Justice Kavanaugh, and I won’t forget that soon.” . . .

Check out Cory Booker and Kamala Harris laughing at each other during Kavanaugh testimony  . . . "Yea somehow, Kamala Harris and Cory “Spartacus” Booker find the whole thing funny and a joke. The only jokes are the Senators, like Booker, Harris, Feinstein, etc that have dragged this thing out for as far as they can. If you are a sitting senator, try and take your job seriously for once in your life. You are paid $174,000 per year at the tax payer’s expense."
 You get rich once you go to the senate with all the corrupt backroom deals you cut. Is taking your job seriously, especially in this situation too much to ask?"

. . . "The meme, first posted by a right-wing page called “The Great American Movement,” shows a compilation of photos of Democratic figures posing with children of Soros, the Jewish-American hedge-funder and Democratic megadonor. The Democrats include Sen. Kamala Harris, the vice presidential nominee; Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi; and Hillary Clinton, the 2016 presidential nominee.
"A caption reads, “Who is really running the Democrat Party? …The Soros family. The original post also says, “George Soros is training his family to carry on his evil legacy…”