Like Beto O'Rourke, our guilt has led us into so much silliness...and even into serious destruction by trolling gullible liberals into thinking a particular statue or monument is offensive. The ignorant susceptibles may cause us to look back in laughter, embarrassment, or worse, disgust at what our virtue-signaling has wrought, yet one has to be concerned for this generation and the damage they seem to be doing to our nation. TD
On the Internet, the 2016 elections have been characterized by fake news, meme warfare and rampant misinformation. . . . "From the earliest days of his campaign, Donald Trump has been buoyed by a contingent of 4chan devotees who pass around memes, swastikas and campaign slogans with the same winking irreverence. Their pursuit of lulz is explicit: They trend hashtags like #Repealthe19thand #DraftOurDaughters to “trigger” feminists; they juxtapose Stars of David with pictures of Clinton to — in the word’s of one troll’s Twitter bio — “offend you if you are Liberal, Politically Correct, Feminist, Democrat or Piers Morgan.”
"With the election looming, the viral fakery has received unprecedented attention from politicians and the media." . . .
4chan trolling turned the OK sign into a symbol of hate
. . . "Claims that the “Ok” hand gesture are in fact a “white power” signal may have started as an online troll, but they’ve periodically swept social media ever since President Donald Trump took office. And on 4 September 2018, accusations flooded the online world when a White House lawyer was seen sitting behind Judge Brett Kavanaugh during his Supreme Court confirmation hearing with her right hand making what some viewers interpreted as the “white power” gesture: . . ."
Now we can see who would vote for a skateboarding politician that begs forgiveness just for breathing unprivileged people's air. TD
On the Internet, the 2016 elections have been characterized by fake news, meme warfare and rampant misinformation. . . . "From the earliest days of his campaign, Donald Trump has been buoyed by a contingent of 4chan devotees who pass around memes, swastikas and campaign slogans with the same winking irreverence. Their pursuit of lulz is explicit: They trend hashtags like #Repealthe19thand #DraftOurDaughters to “trigger” feminists; they juxtapose Stars of David with pictures of Clinton to — in the word’s of one troll’s Twitter bio — “offend you if you are Liberal, Politically Correct, Feminist, Democrat or Piers Morgan.”
"With the election looming, the viral fakery has received unprecedented attention from politicians and the media." . . .
4chan trolling turned the OK sign into a symbol of hate
. . . In February 2017, 4chan users started the hoax "Operation O-KKK," a call to spread the sign around the internet and claim it as a symbol of white supremacy. The anonymous 4channer who started it added a graphic demonstrating how the gesture could spell out the letters WP for "white power." The same month, Media Matters for America accused Gateway Pundit founder Jim Hoft, who made the gesture in a photograph in the White House press briefing room, of using a "hate symbol."
"Leftists have dug so deep down in their lunacy, we must force [them] to dig more," the 4channer wrote in their post. "Until the rest of society ain't going anywhere near that s**t." Just look at the documentation.